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Basics of the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics (Qin Xuan, Xu Hongzhi)

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Basics of the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
AuthorQin Xuan, Xu Hongzhi
Translated byYang Xu
Original languageChinese
PublisherCanut International Publishers
First published2018-01-15


The book we present is written by the most prominent researchers of Marxism in China, and reviewed by Qin Xuan and Xu Zhihong the two se- nior scholars of Renmin University. In 14 chapters they have demonstrated the most important component parts of the CPC’s socialism building con- cept in the Chinese particlarity, which is a meta-system theory, with inter- related sub-theories. At the time when Deng Xiaoping proposed this new concept which emphasized Chinese particularity, he has added new mean- ings to it, when compared with Mao Zedong’s understanding of applying Marxism to Chinese conditions: he strived to thoroughly revise the preva- lent concepts of socialism building and open a new chapter in the history of socialist movement in regards, how to define and build socialism in China. It was a tremendously hard task, when the trials in the eastern European countries were still in development and exploration, especially when the Soviet model of socialism building established by Stalin was deemed as the only universally applicable one, except the Yugoslavian model. The CPC when choosing this term has given a clear signal that each socialist or com- munist party should better determine its own path in building socialism, and external interference wouldn’t be favorable.

The meta-theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics has been grad- ually improved with the development of social practice and times, and is still in development, but its essence and ultimate goal remain the same. It has made great breakthroughs in the cognition of socialism and socialism building and in the aspect of how socialism relates with capitalism and how it step by step dialectically sublates it.

This academically processed but easily readable book will give the read- er a comprehensive understanding of this theory and enable them to com- pare the previous cognition of socialism and socialism building with the current one.

Editor's Note

In 2007, the 17" National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made clear that our party will persist in following the important stra- i tegic thought of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of the i ‘Three Represents’ and the Scientific Concept of Development which was formed by theoretical and practical innovation, generally referred to as the “Theoretical System of Chinese Socialism” and stressed: the report stated: “In contemporary China, to stay true to Marxism means to adhere [| to the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics.” Since = the 17" National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the | CPC Central Committee has done a scientific deployment of how to cul- tivate the builders and successors who will hold high the cause of social- ism with Chinese characteristics and on how to use theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, to educate the leaders of the youth across the country. The high-level Office for The Marxist Theory Research and Construction Project pays meticulous and consistent efforts to prepare all kinds of cognitive learning materials, which will reflect and expound on the brand new academic achievements attained in the study of Chinese Marxism. Among them, the textbook “Mao Zedong Thought and The Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics,” has been a unique work which has been highly praised by readers from all walks of people, promising young people including college students. By courtesy of the ministry of education, colleges and universities across the country have made great contributions and achievements in transform- ing the rich contents of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics into teaching materials, a part of which can be utilized in schools. This book—The Basics of the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics—we present to readers was prepared by the most prominent scholars of the subject from the Marxism School of the Renmin University of China especially designed for college students. Throughout the writing and editing of this book, we have both enjoyed the advantage of certain comprehension basis, and a certain degree of difficulty, certain com- prehension basis as an advantage, firstly because we had already edited the “Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory”, “Introduction to the Important Thought of Three Represents”, since their publication in 2003, the titles were re-published for dozens of times, and the aggregate print of them has nearly reached 3 million, most of which have reached the readers. Secondly, the writers of this textbook are all in the front line of teaching and research, they have a certain degree of research accretion on the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and have abundant teaching experi- ence on the subject. Thirdly, the academic community has made abundant research on “Deng Xiaoping Theory”, and on the “Important Thought of Three Represents” and also on “The Scientific Concept of Development” and other major strategic thoughts, which are component parts of the theo- retical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and have produced numerous precious research results. These above favorable conditions have laid a virtuous foundation in the writing and editing of this book.

We have faced a certain degree of difficulty, firstly because the theoreti- cal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics still encounters enrich- ment and perfection. The academic circles have different understandings of its theme, its historical starting point, main content and the logical structure of this theoretical system. There still exist differences in the understanding and interpretation of many major issues regarding it. Secondly, we have encountered a considerable difficulties, as in the following, how to break through the previous framework of Deng Xiaoping Theory and unify the three strategic thoughts of —Deng Xiaoping Theory, Important Thought of Three Represents, and The Scientific Concept of Development—and inte- grate them into one and same book, because all the three not only represent major theoretical achievements having their own unique characteristics, but also have succession and development relations among them, besides they follow the same strain and have included successive times character- istics. Thirdly, since the 17 National Congress of the CPC, our party’s understanding on the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese charac- teristics was further deepened, and many new propositions have been put forward. As Comrade Hu Jintao in his speech at the commemoration of the 90" anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, has put forward and summarized a new conception of “the socialist system with Chinese characteristics”, also the 6" Plenary Session of the 17" Central Committee of the CPC put forward the proposition of “the path of socialist cultural development with Chinese characteristics.” Regarding these new propositions, the academic community also lacks in-depth research, our un- derstanding is not accurate, yet, which is also a major problem encountered in the preparation of teaching materials. The textbook is the crystallization of collective wisdom, including the designing of its outline, the final draft to be published has been the result of collective deliberation.Scholars from the School of Marxism ‘attached to Renmin University of China who have contributed to this book include Prof. Xu Zhihong (edited Chapter II and V), Prof. Qin Xuan (Chapter I and VID), Prof. Yang Fengcheng (Chapter XI and XIV), Prof. Huang Jifeng (Chapter II and [X), Prof. Wang Xiangming (Chapter VIII and X), Prof. Qi Pengfei (Chapter XII and XIII), Prof. Zhang Xin (Chapter IV, and VI).

The book was finally reviewed. by Professor Xu Zhihong and Professor Qin Xuan. We are grateful to Prof. He Yaomin, the President of the Renmin University Press, and Prof. Zhou Weihua, the editor-in-chief of the Renmin University Press, who have paid great attention to the to the compilation and publication, and to Guo Xiaoming, the head of the public administra- tion department, who has paid a lot of hard work for this book. Our starting point and innermost desire has been preparing a comprehensive and ac- curate book that will comprehensively and accurately reflect the theoreti- cal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Objectively speaking, such a complex work can never be perfect, cannot avoid certain shortcom- ings and deficiencies. We sincerely welcome criticism, from all quarters, including all aspects, so that we can make it more perfect in future editions.

Formation and Development of the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

Social and historical conditions behind the formation of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics

First, the historical basis: evaluating the positive and negative aspects of socialist construction experiences

The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is formed and developed on the basis of the Party’s summarizing and absorb- ing the historical experience of our socialist development and drawing les- sons from other socialist countries. Since the beginning of the new period, our Party has attached great importance to the summary of historical expe- rience. In the 3 Plenary Session of the 11% CPC Central Committee, the Party seriously summed up the positive and negative experiences, drew lessons from the “Cultural Revolution”, restored the ideological line of Marxism, and resolutely made the major historical choice of transferring the work center of the Party and the state to the economic construction and carrying out the reform and opening up. The 6" Plenary Session of the 11" CPC Central Committee adopted The Resolution on Some Historical Issues of the Party Since the Founding of the PRC through which the Party conscientiously cleared up major historical rights and wrongs and adhered to and inherited all the positive achievements made by our Party in the practice of the long-term socialist construction, marking the completion of the Party’s bringing order out of chaos in the ideological line, political line and organizational line. In the process of reform and opening up and modernization construction, our Party earnestly draws lessons from other

countries, especially the Soviet union, eastern Europe and other socialist countries, which provides an important reference for the better develop- ment of the socialism with Chinese characteristics. As Deng Xiaoping said: if there was no profound summarization of historical experience and les- sons, “It would be impossible to formulate the ideological line, the basic line, politics, organizational lines and a series of policies we have estab- lished since the 3 Plenary Session of the 11% CPC Central Committee.”'

It can be said that the development and expansion of the socialist path with -

Chinese characteristics and the formation and development of the theoreti- cal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics are inseparable from our Party’s adeptness and efforts in summing up and absorbing the positive and negative experiences.

Second, the basis of establishment: Basic national conditions of China in the primary stage of socialism

Accurately grasping the basic national conditions of the primary stage of socialism in China is the fundamental starting point for our Party to promote the theoretical innovation and formulate the correct line, guideline and policy. In the 13 CPC National Congress, the Party expounded the is- sue of the primary stage of socialism in a systematic way and emphasized the need to fully understand the long-term, arduous and complex nature of the socialist construction and to constantly enhance the consciousness of starting from the reality that China is in the primary stage of socialism. This issue was reiterated in the 14", 15" and 16 CPC National Congress which stressed that we should not proceed from the subjective wishes, from the various foreign modes, but from the biggest reality that China is in the primary stage of socialism in doing things, making decisions and thinking about issues.

It was further emphasized in the 17" CPC National Congress that the basic national conditions of our country that it is still in the primary stage of socialism and the principal contradiction between the increasing mate- rial and cultural needs of the people and the backward social production remain unchanged. We shall recognize this basic national condition, grasp the phase characteristics of the century and new phase, and take it as the fundamental basis of advancing the reform and planning the development. It can be said that during the reform and opening up for more than 30 years, our Party’s theory, line, guideline and policy are correct and play a huge role in promoting the social development and progress in practice because they are based on the realities of the primary stage of socialism and on the sober understanding and accurate grasp of the basic national conditions and stage characteristics of this primary stage.

Third, the realistic basis: the party leadership sets things right and starts the vivid practice of opening-up and modernization

Reform and opening up is the main theme of contemporary China, the only way to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and also the important foundation for the development of the theoretical system of so- cialism with Chinese characteristics. Since the reform and opening up for more than 30 years, the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese char- acteristics has deepened and enriched with the deepening practice. From the rural reform to urban reform, from the economic system reform to various system reforms, from the establishment of the special economic zone and the opening of the coastal cities to the opening of the inland border cities, the cities along the river and the provincial capitals, from the proposal of the planned commodity economy to the establishment of the socialist market economy, from grasping the two links of material civilization and spiritual civilization to comprehensively promoting the modernization construction in accordance with the “Four-in-one” overall layout, and from strengthen- ing and improving the Party’s leadership to comprehensively promoting the new great project of the Party’s construction, our Party has continuously studied and resolved the new contradictions and problems in advancement and vested the new connotations of the age and practical requirements in the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It can be said that whenever the reform and opening up advances by one step, our Party’s understanding of socialism with Chinese characteristics can be deepened and the enrichment and development of this theoretical system can be pro- moted. The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is vigorous because it is the scientific theory rooted in the great practice of the reform and opening up.

Fourth, the source of power was the rich and creative experience of the people

Insisting on summarizing experience and absorbing wisdom from the vivid practice of the people is an important way to develop the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Deng Xiaoping said that many things in the reform and opening up were put forward by the masses in practice and embodied the wisdom of the masses. Jiang Zemin said that a good solution does not fall from heaven nor is it inherent in our minds, in the final analysis correct theories come from the people’s practice of creat- ing history. Hu Jintao pointed out: “Respecting the people’s practice and drawing ideological nutrition from the people’s great creation and elevating it to a theoretical form are the inexhaustible sources of our party’s theoreti- cal innovation.”

Much of the experience in reform and innovation during the past more Section II than 30 years of reform and opening up has come from the grassroots level and the masses of people. Our Party has always been adhering to the Marxist ideological line “from the masses, to the masses”, enthusiastically support- ing, encouraging, protecting and guiding the great creation of the people, : and profoundly summing up the practical experience of the people, from : First, the preliminary exploration of the path of socialism with which the laws of the socialist modernization construction can be mastered : Chinese characteristics by the CPC

and the Marxist theoretical innovation can be constantly promoted. It can be said that the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is formed and developed due to our party’s effort to closely rely on the people, widely mobilize the people’s enthusiasm, initiative and creativity and gather strength and wisdom from the people.

Fifth, the background: the profound changes in the international situation and the new trends in world development China has experienced a long process of exploration, choice and struggle before embarking on the socialist path

Since the 1970s, great changes have taken place in the whole world, and the intensity and profundity of these changes is far beyond the expectation. The most significant change is that peace and development have become the theme of the times, the trend of world multi-polarization and economic globalization has developed in an accelerating way, and the competition in the comprehensive national strength is becoming increasingly fierce. In particular, the new science and technology revolution and the following wide applications of the great science and technology discoveries and inventions have promoted the unprecedented profound changes in production mode, way of life and economic society all over the world and also unprecedented major changes in the global economic pattern, interest pattern and security pattern. In the face of such profound and major changes our Party should constantly emancipate the mind and vigorously promote theoretical innovation and then the new development of the cause so as to better solve the new issues and meet the new challenges raised by the times and usher in new situations for the development of the party and the people. It can be said that the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, including Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of “Three Represents”, the scientific outlook on development and other ma- jor strategic thoughts, is formed and developed on the basis of our Party’s effort to follow the world development trend, draw on the experience and lessons from the ups and downs of other countries and critically absorb all the civilization achievements created by human society.

Stages in the development of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics

First, the preliminary exploration of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics by the CPC

It is pointed out in the 17 CPC National Congress that the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the scientific theoreti- cal system that includes Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of “Three Represents”, the scientific outlook on development and other major strategic thoughts.

China has experienced a long process of exploration, choice and struggle before embarking on the socialist path. Since modern times, the Chinese nation has faced two historical tasks: one is to seek the national independence and people’s liberation; the other is to realize the national prosperity and mighty and people’s affluence. After the opium war, China was reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country. In order to save the nation from peril, the Chinese people made a long-term exploration and strenuous struggle, including the Westernization Movement, the Hundred Days’ Reform, Taiping Rebellion led by Hong Xiuquan, the Boxer Rebellion and the Revolution of 1911 led by Sun Yat-sen, which all ended in failure. And the social nature of China as a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society and the people’s miserable fate remain unchanged, for which a fundamental reason is that no scientific theoretical guidance is provided. The advanced Chinese have tried various ideological weapons in order to seek the way of saving the country and their people. After making the fierce struggle and difficult choices, Marxism gradually took root in Chinese society because of its popularity among the progressive youth and even the Chinese people. It is the history that has chosen Marxism and it is Marxism that has profoundly changed the fate of China. Mao Zedong points out that the Chinese people have turned from the passive status into the active status and created a new outlook of Chinese revolution since the introduction of Marxism-Leninism. Thanks to the guidance of Marxism, the repeated com- parison and profound thinking, and especially the influence of the Russian “October Revolution”, the advanced Chinese have made a clear choice of the scientific socialist path. The founding of the Communist Party of China in 1921 ushered in a new era of the Chinese revolution. At the begin- ning of the founding, our Party made it clear that the ultimate direction of the democratic revolution led by it is socialism. Under the leadership of the Party and Mao Zedong, our Party founded Mao Zedong Thought and Opened up a revolution path that was in line with the realities in China by combining the Marxism-Leninism and China’s realities and overcoming the erroneous tendency to dogmatize Marxism and sanctify the resolutions of the Communist International and the experience of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union that enjoyed great popularity at one time. After 28 years of arduous struggle, the Communist Party of China overthrew the three big mountains (imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism), won the New Democratic Revolution, and founded the New China, which indicated the realization of the national independence and people’s liberation that several generations of Chinese dreamed about since the modern times and the completion of the first historical task of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

During the 28 years between the founding of the New China and the end of the “Cultural Revolution”, the Party’s first collective leadership, with Mao Zedong as the core, led the whole party and people of all ethnic groups throughout the country to rapidly heal the trauma of the war and restore the national economy, and then to propose the general line in the transition period, carry out the socialist transformation, and establish the basic sys- tem of socialism without losing any time, resulting in the realization of the most profound and greatest social transformation in China. However, how to build socialism is a brand new exploration for our Party. Mao Zedong said at that time that we should realize “the second combination” of the basic principle of Marxism-Leninism and the concrete realities of China, and find out the correct way of socialist construction in China. Some impor- tant ideas on the socialist construction in China, concerning the economy, politics, culture, national defense, diplomacy and other aspects, were put forward in Mao Zedong’s Zen Major Relationships, Issues on Correctly Handling the Contradictions among the People and other works, and the documents of the 8 CPC National Congress, which marked the beginning of our Party to independently explore the socialist construction path suit- able for our country’s national conditions. Under the leadership of the Party and Mao Zedong, China has gradually established an independent, rela- tively complete industrial system and national economic system, and accu- mulated important experience in socialist construction. As a new subject in the Marxism and socialism development history, the socialist construction in such a backward eastern country in China was doomed to experience errors and setbacks, given the lack of regular understanding on how to com- bine the socialist path with the national conditions and the influence of the complex international environment at that time. These errors and setback have left deep historical experience and lessons and China paid a huge price for them.

Our Party’s victory in the revolution and exploration of the socialist construction path in China under Mao Zedong’s leadership provided the fundamental political premise and institutional foundation for all the devel- opment and progress in contemporary China, and exerted a profound influ- ence on the opening up and emergence of the socialist path with Chinese characteristics. As indicated in the 17" CPC National Congress, we must always bear in mind that the great cause of reform and opening up is based on the valuable experience of the Party’s first collective leadership with Mao Zedong as the core in leading the whole Party and people of all eth- nic groups throughout the country to build the New China, make the great achievements in the socialist revolution and construction and explore the laws of socialist construction.

Second, The initial formation of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics

When the “Cultural Revolution” came to an end in 1976, what stood in front of our Party was the China with many things waiting to be done and an urgent problem about whether China continued adhering to the wrong line in the “Cultural Revolution” period or opened up a new path reflecting the trend of the times and the China’s conditions by getting rid of the “left- ist” ideological shackles. The 3 Plenary Session of the 11% CPC Central Committee held at the end of 1978 re-established the Party’s ideological line, political line and organization line, which brought order out of chaos in the guiding ideology and initiated a new exploration of socialist con- struction. It is in this session when the Party’s second central collective leadership with Deng Xiaoping as the core was formed, which marked the entry of our country into the new period of socialist modernization con- struction. In the new historical period, Deng Xiaoping was keenly aware that the Marxism we adhere to is the science and truth and that the social- ist system established in our country is a good system, but the question is: what is Marxism, how can we uphold Marxism what is socialism and how can we build socialism, of which our understanding was not completely clear enough in the past. Our experience is rich enough, but what matters most is to clarify this question. Hence, at the beginning of the new period, our party insisted on combining Marxism with China’s realities, and car- ried out the in-depth theoretical exploration on how to build socialism in economically and culturally backward countries like China, marking the initiation of the new course of localized Marxism in China. In September 1982, Deng Xiaoping made it clear in the opening speech of the 12% CPC National Congress that “we should take our own path and build socialism with Chinese characteristics”. The proposition of this important conclusion _ Points out the direction of our Party’s theoretical and practical exploration _ In the new period.

From 1978 to 1992, our Party, under Deng Xiaoping’s leadership, com- bined the basic principles of Marxism with the specific realities of China and the features of the times, put forward a series of creative ideas, and initially formed the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese charac- teristics. Deng Xiaoping, based on the new changes of the world situation,

clearly argued that “peace and development are two major problems of the .

contemporary world”, and that it was one of the three tasks in the new pe-

riod to oppose hegemonism and safeguard world peace; he also emphasized -

that we must insist on the basic line that takes the economic construction as the center and upholds the Four Cardinal Principles and reform and opening up, and establish the modernized socialist country of prosperity, democ- racy and civilization by “three steps”, given China’s national condition that China is and will be in the primary stage of socialism in the long run when the essential task is to develop the productivity; he also underscored that science and technology are the primary productive force and their modern- ization is the key to realizing the modernization of China, considering their new development situation in the world; that we should develop the social- ist democracy and construct the socialist legal system because there would be no socialism nor the socialist modernization if no democracy exists, and that we should grasp both the material and spiritual civilization with equal importance attached to each because the good development of the two is the real socialism with Chinese characteristics, since the socialism is the requirement of the society with an all-around development; that the social- ism can also adopt the market economy since both the plan and the market are the means rather than the essential difference between socialism and capitalism, according to the development law of the world economy and China’s realities; that we should construct a modern, strong and regular- ized revolutionary army and unswervingly take the path of fewer but bet- ter troops with Chinese characteristics, given the new requirements of the world military reform; that we should combine the Marxist theory of the state with the concrete realities of China, and propose solving the problems of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in accordance with the concept of “One Country, Two Systems”; that the key to China’s problems is the Party and we should thus concentrate on Party’s construction and make our Party a Marxist one with fighting capacity and a strong core that leads the whole nation in constructing the socialist modernization, according to the change of the Party’s historical orientation.

In the 13 CPC National Congress held in 1987, the theory of the primary stage of socialism was expounded in a systematic way, the Party’s basic line in this stage was proposed, the modernization goal of “being prosperous, democratic and civilized” was established, and the development strategy of realizing the modernization by three steps until the middle of the 21*

century was formulated. It was clearly indicated in this congress that the combination of Marxism with China’s practice experienced two great leaps. The first one occurred in the period of the new democratic revolution when the Chinese communists finally found the revolutionary path with Chinese characteristics and led the revolution to victory due to the repeatedly ex- ploration and the summary of experience in the successes and failures. The second one occurred when the Chinese communists began to find a way to build socialism with Chinese characteristics after the 3°? Plenary Session of the 11% CPC Central Committee by summing up the positive and nega- tive experience during the past more than 30 years since the founding of China and studying the international experience and world situation, which opened up a new stage of socialist construction. In the report of the 13° CPC National Congress, the new theoretical ideas proposed by our Party in the process of paving the socialist path with Chinese characteristics are reduced into 12 articles which constitute the outline and mark the initial for- mation of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Deng Xiaoping made a southern speech in 1992 in which he summed up a series of major issues concerning the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and proposed that the basic line should be kept for a hundred years, the criteria for judging all aspects of work should be “Three Favorables”, and that the essence of socialism is to liberate and develop the productive forces, eliminate exploitation and polarization between the rich and poor, and finally achieve the common prosperity. This speech boosted the ideological emancipation of the whole Party and Chinese people and ad- vanced the cause of reform and opening up. In 1992, the 14" CPC National Congress made a summary of the new idea of the theoretical innovations of our Party during the period when Deng Xiaoping reigned, which was called “Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteris- tics”. In 1997, the 15" CPC National Congress made a further summary and discussion on it and named it “Deng Xiaoping Theory”, which was included into the Party Constitution as the guiding ideology.

Third, the further development of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics

Socialism encountered unprecedented sharp challenges in the world after the 13" CPC National Congress: the drastic changes in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. These events that shocked the world are the most serious and profound cri- ses when socialism turned from the theory into practice. The same situation happened domestically in the course of reform and development: political turmoil occurred; the economy was overheated and had to be improved and rectified; in terms of the system reform, no significant breakthrough Was made in state-owned enterprises, and a dual system existed for a long Socialism encountered unprecedented sharp challenges in the world after the 13" CPC National Congress: the drastic changes in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and the disintegration of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. These events that shocked the world are the most serious and profound cri- ses when socialism turned from the theory into practice. The same situation happened domestically in the course of reform and development: political turmoil occurred; the economy was overheated and had to be improved and rectified; in terms of the system reform, no significant breakthrough Was made in state-owned enterprises, and a dual system existed for a long

time with serious contradictions and loopholes due to the lagging reform in the state tax system, financial system and price system. The whole situa- tion was rather grim. In June 1989, the 4% Plenary Session of the 13" CPC Central Committee elected Jiang Zemin as the General Secretary of the Central Committee, and formed the third CPC collective leadership with

Jiang Zemin as the core. However, it became quite urgent for this new lead- .

ership to figure out how to continue promoting the socialist cause with

Chinese characteristics according to the new changes of the world, China.

and the Communist Party.

After the 4" Plenary Session of the 13% CPC Central Committee, the Communist Party of China with Jiang Zemin as the main representative con- tinued promoting the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics by putting forward a series of new ideas and new statements, and enriched and developed the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteris- tics. Confronted with the austere political situation at home and abroad and the arduous task of the reform and development in the late 1980s and early 1990s, this new leadership stressed clearly that the lines and basic policies formulated since the 3" Plenary Session of the 11 CPC Central Committee should be maintained steadfastly and implemented comprehensively. Jiang Zemin pointed out that building socialism with Chinese characteristics was “a major project”, of which the basic ideas and principles have been es- tablished by Deng Xiaoping, and our task was to continue implementing this project in a good way. In this process, Jiang Zemin also proposed a series of innovative ideas, which are mainly manifested in the following 7 aspects. Firstly, he argued that the goal of economic system reform was to establish the socialist market economy system and that the combination of socialism with market economy was a great innovation, according to Deng Xiaoping’s important view that “socialism can also adopt the mar- ket economy”. Secondly, the basic economic system that public ownership plays the leading role and diverse forms of ownership develop side by side, the distribution system with distribution according to work being the main form and the multiple ways of distribution co-existing, and the basic po- litical system should be adhered to and improved, according to the basic principles of Marxism and the national conditions of China in the primary stage of socialism. Thirdly, he, combining the issue of development with the nature and power-exercising philosophy of our Party, made it clear that development was the first task of our Party in governing and rejuvenating the country, and that the advanced nature of our Party and the superior- ity of the socialist system should be put into practice to develop advanced productive forces, advanced culture, to realize the fundamental interests of the majority of the people, and to promote the all-round social progress and human development. Fourthly, the strategy of rejuvenating the country

through science and education, the strategy of sustainable development, and the opening-up strategy that combines “bringing in” with “going out” should be vigorously implemented, the new path of industrialization should be taken, and the rational layout and coordinated development of regional economy should be promoted. Fifthly, he stressed that according to the de- velopment and changes’ of the situation at home and abroad at the turn of the century, our Party should strengthen its construction under the new his- torical conditions, insist on examining itself according to the requirement of the times, improve itself at the spirit of reform, earnestly work out the two major historical problems of how to improve the Party’s leadership and governance capability and its ability to resist corruption and risk, compre- hensively promote the Party construction—-a new great project—so as to make it the Marxist political party that is utterly consolidated ideologically, politically, and organizationally, always ahead of the times, and can with- stand all kinds of risks and lead the whole nation in building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Sixthly, the national defense and army construction should be strengthened and the military reform with Chinese characteristics should be advanced in addition to the main tasks of developing the market economy and keeping the Party’s advanced nature, according to the new situation of the army and national defense construction in the new period. At last, the world multi-polarization and democratization of international relations should be boosted according to the new world situation after the cold war.

This new collective leadership with Jiang Zemin as the core adhered to the reform and opening up, kept pace with the times, led the whole Party and the people of all ethnic groups in the whole country through the po- litical storm, economic risks and other ordeals at home and abroad, and founded the important thought of “Three Represents” on the basis of a pro- found and accurate understanding of the situation changes of the world, China, and the Party. This important thought is a significant part of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the 16% CPC National Congress in 2002, the Party summed up the basic experience of our Party in leading people to build socialism with Chinese characteris- tics since reform and opening up, especially the 4 Plenary Session of the 13" Central Committee, expounded the fundamental requirements of the important thought of “Three Represents”, explicitly proposed the Party’s goal and guidelines and policies in various aspects in the first 20 years of the new century, and made a comprehensive deployment of the socialist economy, politics, culture, and Party building with Chinese characteristics, and other work. It is in this congress when the important thought of “Three Represents” was established along with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory as the guiding ideology that our Party must adhere to for a long time, another time when our Party’s guiding ideology advanced with the times.

Fourth, opening of the new realm in the development of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics

Since the 16 CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with _ Hu Jintao as its General Secretary, guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and

the important thought of “Three Represents”, followed the development and changes of the situation at home and abroad, carried forward the spirit of seeking truth and forging ahead, continued promoting the theoretical and practical innovation, and proposed a series of important theoretical ideas, strategic thoughts and work arrangement and formed the newest achieve- ments of the socialist theoretical system with Chinese characteristics in the course of developing socialism with Chinese characteristics.

In the new stage of the new century, our Party, starting from the history and the times, the basic national conditions of China at the primary stage, the stage characteristics and practice of China’s development, the world development trend, the development experience of foreign countries, and the new development requirements, puts forward a series of ideas, such as being people-oriented, realizing the comprehensive, coordinated and sus- tainable development, building the harmonious socialist society, the new socialist countryside, the innovation-driven country, the socialist core val- ues system, and the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, and boosting the construction of a harmonious world, which together answered such ba- sic questions as what socialism is and how to build it. Facing the opportuni- ties and challenges in the 21* century, our Party has made it clear that the construction of its advanced nature is the essence of the Marxist party to survive, develop and expand. As a result, the Party’s governing capacity and advanced nature construction should be taken as the main line of the Party’s construction, the great new project that should be comprehensively promoted at the spirit of the reform and innovation, so as to make the Party always the arduous, honest, clean, energetic, united and harmonious ruling party of Marxism built for the public and exercising state power for the people, and seeking truth and being pragmatic. Centering on this goal, the CPC Central Committee has put forward a series of important new ideas on strengthening and improving the Party’s construction in the new stage of the new century. Centering on the central issue of development, our Party has made a creative exploration of what development is, why and how to develop, for whom the development is, on whom the development depends, who is to share the development achievements and other major issues, and emphasized the correct understanding and proper treatment of the major relations related to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, so as to strive for scientific, harmonious and peaceful development. In the

17* CPC National Congress, the historical status and background, scientific connotation, spiritual essence and fundamental requirements of the scien- tific outlook on development were profoundly elaborated and taken as an important guideline for China’s economic and social development and a major strategic thought that has to be adhered to and carried out for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Since the founding of the New China, especially the reform and opening up, our Party’s theories and practices have been centering on the theme of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is during the process of the re- form and opening up when the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics was formed and developed. Deng Xiaoping Theory, “Three Represents” and the scientific outlook on development, formed in different periods, focused on exploring and answering the new contradictions and new problems encountered at different periods and different stages, and made their unique contributions to both theoretical innovation and theoreti- cal development. They are interconnected and progressive layer by layer, reflecting the inherent consistency of the scientific system, stage achieve- ments and developmental requirements of our Party’s theoretical innova- tion achievements since the new period. They were summarized as “the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics” in the 17% CPC National Congress, which marks the further maturity of the theory and practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

In 2011, when commemorating the 90" anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, Hu Jintao further pointed out: “We have embarked on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, formed a system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics and estab- lished a socialist system with Chinese characteristics. These achievements made over 90 years of endeavors, innovation, and enrichment, should be valued, upheld on a long-term basis and continuously built upon by our Party and people.” In this speech Comrade Hu Jintao, for the first time used the term of theoretical socialist system with Chinese characteristics” into the overall! framework of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which has further deepened our Party ‘s understanding of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.’

In 1990, when commemorating the 90" anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Hu Jintao further pointed out: “We have embarked on the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, formed a system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics and estab- lished a socialist system with Chinese characteristics. These achievements made over 90 years of endeavors, innovation, and enrichment, should be

3 See Hu Jintao, “Speech at the 90" Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party”, Beijing, People's Publishing House, 2011.

valued, upheld on a long-term basis and continuously built upon by our Party and people.” In this speech Comrade Hu Jintao, for the first time used the term of “theoretical socialist system with Chinese characteristics” into the overall framework of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which has further deepened our Party ‘s understanding of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.

Theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and its main contents

First, the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics: a scientific theoretical system with a rich compound

It was clearly stated in the report of the 17" CPC National Congress that “the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics mainly in- cludes Deng Xiaoping Theory, “Three represent”, and the scientific outlook on development”, which is a brand new generalization of this theoretical system. Looking back to the development process of the socialist theory with Chinese characteristics, we can see clearly that our Party’s generaliza- tion of this theoretical system is deepening in a gradual way.

In the 13% CPC National Congress in 1987, the new ideas formed in our Party’s theoretical exploration on socialism with Chinese characteris- tics were divided into 12 aspects which have constituted the outline of the socialist theory with Chinese characteristics, preliminarily answered the basic questions of China’s socialist construction, such as the stages, task, motivation, conditions, layout and international environment, and planned the scientific track of our way forward.

In 1992, the Party’s 14" National Congress summarized the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics from 9 aspects. The 14 National Congress of the Communist Party of China made it clear that the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics is the product of the inte- gration of the fundamental tenets of Marxism-Leninism with the reality of present-day China and the special features of our times, a continuation and development of Mao Zedong Thought, a crystallization of the collective wisdom of the entire Party membership and the whole Chinese people, and an intellectual treasure belonging to them all.*

4 CPCCC Party Literature Research Office: “Selection of Important Literature since the 14" National Congress” (Vol. D, p. 13, Beijing, Central Literature Publishing House, 1996.

In 1997, when explaining the historical status and guiding significance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the 15° National Congress of the Communist Party of China explicitly pointed out for the first time: “Deng Xiaoping Theory constitutes a new, scientific system of the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. It has been gradually formed and developed under the historical conditions in which peace and development have become the main themes of the times, in the practice of China’s reform, opening up and modernization drive, and on the basis of reviewing the historical experi- ence of successes and setbacks of socialism in China and learning from the historical experience of the rise and fall of other socialist countries. For the first time it has given preliminary but systematic answers to a series of basic questions concerning the path to socialism in China, the stages of develop- ment, the fundamental tasks, the motive force, the external conditions, the political guarantee, the strategic steps, Party leadership, the forces to be relied on, and the reunification of the motherland. It has guided our Party in formulating the basic line for the primary stage of socialism. It is a fairly complete scientific system which embraces philosophy, political economy and scientific socialism and covers, among other things, the economy, poli- tics, science and technology, education, culture, ethnic, military and foreign affairs, the united front and Party building. It is also a scientific system which needs to be further enriched and developed in all aspects.

In July 2003, after the formation of the important thought of the “Three Represents”, at the theoretical seminar on the important thought of the “Three Represents”, Comrade Hu Jintao made commented: The important Thought of the Three Represents, has solved the major issues concerning the ideological line, the path of development, development stages, devel- opment ways, the fundamental tasks, the motive forces of development, the comprehensive national power, the international strategy, the leading forces, and the fundamental goals of socialism with Chinese characteris- tics. The Thought of Three Represents fulfills the common wishes of the Chinese people and forms the foundation of nation building in the new cen- tury. This thought enriches and develops the basic tenets of Marxism with a series of new ideas, views and theses and profoundly embodies the integra- tion of history with reality in the development of the theory of Marxism, it has answered a series of questions on what socialism is, and how to build it, which are closely linked and integrated. The important thought of Three Represents creatively takes the theory of building the party in office as its main subject and answers what kind of party we should build, and how to build it.

3. CPCCC Party Literature Research Office: “Selection of Important Literature since the 16 National Congress” (Vol. I), p.361, Beijing, Central Literature Publishing House, 2005.

Since the 16" CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee taking Hu Jintao as the General Secretary, starting from the overall situation of the Party and the country in the stage of the new century, has profoundly sum- marized the lessons and experience in the foreign and domestic economic and social development, constantly advanced the theoretical innovations, and explicitly proposed a series of major strategic thoughts, such as the scientific outlook on development, the construction of the harmonious socialist society, the innovation-driven country and the new socialist countryside, the strength- ening of the construction of the Party’s governance capacity and advanced nature, the building of the socialist concept of honor and disgrace, and the path of peaceful development. These important strategic thoughts are elabo- rated around the socialist theory with Chinese characteristics.

The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is always elucidated around the four closely related basic questions: what is Marxism and how to deal with it, what is socialism and how to build it, what kind of party is to be built and how to build it, and what kind of development is to be achieved and how to achieve it, with a rich compound. In terms of the first question, the system stresses that Marxism keeps pace with the times and its essence is to seek truth from facts, which provides a creative answer to how to adhere to and develop Marxism under the new historical conditions, enriches and develops Marxism with a series of new thoughts and ideas, and opens up a new realm for Marxism in China. In terms of the second question, the system creatively answers how to build, consolidate and develop socialism in a country with backward economic and cultural background after the establishment of the socialist system, and provides a series of new thoughts and ideas on how to develop socialism by not only upholding the basic principles of scientific socialism but also considering the conditions of the times and people’s desire, which has raised our Party’s understanding of socialism to a new level. As for the third question, the system answers in a creative way how to adhere to the Party’s foundation, consolidate the ruling foundation and strengthen the power source when the Party’s historical orientation experiences profound changes, and puts forward a series of new ideas that the nature of the Marxist ruling party should be adhered to, the Party’s governance capacity be improved, and the Party’s advanced nature be maintained and developed, which have enriched and developed the Marxist theory of Party construction. In terms of the fourth question, the system gives a creative answer to what development is, why it is necessary to develop, how to develop, for whom the development is, on whom the development depends, who is to share the development achievements, and proposes a series of new thoughts and ideas on develop- ment connotation, concepts, thoughts and problems, and on how to achieve scientific development, which elevates our Party’s understanding of devel- opment issues to an unprecedentedly high level.

The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is sci- entific in that it is in line with Marxism-Leninism, the essential guiding ideology for our Party and country to be well-established and the action guide and powerful ideological weapon for us to learn about and transform the world, and advances with’ the times. It is the outcome of the combina- tion of the basic principles of Marxism with China’s concrete realities and the characteristics of the times. It adheres to the Marxist world outlook and methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, to the highest ideal and value pursuit of communism, to the leading core—the proletariat—and the power source of the history—the broad masses of the people, to the fundamental task—emancipating and developing productive forces, to the essential characteristics of socialist democratic politics— people are the masters of the country, to the guiding position of Marxism in the field of Marxist ideology, and to the fundamental driving force of the socialist development—reform and innovation. By adhering to and ap- plying the basic principles of Marxism on scientific socialism, this system analyzes the realities of the world and contemporary China, and thus makes a series of theoretical innovations and embodies the spirit of keeping pace with the times. It is a model of upholding and developing Marxism as well as a scientific theory consistent with Marxism-Leninism.

The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a theoretical system which is in line with Mao Zedong Thought and keeps pace with the times. The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese char- acteristics has its profound theoretical roots in Mao Zedong Thought and it is a continuation and development of Mao Zedong’s arduous exploration and achievements regarding laws of building socialism. As Deng Xiaoping pointed out: “we have been restoring the correct things advocated by Comrade Mao Zedong, The basic points of Mao Zedong Thought are still those we have enumerated. In many respects, we are doing things Comrade Mao suggested but failed to do himself, setting right his erroneous opposi- tion to certain things and accomplishing some things that he did not. All this we shall continue to do for a fairly long time. Of course, we have developed Mao Zedong Thought and will go on developing it.”

Both Mao Zedong Thought and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics insist on emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, keeping pace with the times, adopting the Party’s mass line and walk- ing on its own way independently. This is their common ground on the basic aspects, such as the positions, views, methods, etc.. Today, these two should be still upheld and developed.

6 Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, 2nd Edition, Volume 2, p. 300, Beijing, People‘s

Publishing House, 1994.

The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a con- stantly developing and open theoretical system. It is also true for Marxism. It is clearly stated in the report of the 17" CPC National Congress: The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is an open sys- tem that keeps developing. Keeping pace with the times is the theoreti- cal quality of Marxism and theoretical innovation is an essential feature of Marxism and an inexhaustible source of its vitality forever. Practices since the publication of the “Communist Manifesto” nearly 160 years ago have proved that only when Marxism is integrated with the conditions of a spe- cific country, advances in step with the times and is tied to the destiny of the people can it demonstrate its strong vitality, creativity and its appeal. The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, as the lat- est theoretical achievement in adapting Marxism to Chinese conditions, the Party’s invaluable political and intellectual asset, is also an open theoretical system itself and also a scientific system that requires constant enrichment and development. As a new great revolution, reform and opening up cannot win an easy victory and cannot be accomplished in one go.

Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, the socialism with Chinese characteristics has made remarkable achievements. China has scored achievements in development that have captured world attention. However, the basic reality that China is still in the primary stage of social- ism and will remain so for a long time to come has not changed, nor has Chinese society’s principal contradiction-the one between the ever-grow- ing material and cultural needs of the people and the low level of social production. Our country is the largest developing country in the world. Its international status has not changed.”

Meanwhile, quite a lot of difficulties and problems still exist in the course of continuing to promote the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics. All the achievements and progress made over the past 30 years of develop- ment can be essentially owed to the fact that our Party has paved the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics and formed the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Looking into the future and in order to solve the complex problems in the development of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics and seize the new victory of building a well-off society in a comprehensive way, our Party is required to hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, unswervingly follow the socialist path with Chinese characteristics, and continue to deepen the study of the socialist theory with Chinese characteristics; to insist on the scientific Marxist principle and spirit, be good at grasping the objective changes and summarizing the fresh experience created by the people in practice, enrich

7 Hu Jintao: Speech at the Meeting Celebrating the 90" Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC, p. 20.

and develop the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteris- tics, continuously endow the contemporary Chinese Marxism with distinc- tive features in terms of the practice, nation and times, constantly open up new horizons for the Marxist theoretical development, and strive to a wider socialist path with Chinese characteristics.

Second, the main contents of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics

The theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics runs through the important strategic thoughts: Deng Xiaoping Theory, “Three Represents” and the scientific outlook on development. It is unified and scientific in that it has formed a series of interconnected basic views on such major issues as the socialist development path, development stage, fundamental task, development motivation, external conditions, political guarantee, strategic steps, leadership and supporting group, and reunifica- tion of the motherland. It includes the following 14 aspects:

———The ideological line. It is the essence of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics as well as the soul of Deng Xiaoping Theory, “Three Represents”, and the scientific outlook on development. It stresses emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, keeping pace with the times, starting from the reality, examining and developing the truth in practice, vigorously carrying forward the spirit of seeking truth and being pragmatic, vigorously promoting the theoretical and practical innovation, and making efforts to realize the ideological liberation, theoretical develop- ment and practical creations.

The fundamental task. It is the central issue of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It stresses that development is the key to solving all problems in China. In essence, socialism is to liberate and develop the productive forces, eliminate exploitation and polarization, and finally achieve common prosperity. We should adhere to the unity of the center—economic construction—and the two basic points—the four basic principles and the reform and opening up, and to the principle of focusing on construction and development, grasp the development laws, innovate the development concept, transform the development mode, solve the de- velopment problems, improve the development quality and efficiency, and Strive to achieve the scientific, harmonious and peaceful development.

The development stage and development strategies. It is the strate- gic goal and grand blueprint proposed by our Party according to the basic national conditions of contemporary China. It is emphasized that we should be soberly aware that China is and will be for a long time in the primary tage of socialism and that the main contradiction of the society is the con- flict between the growing material and cultural needs of the masses and the

backward social production. We should accurately grasp the stage charac- teristics of China’s development, make full use of the important strategic period, better implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening China through talents, and the strategy of sustainable development, adhere to the basic require- ments of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development and the basic methods of making overall plans and taking all factors into consid- eration, comprehensively promote the economic, political, cultural, social and ecological construction according to the four-to-one overall layout, and realize enough food and clothing, the well-off society and modernization through three steps, and build a strong, prosperous, democratic and civi- lized modern socialist country.

The development motivation. It stems from the profound under- standing of the contradiction movement between the socialist productive forces and productive relations, and the economic base and the superstruc- ture, and reveals the vitality source of the development and progress of our Party and country. It emphasizes that the reform and opening up, a new great revolution, is the path to the powerful nation. We should always ad- here to the correct direction of reform and opening up, carry out the spirit of reform and innovation to all aspects of country governance, promote the reform of all areas, and advance the self-improvement and development of our socialist system. In addition, we should improve the scientific nature of the reform decision-making and the coordination of concrete measures, and correctly understand and properly handle the relationship among the reform, development and stability. At last, we should adhere to the basic national policy of opening up to the outside world, make it happen in = as- pects, a higher level and wider areas, better combine the “bringing in” and “going out”, and form the new advantage of participating in international economic cooperation and competition at the background of the economic globalization.

The fundamental purpose. It reflects the starting point and foothold of developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and our Party’s fun- damental purpose—-serving the people wholeheartedly. It is emphasized that the Party should always be built for the public and exercise power for people, adhere to the principle of being people-oriented, uphold the peo- ple’s principal role in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, carry forward the people’s initiative spirit, realize, maintain and develop the fundamental interests of the majority of the people, safeguard people’s var!- ous rights and interests, promote people’s all-round development, so as to realize the development for the people, development relying on the people, and development achievements shared by the people.

~——The economic construction. It stresses that we should establish and improve the socialist market economy system, adhere to and improve the basic economic system that public ownership plays the leading role and diverse forms of ownership develop side by side, accelerate the transfor- mation of the economic development mode, and vigorously promote the strategic adjustment of the economic structure. By adhering to the status of science and technology as the first productive force, we should improve the independent innovation capability, promote the coordinated development between urban and rural areas, improve the macro-control system and the level of open economy, and promote the sound and fast development of the national economy. The civilized development path that we develop through production, enjoy in affluence, live in ecologically good environment.

The political construction. It emphasizes that people’s democracy is the life of socialism and thus we must adhere to the political development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the organic unity of CPC’s leadership, people’s status as the masters of the country and ruling by law, adhere to and improve the people’s congress system, the CPC-led multi- party cooperation and political consultation system, the system of national regional autonomy and the grass-roots democratic system, and constantly promote the self-improvement and development of the political socialist system. We should adhere to the correct political direction, deepen the po- litical system reform, ensure the people’s status as the masters of the coun- try, set the goal of enhancing the vitality of the Party and the country and mobilizing people’s enthusiasm, expand socialist democracy, build a so- cialist country ruled by law and develop the political socialist civilization.

te RNC

The cultural construction. It stresses that we need to adhere to the direction of advanced culture, vigorously develop the national, scientific and popular socialist culture that is oriented to modernization, the world, and the future, promote the socialist cultural development and prosper- ity, and give rise to a new upsurge of the socialist cultural construction. By adhering to the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology, equipping people with the scientific theory, guiding people with the right public opinion, shaping people with the lofty spirit, inspiring people with excellent works, and approaching the reality, the life, and the masses, we should focus on constructing the socialist core values system, consolidat- ing and expanding the mainstream ideological public opinion, promoting cultural innovation, deepening cultural system reform, developing cultural undertakings and industries, and improving the soft power of the national culture, so as to make the people’s basic cultural rights and interests bet- ter guaranteed, the social and cultural life more colorful and people more high-spirited.


The social (society) construction. It stresses that social harmony is the essential attribute of socialism with Chinese characteristics. As a result, to guarantee and improve people’s livelihood must be carried out as a major task that concerns the overall situation, so as to promote social fairness and justice and enable all people to live a decent and dignified life in which they can be taught when they want to learn, get paid when they work, get treated. when they are ill, be looked after properly when they turn old, and have a place for them to live in. We should also adhere to and improve the distribu- tion system with distribution according to work being the main form and multiple ways of distribution co-existing, and promote the participation of such productive forces as the labor, capital, technology and management into the distribution. Special efforts shall be made to solve the most direct and realistic issue of interests that concern people the most, to correctly handle the contradictions among the people, to maximize the social vitality for creations and the harmonious factors, and to minimize the factors of disharmony.

———The national defense and army building. It stresses that we should, standing at the height of the national security and development strategy, integrate the economic construction with national defense construction, ad- here to the Party’s absolute leadership in the army and to the fundamental purpose of the people’s army, implement the strategic military guideline in the new period, accelerate the military reform with Chinese character- istics, comprehensively strengthen and coordinate the advancement of the revolutionary construction, modernization and normalization of the army, and resolutely safeguard the integrity of the state sovereignty, security and territory, so as to make the prosperous country powerful in its army as well.

——-Basic forces it depends on. It stresses that the working class in- cluding intellectuals, and the broad masses of farmers are the fundamental strength that promotes the development of advanced productive forces and the all-round social progress in our country; and the social classes newly emerging in the social transformation are constructors of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics. We should fully implement the guideline of respecting the labor, the knowledge, the talent, and the creation, mobilize all positive factors in the broadest and fullest way, develop and expand the patriotic united front, unite all forces that can be united, and promote the harmony of party relations, ethnic relations, religious relations, relations among social strata, and relations among foreign and domestic compatriots at home and abroad.

Promoting the great cause of the national reunification. We must un- swervingly implement the highly autonomous principle of “One Country, Two Systems”, “Hong Kong self-rule”, and “Macao self-rule” and act strict- ly by the basic laws of the special administrative region, so as to maintain

the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao; adhere to the principle of “peaceful reunification, and One Country, Two Systems”, the 8 proposals for developing the cross-straits relations and promoting the peaceful reunification process of the country, and the four points of view on the development of the cross-strait relations under the new situation, so as to initiate a new situation of the cross-strait relations and achieve the complete reunification of the-country.

The foreign diplomacy and international strategy. It stresses that we should hold high the banner of peace, development and cooperation, unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development, the independent foreign policy of peace, and the opening-up strategy of mutual benefit and win-win result, and develop itself through the maintenance of world peace and maintain world peace through its own development. Besides, we should develop the friendly cooperation with all countries on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence and promote the construction of a harmonious world characteristic with lasting peace and common prosper- ity; the national sovereignty, security and development interests shall be safeguarded.

The leadership core. It makes clear the leadership and fundamen- tal guarantee of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is emphasized that the key to China’s problems lies in the Party and thus the Party con- struction, a new great project, should be connected with the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and be strengthened at the spirit of reform and innovation. It thus follows that we shall adhere to the prin- cipal line of the Party’s governing capacity and advanced nature construc- tion, persist in policing itself and imposing strict discipline on its members, strengthen the Party’s ideological, organizational, work-style, institutional, and anti-corruption construction, so that the Party will always be the strong leadership core of the socialist cause with Chinese characteristics.

Generally speaking, the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is not only a scientific, integrated and logically rigorous sys- tem in that it involves various aspects such as reform, development and sta- bility, the domestic and foreign affairs and the national defense, and the ad- ministration of the Party, country and army, and covers the construction in such various areas as the economy, politics, culture, society, Party, national defense and army modernization, but also an open one that is constantly developing and will continue to enrich and develop with the development of the socialist practice with Chinese characteristics.

Historical status, role and guiding significance of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics

First, The correct theory guiding the Chinese people to victories in reform and opening and in promoting socialist modernization

The 17® National Congress of the Communist Party of China has writ- ten the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics into the party constitution and clearly pointed out that the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics “upholds, develops and represents the Party’s adherence to and development of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought and embodies the wisdom and hard work of several gen- erations of Chinese Communists leading the people in carrying out tireless explorations and practices. It is the latest achievement in adapting Marxism to Chinese conditions, the Party’s invaluable political and intellectual asset, and the common ideological foundation for the concerted endeavor of the people of all ethnic groups.”

This is our party’s high evaluation of the historical status and guid- 24 ing significance of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and reflects the common aspirations of the people of all ethnic groups throughout the country.

In the final analysis, the historical position of a scientific theory is deter- mined by practice and determined by its historical pros and cons. Since the reform and opening-up for the past 30 plus years and more, under the guid- ance of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, we have achieved rapid and steady long-term development that was unprec- edented in modern times and has won great successes that have attracted worldwide attention. From 1978 to 2007, China’s GDP has increased from 364.5 billion yuan to 24.95 trillion yuan, with an average annual growth rate of 9.8%. This is more than three times the growth rate (annual) of the world economy. China’s total economic aggregate has risen to fourth rank in the world fourth. We rely on our own strength in solving the food problem of our 1.3 billion people. China’s total import-export volume has increased from 20.6 billion US dollars to 2.1737 trillion US dollars, ranking third in the world. Its foreign exchange reserves rank the first in the world, consequently China’s foreign investments has increased substantially. And actually utilized foreign capital investments in China has reached nearly

8 CPCCC Party Literature Research Office: “Selection of Important Literature since the 17" National Congress” (Vol.D, p.9, Beijing, Central Literature Publishing House, 2009.

100 billion US dollars. The per capita disposable income of urban residents in China increased from 343 yuan to 13,786 yuan, an increase of 6.5 times in real terms. The per capita net income of farmers has increased from 134 yuan to 4,140 yuan, an increase of 6.3 times in real terms. The number of poor people in rural areas has dropped from 250 million to about 14 mil- lion. Urban per capita housing construction area and rural per capita hous- ing area has doubled. We can see that people’s household property, food, drinking and living standards have seen significant improvement.

The constant enhancement of the economic strength and comprehensive national strength, the remarkable achievements in political, cultural and so- cial construction and the well-off status of people’s living standards on the whole, and the historic changes of the Chinese people, the socialist China and the Communist Party of China, prove that the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the correct theory that has guided the Chinese people in successfully promoting the socialist modernization in the reform and opening up. In contemporary China, none but this theo- retical system can instruct us to achieve the state prosperity and people’s affluence and complete the historical task of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Second, the basic goal of building a moderately well-off society

Since the reform and opening up, especially after entering the new stage of the new century, we have made steady steps towards the goal of build- ing a well-off society in an all-round way which is supposed to be reached by 2020. In the course towards this goal, we face not only important de- velopment opportunities but also many contradictions and problems which are manifested in the following 8 aspects. First of all, the structural con- tradiction and extensive economic development mode formed in a long time remain without fundamental changes, with the relatively low-level productive forces and the less strong capability of independent innovation. Secondly, the institutional and mechanism obstacles in the development and the deep-level contradictions and problems in the further reform in dif- ficult areas still exist. Thirdly, the trend of the widening income distribution gap has not been fundamentally reversed with the number of urban and tural poverty-stricken people and low-income people still considerable and the overall consideration of interests in all areas more difficult. Fourthly, the task of narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas and different regions and promoting the socially and economically coordinated develop- ment remains arduous considering the unchanged weak agricultural foun- dation and lagging rural development. Fifthly, the political system reform needs deepening since the construction of democracy and legal system is not fully adapted to the requirements of expanding people’s democracy and economic and social development. Sixthly, people have increasing spiritual

and cultural needs and their thoughts and activities are increasingly inde- pendent, variable, and diverse with more choices, which poses higher re- quirements for the development of advanced socialist culture. Seventhly, the social structure, social organizational form and social interests pattern have undergone profound changes, and the social construction and man- agement are facing many new problems. Eighthly, the increasingly intense international competition, the advantages of the developed countries in the economy and science and technology over developing countries, and the increasing predictable and unpredictable risks, form a higher requirement for making overall plans of the domestic development and opening up to the outside world. In the face of such complex contradictions and problems and difficulties and challenges ahead, and in order to continue to promote reform and opening up and modernization, we have to adopt the scientific theory as the guidance. Only by adhering to the theoretical system of so- cialism with Chinese characteristics can we have a clearer understanding of the basic national conditions, the stage characteristics of development, and the objective laws of the socialist construction in our country, put forward the correct solutions to these contradictions and problems, and smoothly advance the great cause of building a well-off society in an all-round way and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Third, common ideological basis for the struggles of the whole party and people from all nationalities

Common ideological foundation is the fundamental premise so that a party, a country and a nation can depend on and can maintain its existence and development. Without a common ideological foundation, the party will collapse and the country will be dissolved and its people will be divided. Mao Zedong emphasized: it is of great importance in achieving a common language in the Party, and that socialist countries should have “the will of unity”. Deng Xiaoping emphasized: “in order to advance our cause “the most important thing is the unity of people. To achieve unity, people must have common ideals and firm convictions.” Jiang Zemin pointed out: “Ifa country does not have its own spiritual supporting pillar, it means that it has no soul, and will lose its national cohesion and vitality.”?

Hu Jintao pointed out: “lofty ideals and firm convictions are the great banners that unite people and inspire them to make new progress. They are the source of strength to overcome difficulties and win new victories.”'°

9 Selected Works of Jiang Zemin, Vol.2, pp.230-231, Beijing, People’s Publishing House, 2006. 10 CPCCC Party Literature Research Office: “Selection of Important Literature since the 16 National Congress” (Vol. II) p.729, Beijing, Central Literature Publishing House, 2008.

As a new social system, socialism is not only a social movement, but also a pursuit of the ideal and value, which definitely requires us to unify people’s thoughts with the common thought and will. The Soviet Union gave us a lesson on what kind of theory can be used to unify the Party’s and people’s thoughts. In the Soviet Union, the Party’s theory was rather unat- tractive to the Party members and the masses considering the long-standing ideological rigidity and prevalence of dogmatism within the Party. After coming, into power, Gorbachev put forward “the humane and democratic socialism”, “new thinking”, “openness”, “democratization”, “pluralistic guiding ideology”, “political pluralism”, and “multi-party system”, which confused the thoughts of party members and the masses. Some western scholars explained that the reason for the collapse of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was “the disintegration of the Marxist theory”, which deprived the socialist system of its legitimacy. It shows that we should not only adhere to Marxism but also develop Marxism and unify people’s thoughts and guide the practice with the developing Marxism. The ruling party with more than 80 million party members, confronted with a popu- lation of more than 1.3 billion in China, profound changes in the inter- national and domestic environment, and people’s diverse, variable, and pluralistic views and ideas, must adhere to the education of the Party and people with the developing Marxism and the theoretical system of social- ism with Chinese characteristics. This theoretical system, integrating the socialist development with the historical task of national rejuvenation, the realization of socialist modernization with the common prosperity of the people, and the national security, danger, honor and disgrace with people’s happiness, is the strong spiritual force leading and inspiring the people of all ethnic groups in the country and the backbone conquering all risks and challenges. Only by unifying the thoughts of the whole party and the people with this system can the people of different social classes and different in- terest groups be able to get united to the largest extent and work together for the common goal.

Fourth, a new breakthrough in the development of Marxist theory

Marx and Engels discussed the possibility of constructing socialism and how to build it in countries with backward economy and culture but failed to put it into practice for the absence of conditions. Lenin made some ex- plorations according to Russia’s realities, turned socialism from theory to reality, and achieved valuable results. Based on the experience of the Soviet Union and China’s realities, Mao Zedong made deep reflections and practi- cal explorations, which resulted in many creative ideas. However, Marxist classical writers cannot provide ready-made answers for how to build, consolidate and develop socialism in China today. Deng Xiaoping said: We cannot expect Marx to provide ready answers to questions that arise a

hundred or several hundred years after his death, nor can we ask Lenin to give answers to questions that arise fifty or a hundred years after his death. A true Marxist-Leninist must understand, carry on and develop Marxism- Leninism in light of the current situation."

After the 3 Plenary Session of the 11" CPC Central Committee, our Party has been soberly aware that building socialism cannot proceed from the books nor from the inherent mode but from the concrete realities of China. It is stressed that we should not only adhere to the basic principles of Marxism and carry forward the revolutionary tradition but also compose a new epic of Marxism, create new experience, and guide the new prac- tice of building socialism with Chinese characteristics with the developing Marxism. Our party has combined the basic principles of Marxism with the concrete practical realities of contemporary China, paved the socialist path with Chinese characteristics, formed the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, systematically answered the major theoretical and practical problems of how to build, consolidate and develop socialism in China, added new content and made historic contributions to the Marxist theory.

Ideological Line of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

The enrichment and development of the party’s ideological line Theoretical qualities and essence of Marxism

First, the re-establishment (correction) of the party's ideological line

world outlook and methodology hold by people in the activities of under- standing and reforming the world. The fundamental question that it wants to answer and solve is the relationship between the subjective and objective and that between theory and practice. This question is in fact the concrete embodiment in actual work of the basic philosophical question, namely, the relationship between matter and consciousness and that between be- ing and thinking. Dialectical materialism and historical materialism are sci- entific world outlook and methodology; the fundamental cognitive line of dialectical materialism and historical materialism and the ideological line of the proletariat and its political party is to proceed from reality in all work, achieve correspondence between subjectivity and objectivity, and integrate theory with practice.

The ideological line of the CPC is to proceed from reality in all work, integrate theory with practice, seek truth from facts and verify and develop the truth through practice. An important content and a scientific summary of this ideological line is to emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts, and advance with the times. However, seen from the historical development, emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and advancing with the times, were not proposed at the same time but experienced a process of continuous enrichment and development. It can be said that Mao Zedong

“Ideological line”, philosophically called cognitive line, refers to the Rae

created this ideological line during the New Democratic Revolution, and summarized it as “seeking truth from facts”. Deng Xiaoping re-established and developed it in the new period of socialist construction and summa- rized it as “emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts”. Jiang Zemin further developed it in the new century and summarized it as “eman- cipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and advancing with the times”.

During the period from the 1920s to 1930s, the “left-dogmatism” and the right-dogmatism in the CPC, especially the “left-dogmatism” repre- sented by Wang Ming, carried out the cognitive line of proceeding from books only. Divorced from the actual situation of the Chinese society and the Chinese revolution, they blindly copied the experience of the October Revolution (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and the resolutions of the Communist International. They depended on rote memorization of the books of Marxism-Leninism to solve the extremely complex problem in China, namely how should China carry out revolution in a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, which almost drove the Chinese revolution to the last ditch. The CPC, represented by Mao Zedong, followed the cognitive line of proceeding from reality in all work and combined the basic prin- ciples of Marxism-Leninism with the concrete reality of the Chinese revo- lution. Their shifts depending on time, place and conditions had repeatedly saved Chinese revolution. In the actual activities of leading the Chinese revolution, Mao Zedong deeply realized the harm of dogmatism and book- ishness inconsistent with the reality of China to the CPC. In order to over- come various wrong ideas widely found in the Party and ensure the smooth development of the Chinese revolution, Mao Zedong summed up the basic cognitive line of dialectical materialism and historical materialism—pro- ceeding from the realities—with four characters “seeking truth from facts” in the 1940s, and established it as the ideological line of the Chinese com- munists. Under the guidance of this ideological line, the Chinese com- munists overcame the obstacles on the way forward, found China’s own revolutionary path, won the new-democratic revolution and established the People’s Republic of China. After the founding of the new China, under the guidance of this ideological line, the Chinese communists quickly restored the national economy, successfully realized the socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts and capitalist industry, established a socialist sys- tem and developed the socialist economy, politics and culture.

In the 1980s, during the struggle against the wrong thinking of “Two Whatevers”, Deng Xiaoping mentioned “emancipating the mind” and “seeking truth from facts” together, proposed a new summary of the fun- damental cognitive line of dialectical materialism and historical material- ism according with the needs of the development of times, re-established the ideological line of seeking truth from facts, and added “emancipating

the mind” to this ideological line, so as to break the long-standing social situation characteristic with the ideological rigidity, ideological conserva- tism and ideological confinement, eliminate the ideological restraints of personal superstition and personal worship on the whole Party and all the people, get rid of the harmful’effects of the “Cultural Revolution” and cre- ate a new historical development period. Guided by the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, the whole Party and all the people started from the reality of the primary stage of socialism, made trials and errors, and have created a socialist path with Chinese characteris- tics and made great groundbreaking achievements on this path.

Second, the enrichment and development of the ideological line

Just after entering the 21" century, in the report of the 16 National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin pointed out: “Persisting in the party’s ideological line, emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, and advancing with the times are the decisive elements for our party to adhere and maintain to its advanced nature and enhance its creativity.”


This new argument is the new summary of the fundamental cognitive line of dialectical materialism and historical materialism made by the Chinese communists in the new stage of the new century, according to the new situa- tion, new tasks and new requirements. This new summary is consistent with the development needs of the times. It not only adheres to the ideological line of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts, but also adds the new content of “advancing with the times” to this ideological line.

In January 2004, at the 3" Plenary Meeting of the Discipline Inspection Committee of CPC Central Committee, General Secretary Hu Jintao put forward the new requirements of “being realistic and pragmatic” to the whole Party. The essence of being realistic and pragmatic is to ask the whole Party to continuously seek for the truth of the basic national condi- tions in the primary stage of socialism in China and adhere to long-term and arduous struggle; seek the law of socialist construction and human social development, and do a good job at development which is the first priority of the Party in governing and rejuvenating the country; seek the historical status and function of the masses, and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people; seek the law of the governance by the communist party and strengthen and improve the Party construction. To adhere to being realistic and pragmatic, we should strive to: effectively strengthen ideological education, constantly improve the consciousness of the party members and cadres of being realistic and pragmatic; insist on serving the people wholeheartedly, and straighten out the relationship with the masses; correctly understand the national conditions, formulate the guidelines and policies and carry out the work according to the national conditions; understand, grasp, follow and apply the laws. In short, being realistic and pragmatic is to closely focus on the implementation of the work of the Party and the country, put theory into practice, translate idea into action and achieve results.

From “seeking truth from facts” established by Mao Zedong to Deng

Xiaoping’s “emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts”, to Jiang —

Zemin’s “emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts and advancing with the times”, and to the new demand of “being realistic and pragmatic” put forward by the former General Secretary Hu Jintao, we can clearly see the continuous enrichment and development of the ideological line of the CPC in revolution, construction and reform practice. With such a continu- ous enrichment and development, the various undertakings of the Party and China have been given a strong spiritual driving force, and the Party’s theo- retical innovation given a fountain head.

Theoretical qualities and essence of Marxism

First, theoretical qualities and essence of Marxism-Leninism

Marxism is a scientific theory that has evolved with the development of social practice. Emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advanc- ing with the times are the theoretical qualities and essence of Marxism. Marxism was born in the 1840s.

Before the creation of Marxism, capitalist society was shrouded in a kind of innocent “myth”. When the bourgeoisie created a productivity that was larger in amount and greater than all productivities created before during its rule which only lasted less than one hundred years and when the capital- ist system showed progress and superiority over the feudal system in all aspects of social life, the bourgeois thinkers, theorists and politicians were so absorbed in such a victory, believing that the capitalist society was the best and most desirable society in the mankind history and that the capital- ist system would be sacred and unshakeable.

Although some economists, philosophers and historians had found that capitalism was not perfect with many defects and full of many evils through studies and observations in various fields, they still strove to speak for the capitalism and demonstrate the sanctity of the capitalist system. In the 1940s, Marx and Engels, starting from the actual conditions of the age when

they lived and critically inheriting all outstanding ideological achievements created before and at that time, carried out an in-depth study on the opera- tion characteristics, basic contradiction and development trend of capitalist economy, politics, culture and’ social life, and finally reached a scientific conclusion that capitalism was bound to death and socialism was bound to success. .They founded Marxism, declared the failure of the myth that capitalism was sacred and unshakeable with the power of truth, and created anew realm of understanding the law and direction of human society devel- opment, thus establishing a scientific ideological system for the liberation movement of the proletariat and all mankind.

Although Marxism, with its critical and scientific spirit, has been warmly welcomed by the proletariat and the masses in the world and has so many strong believers and followers, thus it has become the guiding ideology and theoretical weapon of the proletarian political party, Marx and Engels have never regarded their theories as absolute truths, nor have they treated the specific conclusions that they have arrived under particular historical con- ditions as definite and rigid formulas, besides they have also opposed others who treated their theories as such.

They always emphasized repeatedly: “Our theory is a theory of evolu- tion, not of dogma to be learned by heart and to be repeated mechanically.”

For example, The Communist Manifesto, which is the creation as well as the first programmatic document of Marxism, played a great guiding role in the vigorous development of the workers movement. But the practice in 1872 developed on the basis of the practice at the time when The Communist Manifesto was issued, and as a result, Marx and Engels pointed out clearly in the preface to the second edition of The Communist Manifesto: “However much that state of things may have altered during the last twenty-five years, the general principles laid down in the Manifesto are, on the whole, as correct today as ever. Here and there, some detail might be improved. The practical application of the principles will depend, as the Manifesto itself states, everywhere and at all times, on the historical conditions for the time being existing...., no special stress is laid on the revolutionary measures proposed at the end of Section II. That passage would, in many respects, be very differently worded today.... “But since then, the Manifesto has become a historical document which we have no longer any right to alter.”

Nowhere did Marx indicate this more clearly as when he wrote in his | 877 letter to the Editor of the Petersburg literary-political journal Otechstvennye Zapiski, which printed an article by Nicolai K. Mikhailovski, who treated the analysis found in his book Capital as iron-clad historical laws in non- European settings: He must by all means transform my historical sketch of the development of capitalism in Western Europe into a historical philo- sophical theory of universal development predetermined by fate for all na- tions, whatever their historic circumstances in which they find themselves

may be,.... But I beg his pardon. (That mistaken understanding, does me at -

the same time too much honor and too much insult).”*

For example, when Engels wrote about how to treat materialism, he pointed to the powerful and ever more rapidly onrushing progress of natu- ral science, technology and industry, which have profoundly changed the connotation and denotation of social practice, and he explicitly stressed: “with each epoch-making discovery even in the sphere of natural science it has to change its form.”

The adherence to obtaining theory from practice, putting theory into practice for the test of practice and developing theory together with practice run through the life of Marx and Engels.

Born in the turn of the 19" century and the 20" century, Leninism is the Marxism appearing when capitalism developed into imperialism. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, the capitalism entering the imperialist stage underwent quite a lot of changes and found many new characteristics in economy, politics, culture, society and other aspects, comparing to that in the era of free competition. Then, how to rediscover the conditions, paths, methods, means and strategies of proletarian revolution according to the changing situation and practice and turn scientific socialism from theo- ry into practice became a major subject that need be taken seriously and solved by Marxists. However, some people did not proceed from reality but from the books. They rigidified and dogmatized the concrete conclusions of Marx and Engels made in specific historical period and under specific his- torical conditions. They insisted that the socialist revolution could only be successful through simultaneously breaking out in the developed European and American capitalist countries. They argued that the revolution could never break out in the economically and culturally backward countries, let alone achieving the success of socialist revolution. However Lenin insisted that: Marxism is not a dogma but a guide to action.

4 Selected Works of Marx and Engels, 2nd Edition, Vol.3, p.342, Beijing, People's Publishing House, 1995; Marx’s 1877 Letter to the Editor of the Petersburg Literary- political journal Otechstvennye Zapiski. 5 archive/marx/works/1886/ludwig-feuerbach/ch02.htm.

For the present, it is essential to grasp the incontestable truth that a Marxist must take cognizance of real life, of the true facts of reality, and not cling to a theory of yesterday, which, like all theories, at best only outlines the main and the general, only comes near to embracing life in all its com- plexity. “Theory, my friend, is grey, but green is the eternal tree of life.”

Starting from this, Lenin combined the basic principles of Marxism with the characteristics of the times and the specific realities of the Russian revolution. Based on the new historical conditions and social practice and through in-depth study of the basic contradictions and development trend of the political and economic relations within and between the imperialist countries, he discovered the imbalance between the economic development and political development of capitalism, and further concluded that: under the new development conditions, the socialist revolution could succeed first in one or several countries in the weak link of the imperialist domination.

“On the Slogan for a United States of Europe” in August 1915, Lenin wrote: Uneven economic and political development is an absolute law of capitalism. Hence, the victory of socialism is possible first in several or even in one capitalist country alone.” In 1917, in his “The Military Programme of the Proletarian Revolution” he wrote: The development of capitalism proceeds extremely unevenly in different countries. It cannot be otherwise under commodity production. From this it follows irrefutably that social- ism cannot achieve victory simultaneously in all countries. It will achieve victory first in one or several countries, while the others will for some time remain bourgeois or pre-bourgeois.”®


The victory of the Russian October Revolution and the victory of the socialist revolution of the countries with relatively backward economy and culture in the later period proved that Marx and Engels’ thought that the success of socialist revolution could only be achieved simultaneously in several developed capitalist countries did not conform to the new historical conditions and Lenin’s revision of Marx and Engels’ conclusions based on the new practice was completely correct. His revision is a significant theo- _ fetical innovation to Marxism, creating a new realm of understanding the socialist revolution.

Lenin pushed Marxism into a new stage, namely the stage of Leninism and turned scientific socialism from theory into practice. However, Beni did not become complacent because of his great theoretical contribution to the development of Marxism, nor did he absolutize the Russian path be- cause of obtaining the first success of socialist revolution. On the issue of

Se enceeceenaeetenonnns 6 _ lenin/works/1915/aug/23.htm. archive/lenin/works/1916/miliprog/i-htm.

theoretical development and revolutionary path, he, like Marx and Engels, respected practice, insisted on correctness and corrected mistakes. For ex- ample, with regard to the socialist path, Lenin pointed out that all nations would eventually go to socialism, which was the universal law of the his- tory of the world. However, socialism cannot be achieved simultaneously

in various countries in accordance with the same pattern. Because of the .

different conditions in the construction of socialism in various countries, such as nationality differences, national differences, local differences, the’ characteristics of economic structure, lifestyle and other aspects, there are various forms for the countries to move to socialism. And the richer the diversity is, the more reliable and the faster the process moving towards socialism is.

Lenin pointed out, in his attitude towards Marxism: We do not regard Marx’s theory as something completed and inviolable; on the contrary, we are convinced that it has only laid the foundation stone of the science which socialists must develop in all directions if they wish to keep pace with life. We think that an independent elaboration of Marx’s theory is especially es- sential for Russian socialists; for this theory provides only general guiding principles, which, in particular, are applied in England differently than in France, in France differently than in Germany, and in Germany differently than in Russia.’

Moreover, after the proletariat gained power, how to transit to socialism and carry out socialist construction is a new and unprecedented undertak- ing. In order to seek the path for an economically backward country to tran- sit to socialism, Lenin tried “wartime communist policy”, and envisioned a direct transition to communism spanning market and merchandise money relations, namely the transition to the unified production and distribution organized by the country. However, it was found that the approach had many problems and was not applicable. Lenin stopped it decisively, and admitted the failure bluntly.

Lenin decisively stopped this policy and frankly admitted that he “made a lot of mistakes in this regard.” He also emphasized in particular: “The responsibility of the Communists is not to conceal the weaknesses of their own movement, but to openly criticize the weaknesses so that they can be overcome quickly and thoroughly.”

“The attitude of a political party toward its own mistakes is critical in respect whether this party is solemn and whether it truly fulfills one of the most important and credible missions it has assumed for the class and the working masses.”'

Second, the theoretical qualities and the essence of Mao Zedong Thought

Born in the 1940s, Mao Zedong Thought is the first theoretical achieve- ment of Marxism in China. From 1840 to 1920, the Chinese progressive people and political forces had explored for 80 years in order to revitalize the Chinese nation. However, they still failed to truly rescue China from sufferings. The October Revolution sent Marxism-Leninism to China, “Follow the path of the Russians—that was the conclusion”. In 1921, the CPC, which was armed with Marxism-Leninism, was founded. And since then, the Chinese revolution has taken on a new look. However, the devel- opment of the Chinese revolution was not plain sailing, and the final victory of the revolution was not won easily.

In the history of our party, in a period of time, some so-called real Marxists in the CPC could not correctly understand the true meaning of “taking the path of Russia.” Instead of proceeding from the actual situation in China they have proceeded from Marxist books on the series of questions regarding the nature, path, motive forces, strategy and tactics of the Chinese revolution. Instead of exploring the various questions encountered by the Chinese revolution independently, they have absolutized the experiences of the Soviet revolution and sanctified the resolutions of the Comintern, which, has for several times caused the thriving revolutionary movement into frustration. Comrade Mao Zedong resolutely opposed this subjectiv- ism and dogmatism in the Party that did not conform with realities, and who blindly copied others’ experiences. He insisted that “the victory of the China’s revolutionary struggle will depend relies on the Chinese comrades” understanding of Chinese conditions”.

He emphasized: It is up to the Chinese comrades to create a new situation in the revolutionary struggle, it is necessary to learn to apply the basic theo- ry of Marxism-Leninism to the specific environment of China and integrate it with the actual situation in China. He said: to use a common expression, it is by “shooting the arrow at the target”. As the arrow is to the target, so is Marxism-Leninism to the Chinese revolution.

With that in mind, Mao Zedong combined the basic principles of Marxism with the actual situation of Chinese revolution and followed the standpoint, viewpoint and method of dialectical materialism and historical _ Materialism. Based on the changes of historical conditions and practice, the in-depth study of Chinese social class, social bracket and Chinese eco- nomic, political and cultural structure, and the summary of the experience and lessons of success and failure, he correctly answered Chinese social na- ture, revolutionary nature, revolutionary path, revolutionary stage, leading class, supporting power and other major problems, founded Mao Zedong

Thought, and realized the first historical leap of combining Marxism with practice in China.

For example, on the nature of the Chinese revolution, Mao Zedong gave a thorough analysis of the colonial, semi-colonial and semi-feudal nature of Chinese society: Since Chinese society is colonial, semi-colonial and semi- feudal, since the principal enemies of the Chinese revolution are imperial- ism and feudalism, since the tasks of the revolution are to overthrow these two enemies by means of a national and democratic revolution in which the bourgeoisie sometimes takes part, and since the edge of the revolution is directed against imperialism and feudalism and not against capitalism and capitalist private property in general even if the big bourgeoisie betrays the revolution and becomes its enemy—since all this is true, the character of the Chinese revolution at the present stage is not proletarian-socialist but bourgeois-democratic.”!!

However, in present-day China the bourgeois-democratic revolution is no longer of the old general type, which is now obsolete, but one of a new special type. We call this type the new-democratic revolution and it is developing in all other colonial and semi-colonial countries as well as in China. The new-democratic revolution is part of the world proletarian- socialist revolution.”'?

With regard to the stage of the Chinese revolution, Mao Zedong pointed out that: since the Chinese society is colonial, semi-colonial and semi-feu- dal, the Chinese revolution should be divided into two steps. The first step is the new democratic revolution, and the second is the socialist revolution. The two revolutionary steps are like the first part and the second part of one article. The New-Democratic Revolution is the first part, and the Socialist Revolution is the second part. Only after completing the first part can the second part be started. The first part is the necessary preparation, and the second part is the inevitable outcome of the first part. And no dictator- ship of bourgeoisie appearing between the two parts should be allowed. We may turn to the path of the Chinese revolution. What kind of path should Chinese revolution take? Mao Zedong did not proceed from books, but from the specific realities of China. He pointed out that: in China, due to the weak force of proletariat, the large cities in China were completely in the hands of the reactionary ruling class. Therefore, the European revolution path of creating revolutionary surge through revolts in central cities did was not applicable at all. On the contrary, China had vast rural area where there was relatively weak domination of the reactionary forces. The rural area could provide a wide margin for revolutionary forces, and there were the most reliable allies of the proletariat, namely the peasants. Only by relying on the rural areas, arming the workers and peasants, creating the red re- gime, and encircling the city from the rural areas can the proletariat finally win the success. Therefore, the path of the Chinese revolution is different from the Russian path. It can only be the path of encircling the cities from rural areas and seizing power by armed people. Moreover, in terms of the transition to socialism, Mao Zedong proceeded from the reality of China. After winning the victory of the new democratic revolution, there was a period of new democratic society. Then, there was socialist transformation of agriculture, handicrafts and capitalist industry and commerce from new democracy. In this way, the transition to socialism was achieved in a peace- ful way. All these are pioneering work, adding new and valuable content to the development of Marxism-Leninism.

Although Mao Zedong made serious mistakes in his later years and once deviated from the ideological line of seeking truth from facts established by him, he was still a great Marxist seen from his whole life. Without his creation of the special path of the Chinese revolution, successful explora- tion of the transition of the backward countries to socialist and pioneering work in other aspects, it would be impossible to have the victory of the Chinese revolution and the establishment of the socialist system of China. Even the mistakes made by Mao Zedong in his later years also provided a useful lesson for Deng Xiaoping to explore the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics seen from the dialectical point of view. Deng Xiaoping’s theory exactly generated, formed and developed on the basis of inheriting forefathers, pioneering and innovating, and insisting on correct- ness and correcting mistakes.

Third, the theoretical qualities and the essence of Deng Xiaoping Theory

Formed in the 1980s, Deng Xiaoping Theory is an important theoretical achievement of Marxism in China as well as an important part of the theo- retical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the late 1970s, China’s society was at a critical juncture in its development. The whole Party and the national people had three paths to choose. One was the old path. The second was the crooked path and the third was a new path. The old path was to continue to follow the “Cultural Revolution”, namely the path of “Two Whatevers”. The crooked path was to deny the socialist path on the excuse of denying the “Great Cultural Revolution” and any mistakes made before, namely the capitalist path. The new path was not only differ- ent from the old path, but also different from the crooked path. It was a path leading to the bright. Which way would China go? The answer was related to the future of socialism and the future of the Party and the country. With extraordinary courage, Deng Xiaoping led the whole Party to break through _the constraint of “Two Whatevers”a new way by rejecting the old path.

Then, he definitely criticized the ideological trend of denying socialism, refusing the crooked path. He insisted on combining the basic principles of Marxism with the contemporary Chinese practice and the characteristics of the times, and insisted on taking practice as the only standard to test the truth. He constantly summed up experiences, affirmed achievements, cor- rected mistakes, and led the whole Party and the national people to make bold breakthrough and trial. Finally, he carved out a new path, nance the socialist path with Chinese characteristics.

In the process of paving this new path, Deng Xiaoping’s greatest charac-

teristic is that he was not dogmatic but insisted on emancipating the mind, even in questions such as what is Marxism and what is socialism.

Deng Xiaoping said: For many years there has been a question of how to understand Marxism and socialism.... Nobody was clear about exact- ly what changes had taken place over the century since Marx’s death or about how to understand and develop Marxism in light of those changes. We cannot expect Marx to provide ready answers to questions that arise a hundred or several hundred years after his death, nor can we ask Lenin to give answers to questions that arise fifty or a hundred years after his death. A true Marxist-Leninist must understand, carry on and develop Marxism- Leninism in light of the current situation.”

Lenin was a true and great Marxist because it was not books that enabled him to find the revolutionary path and to accomplish the October socialist revolution in backward Russia but realities, logic, philosophical thinking and communist ideals. It was not by reading the works of Marx and Lenin that the great Marxist-Leninist Mao Zedong learned how to accomplish the new-democratic revolution in backward China. Could Marx predict that the October Revolution would take place in backward Russia? Could Lenin foresee that the Chinese revolutionaries would win by encircling the cities from the countryside?”"*

The reason why Lenin is a true and great Marxist is that he found the revolutionary path from reality, logic, philosophy and communism ideal in- stead of books, and obtained the success of October Socialist Revolution in a backward country. Mao Zedong, the great Marxist-Leninist of China, did not seek the way to win the victory of the New-Democratic Revolution in the backward China from the books of Marx and Lenin. Could Marx expect the success of the October Revolution in a backward Russia? Could Lenin predict that China will win victory by encircling the cities from the rural areas?” The same is true when the question is how to build up a country.

After winning the revolution, the countries should build socialism on their own terms. There is and will be no fixed pattern. It is precisely this spirit that makes Deng Xiaoping become the founder of Deng Xiaoping Theory.

From Marx to Deng Xiaoping, from the scientific socialist theory to practice, from one nation’s practice to multiple nations’ practice, from the Soviet model socialism,to the socialism with Chinese characteristics, the development history of Marxism fully proves that the history of Marxism is the history of emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts and advanc- ing with the times since its birth. The reason why Marxism is the truth is that it insists on emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times, and developing with the development of the times; Marxism is a theoretical weapon because it emancipates the mind, seeks truth from facts, keeps pace with the times and is able to solve the major practical problems. The classical Marxist writers never regard their own theories as a dogma, but as a guide to action and a scientific method of understanding and solving problems; they never regard their theories as changeless thing and irrevocable ultimate truth. On the contrary, they always enrich and de- velop their own theories with the development of practice and according to new practical experience, so as to make their theories accept the test of the society. And they will correct incorrect understanding and judgment according to the test of the society. Emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts and advancing with the times profoundly reveals the practicality, scientificity and expansibility of Marxism, and provides a scientific per- spective for us to understand the development law and vitality of Marxism.

Advancing with the times

First, the ideological connotations and the relationship between emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts and advancing with the times

Emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times, the 3 principles contain rich ideological contents. The so-called emancipation of the mind is to bravely break the shackles of backward tra-

ditional concepts and be good at starting from reality and strive to forge ahead’!

It is manifested in three aspects. First of all, the premise of emancipat- ing the mind shall be the guidance of Marxism. Mind emancipation will be impossible if non-Marxism or even anti-Marxism rather than Marxism Is taken as the guidance. Secondly, mind emancipation shall aim at break the habitual force and subjective prejudice. If it does not aim to break the habitual force and subjective prejudice, but the correct ideas and practic- es meeting the needs of social development, it shall not be regarded as mind emancipation. Thirdly, the purpose of emancipating the mind shall be studying the new situation, solving new problems and forging ahead. If mind emancipation only remains in the empty slogan and the “revolution” in the mind instead of solving practical problems and forging ahead, it shall not be regarded as mind emancipation. The true mind emancipation shall be the integration of all these three aspects.

According to Mao Zedong’s argument seeking truth from facts, includes the following of cessation: “Facts” are all the things that exist objectively, “¢ryth? means their internal relations, that is, the laws governing them, and “to seek,” means to study. We should proceed from the actual conditions in- side and outside the country, the province, county or district, and derive from them, as our guide to action, laws that are inherent in them and not imaginary, that is, we should find the internal relations of the events occurring around us. And in order to do that we must rely not on subjective imagination, not on momentary enthusiasm, not on lifeless books, but on facts that exist ob- jectively; we must appropriate the study material in detail and, guided by the general principles of Marxism-Leninism, draw correct conclusions from it."°

To be simple, seeking truth from facts is to require people to adhere to proceeding from reality, understanding things according to their original appearance, seeing through the appearance to perceive the essence, striving to grasp the internal relations and development of things, guiding actions with the understanding of the development law of things, and consciously realizing the historical unity of subjective and objective, theory and prac- tice in the activities of understanding and reforming the world.

“Keeping pace with the times means that all the theory and work of the Party must conform to the times, follow the law of development and display great creativity.”...“Its content includes the organic combination of these three aspects: the characteristics of times, regularity and creativity.”"”

Emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times is an organic whole. The three aspects are interrelated, mutually pro- moted and indivisible. Emancipating the mind is the premise and condition of seeking truth from facts. Seeking truth from facts is the essence and foun- dation of emancipating the mind. The two are unified in the social practice. In the final analysis, they are unified in the process of advancing with the times. The key of adhering to the Party’s ideological line, emancipating the mind, seeking truth from facts and advancing with the times is to carry on truth-seeking and pragmatic spirit and adhere to advancing with the times. Whether this can be achieved consistently determines the future of the Party and the country.

Second, keeping up with the times as the key link

Why is “keeping up with the times” the key link?

To cerrectly understand and grasp this problem, we must first correctly understand and grasp the concept of “times”. The so-called “times” is an important philosophical category.

Philosophically, its biggest characteristic is that it is one-dimensional, just like time. In other words, it moves in one direction, which is irrevers- ible. Time is continuous, but it is manifested through different stages of development. The larger time span can be called the era, and the smaller time span can be called the development stage or historical period. Whether it is the era, the stage of development or the historical period, the question of the times discussed now is to emphasize that the present is not the past. It is necessary to recognize the difference between the present and the past, the changes since the publication of The Communist Manifesto, and the new situation and new features presented at current development stage compared with the previous development stages. It is because of the characteristics of the times that Jiang Zemin had repeatedly stressed that adhering to advanc- ing with the times is to recognize the major changes in politics, economy, culture, technology and other aspects over the past more than 160 years since the publication of The Communist Manifesto, the major changes in the socialist construction of China, and the major changes in the work, living conditions and social environment of the vast party members and cadres and the masses. It is also necessary to take full account of the serious chal- lenges and new subjects put forward by these changes to the Party, correctly understand the historical process of socialist development, and have a cor- rect understanding of the historical process of the socialist development and capitalist development, the influence of the practice of Chinese socialist reform on the thoughts of people, and the influence of current international environment and international political struggle. Great changes have taken place in the times, and the history has entered a new stage of development. The situation has changed, and the problems are different. In this way, the theory, ideas, methods and measures to solve the problem cannot remain unchanged. If we indiscriminately copy the old theory, ideas, methods and measures to face the new situation, solve the new problems, and create new things, we will inevitably get into trouble on all sides and encounter failure. _ This is why the adherence to advancing with the times should firstly ensure _that “all theories and the work of the Party accord with the times”.

Secondly, to correctly understand and grasp that the key is to advance with times, we should also correctly understand and grasp the relationship between the times and regularity and the significance of regularity. Whether in philosophy or science, “time” is not an empty frame existing indepen- dently. It is always closely related to things, and is the form of existence and development of things. When “time” changes, things will change too. And the internal relationship among things and the development rule and development trend formed by such relationship will also change inevitably. Based on this, we have every reason to say that situation changes when time changes. The past has its own situation, so does the present. Only by grasp- ing the present can we grasp the current situation, go with the flow, and ride on the momentum. If we stand still, we will go against the flow and will inevitably encounter failure. Throughout the development history of human society, the current age is different from the age more than 160 years ago, and the current situation is different from that more than 160 years ago. The times have changed, and the situation is different. As a result, the develop- ment law and development trend of social politics, economy, culture and other aspects of social life will also change inevitably.

To advance with times, we must study new situation and new problems, grasp the new laws and new trends of the development of things, and guide our actions with the understanding and grasp of new laws. Otherwise, noth- ing will be done. Why the formal Chairman Jiang Zemin repeatedly stressed that all party members should focus on the practical problems of China’s reform and opening up and modernization construction, things we are do- ing, the application of Marxist theory, the theoretical thinking on practical problems, new practices and new developments? That is the reason; and that is also the reason why the adherence to advancing with the times is to “make all theories and work of the Party... should accord with the laws of development”.

Finally, to understand and grasp that the key is to advance with times, the most important is to correctly understand and grasp the “advancing”. The achievement of advancing with the times, after all, should be reflected in the ability to “keep pace”. “Advancing” is to move forward. However, moving forward cannot be realized passively. It should be a kind of con- scious behavior. This requires forging ahead and bold innovation. We need

forward. Attitudes of cessation, pessimism, inaction and complacency are all wrong.

He added: Ideas of stagnation, pessimism, inertia and complacency are all wrong. They are wrong because they agree neither with the historical facts of social development over the past million years, nor with the histori- cal facts of nature so far known to us (i.e., nature as revealed in the history of celestial bodies, the earth, life, and other natural phenomena).”!®

By entering into the 21% century, Jiang Zemin explicitly pointed out: “Innovation is the soul driving a nation’s progress and an inexhaustible source of a country’s prosperity and development, also the source of the eternal vitality of a political party.”"°

In the report of the 16 CPC National Congress, he highlighted the im- portance of innovation again through summarizing the development history of human society, the social development history of Chinese society, espe- cially that since the modern times, and the struggling course of the CPC since its establishment.


Innovation is manifested in the theory, institution, science and technol- ogy, culture and other aspects of the society. In these innovations, theoreti- cal innovation is the premise and key to the development of the Party and the country. System innovation is the guarantee of the development of the Party and the national cause. Scientific and technological innovation and cultural innovation are the driving force and intellectual support for the development of the Party and the country.

The classical Marxist writers once made clear that the theory is the fore- runner of action and there will be no real revolutionary movement without the correct revolutionary theory; once the correct theory is mastered by the masses, it will be transformed into a great material force to transform the world. Therefore, to obtain the continuous development of the cause of the Party and the country, it is necessary to continuously develop theory at first. The theoretical innovation should be carried out, otherwise all new devel- opments will indulge in empty talk.

However, theoretical innovation does not drop from the skies, nor gen- erate by itself. It is driven by social practice and its needs. Marx made it

to open a path in the thorns, and even a path in the place where there is no |

_ Clear that the degree of implementing a theory in one country depends on

path. If there is no forging ahead, there will be no new path. Without inno- vation, there will be no new ideological realm. The discovery of the special

path of the New Democratic Revolution in China and the opening of the -

path of socialist construction with Chinese characteristics has proved the importance of innovation. In the 1960s, Mao Zedong once pointed out tha human beings have to constantly sum up, discover, invent, create, and move

the degree to which the theory meets the needs of the country. The con- tent of theoretical innovation comes from the scientific induction, sum- Mary and sublimation of new practical experience; theoretical innovation depends on absorbing all the outstanding ideological achievements made

https:/ Selected Works of Jiang Zemin, Vol.3, p.64.

by predecessors and contemporaries; whether the theoretical innovation is true or false should be tested and judged by practice; the innovative theo- ry can be the guide of new practice. Practice, need, inheritance and new practice guidance are indispensable elements and functions of theoretical innovation.

The vitality of Marxism lies in constant theoretical innovation; the vital- ity and vigor of the CPC also lies in constant theoretical innovation.

In his article “Insist on the Scientific Method in the Study of Marxism .

and Start from Practical Problems”, Jiang Zemin pointed out: “Attaching importance to theoretical construction and theoretical guidance is one of the fundamental characteristics of our party. And emphasizing the building of the party ideologically is an important political experience of our party. At every moment of the development of our enterprise, our party has paid due attention to the supreme priority of theoretical construction. Our 80-year historical experience shows that paying attention to theoretical innovation is an important guarantee for the advancement of the party’s cause. As long as we closely the principle linking theory with practice and continuously push forward the theoretical innovation, the cause of the Party is full of vig- or and vitality, and when the development of theory lags behind the prac- tice, the cause of the party will be harmed and even setbacks will occa

In his speech at the meeting celebrating the 80" anniversary of the found- ing of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin further pointed out: “Many changes have taken place in the present world and the time we are in, as compared with the past. We face many problems both at the interna- tional level and domestic level, therefore new problems and new situations must be answered and resolved theoretically and practically or we will not be able to move forward smoothly. We must keep pace with the times and continue to enrich and develop Marxism. If we allow the trend of old age and stagnation, we will be out of date, and our party will face with the risk of losing its advanced nature and leadership qualifications.””' When celebrating the 90" anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, Hu Jintao pointed out: “For Marxism, practice is the source of its theory, the basis for its development, and the criterion for test- ing its truth. Any actions that stick to dogma, ignore practice, or overstep oF lag behind real life will not succeed.” Based on China’s national conditions, we find that the world is changing

when we open our eyes to the whole world and look forward to the future. — China’s reform and opening up and modernization is moving forward, and the great practice of the masses are developing. All these urge the Party to take the theoretical courage of Marxism to summarize the new experience of practice, draw lessons from the beneficial results of contemporary hu- man civilization, expand new horizons in theory and make new summaries. Only in this way can the Party’s ideological theory guide and inspire the whole Party and the people to continuously push forward with the cause of socialism with Chinese charatteristics.

Treating Marxism with a scientific attitude

First, adherence to Marxism

The premise for carrying on theoretical innovation is that we must adhere to the basic position, basic ideas and basic methods of Marxism, and adhere to the basic principles of Marxism. Why should we insist on this premise? It is because the truth of Marxism is irrefutable and is the guiding ideology and theoretical weapon of the Party. Deng Xiaoping had repeatedly stressed that we are engaged in reform and opening up and socialist modernization without forgetting our ancestor; we should not forget our ancestor. If we lose our ancestor, we lose our root.

In the spring of 1992, Deng Xiaoping also confidently pointed out in a conversation in the South Speeches: I am convinced that more and more people will come to believe in Marxism, because it is a science. Using his- torical materialism, it has uncovered the laws governing the development of human society. Feudal society replaced slave society, capitalism supplanted feudalism, and, after a long time, socialism will necessarily supersede capi- talism. This is an irreversible general trend of historical development, but the path has many twists and turns.””3

In July 2001, Jiang Zemin pointed out in his speech to the 80" Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC that: “Marxism is the fundamental guiding ide- ology of the Party and the country and a common theoretical basis for the unity of the people of all ethnic groups. The basic principles of Marxism should be adhered to at any time, otherwise we will wander from the course and even lose our cause due to the loss of right theoretical foundation and

ideological soul. “This is why we must always uphold the basic tenets of Marxism.”

Second, the development and enrichment of Marxism

To carry out theoretical innovation, we must constantly enrich and de- velop Marxism on the basis of new practice. Why should we do that? It is because although the theory is gray, the tree of life is evergreen. Practice is always moving forward without limit. Thus, theory should also develop together with practice. And the innovation also has no limits. Jiang Zemin pointed out that Marxism is the science of development. It believes that the nature, society and people’s thinking is always in constant movement,

change and development. It does not recognize any ultimate condition and

ultimate truth in the world. This requires that we should combine the basic principles of Marxism with the reality of socialist modernization and the reform and opening up as well as the new developments and changes of the times and world situation, and enrich and develop Marxism in the practice of Marxism. If we ignore the historical conditions and the changes of reality and adhere to certain individual conclusions and concrete action programs made by classical Marxist writers under specific historical conditions and specific situations, we will be unable to go forward smoothly and even make mistakes due to divorcing from the actual situation. This is why we should always oppose the dogmatic approach to Marxism.

In the report to the 16 National Congress of the CPC, Jiang Zemin fur- ther pointed out: “We will surpass our predecessors, and future generations will certainly surpass us. This is an inexorable law governing social ad- vancement. We must adapt ourselves to the progress of practice and test all things in practice. We must conscientiously free our minds from the shack- les of the outdated notions, practices and systems, from the erroneous and dogmatic interpretations of Marxism and from the fetters of subjectivism and subdued and subversive metaphysics.””°

On this point, we must be firm and never allow vagueness.

The historical process of China’s reform and opening up is a process of always adhering to the basic tenets of Marxism and constantly emancipat- ing the mind, seeking truth from facts, advancing with the times, make in- novations in a pioneering spirit and being pragmatic.”°

Therefore, in the report to the 16" National Congress of the CPC, Jiang Zemin solemnly demanded from the entire party: “While upholding the ba- sic tenets of Marxism, we must add new chapters of theory to it. While car- rying forward the revolutionary tradition, we must acquire new experience. We should be good at seeking unity in thinking through the emancipation of our minds and guiding our new practice with the developing Marxism.”

Guiding the new practice with the developing Marxism faced with the new century, new stage and new situation, requires us to guide our new practice with the scientific outlook on development. The scientific outlook on development is consistent with the Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of “Three Represents”. It reflects the new requirements of the developments and changes of contemporary world and contemporary China for the work of the Party and the country. It is a powerful theoretical weapon to promote comprehensive and coordinated sustainable development of Chinese econ- omy and society, strengthen and improve the Party construction. It is the crystallization of the collective wisdom of the whole Party and the people. It is a major strategic thought that should be adhered to for a long time in the socialist construction with Chinese characteristics.

Development Stages of Socialism and the Strategies to Develop Socialism in the Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

The theory of the primary stage of socialism

First, the formation and development of the theory of the primary stage of socialism

Regardless of both the revolution and socialist construction, we must proceed from the basic national conditions of our country. As early as dur- ing the democratic revolution, Mao Zedong pointed out: “Understanding China’s national conditions is the fundamental basis for grasping all the questions of Chinese revolution.”!

The basic national conditions not only refer to the general national con- ditions of China, such as our country having a long history, a vast territory and a huge population. More importantly, it refers to the real nature of the Chinese society and the stage of historical development in which it is de- veloping. In his speech at the meeting celebrating the 70" anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin pointed out: “when recognizing China’s national conditions, the most important thing is to recognize all the favorable and unfavorable realistic factors that have a significant impact on the Chinese revolution and construction, especially _the nature of Chinese society and the stage of development it is in, under- Stand their major social contradictions, their development and changes.”

Selected Works of Mao Zedong, 2™ edition, vol.2, p.633. CPCCC Party Literature Research Office: “Selection of Important Literature since the 7* National Congress”, p.1634.

In designing the path of Chinese revolution, why did the Communist Party of China aim to launch a new-democratic revolution and not directly engage in the socialist revolution? This was determined by the nature the country, i.e. its semi-colonial and semi-feudal old society.

The New Democratic Revolution led by the Communist Party of China was able gain victory, because the first generation of the central collective leadership with Mao Zedong as the core accurately grasped that our country

was still a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, correctly analyzed the —

basic national conditions, so as to correctly solve the basic issues of new Democratic revolution, i.e. its goal, nature, motive forces and its future prospects and so on. In the current stage when we are building socialism in China, there is also the question of how to understand the basic national conditions of the country. China is in and will be in the early stage of so- cialism, for a long time in the future which is the scientific judgment of the Communist Party of China and Deng Xiaoping, which was evaluated on the basic national conditions of contemporary China.

This judgment provides a scientific theoretical basis for the Chinese Communist Party to put forward the correct basic line and basic program of the CPC for this stage. The theory of the primary stage of socialism has gone through a long process of practice and cognition.

The founders of Marxism have put forward the basic ideas regarding the future development stages of human society. In the Critique of the Gotha Program, Marx divided the future communism into the first stage and the higher stages of communism according its degree of maturity. Lenin re- ferred to these two stages as socialism and communism. Lenin further elab- orated on the development stages of socialism.

After the victory of the October Revolution, Lenin pointed out that in economically backward Russia, only “primary form of socialism” could be built, and cannot immediately build the “advanced socialism.” This con- tains the concept that a socialist society should from a low level to higher one and from incomplete to a more complete development stage. The im- plementation of the “New Economic Policy” was based on this concept. But Lenin has mainly answered the question of how Russia would transit to socialism, and was not yet able to elucidate on the future development stages of the socialist system. After the death of Lenin, when Stalin led the Soviet people in the process of socialist construction, his evaluations and practice on the development stages of socialism, has gone beyond the real-

ity. Shortly after the establishment of the socialist system in 1936, Stalin proposed that the Soviet Union had already entered the stage of completing

socialist construction and gradually transiting to communism.

After the end of the World War II, after a period of economic reconstruc- tion, in 1952 he had announced that the Party’s main task was to transit from socialism to communism. Stalin’s successors also overestimated the development stages of socialismy in the Soviet Union. Eastern European so- cialist countries and the Soviet Union have shared similar views, basically that they had entered the stage of “developed socialist society.”

China’s cognition regarding the development stages of socialism has also experienced a tortuous development process. After the socialist transforma- tion was basically completed in 1956, Mao Zedong believed that China’s socialist system had just been established and had not yet been fully com- pleted and needed a process of further consolidation. Due to the hasty and early entry into socialism, we didn’t accumulate enough experience to en- able us to have a very clear understanding on the issues of social develop- ment. Throughout the “Great Leap Forward” and the People’s Commune Movement in 1958, there had occurred a blind optimism of targeting “the realization of communism in our country, which is no longer a distant fu- ture”, and thus made a serious and erroneous estimation on the develop- ment stages of socialism.

Although later Mao Zedong and others, when trying to correct the mis- takes of the “Great Leap Forward”, held good discussions on the stage of the development of socialism in China, and pointed to the confusion re- garding the difference between socialism and communism, criticized the viewpoints of denying the law of value and equivalent Exchange in the economic life, but in general, the prevalent “left” tendency could not be corrected.

As Deng Xiaoping pointed out: As early as the second half of 1957 we began to make “Left” mistakes. To put it briefly, we pursued a closed-door policy in foreign affairs and took class struggle as the central task at home. No attempt was made to expand the productive forces, and the policies we formulated were too ambitious for the primary stage of socialism.”?

After the 3" Plenary Session of the Party, after the comparison of our both positive and negative experiences, the Chinese Communist Party has gradually made a scientific conclusion that China is in and will be in the primary stage of socialism.

The resolution “On The Historical Issues of The Party since the found-

ing of the People’s Republic of China adopted by the 6" Plenary Session of the 11* CPC Central Committee in 1981, pointed out that “of course, our socialist) system will have to undergo a long process of development be- fore it can be perfected,” and made another clear statement as “our socialist

Selected Works of Deng Xiaopi iti g Xiaoping, Ist Edition, Vol. 3, p.269 and https://archive. tam/Selected WorksOfDeng Xiaoping Vol.3/Deng03_djvu.txt. : or


system is still in its early phase of development” our socialist system is still in its early phase of development”.

The CC report to 12 CPC National Congress in 1982 once again pointed out: “China’s socialist society is still at an early stage of development.” And on the eve of the thirteenth Chinese Communist Party Congress in 1987, Deng Xiaoping emphasized: “The 13" National Party Congress will explain what stage China is in: the primary stage of socialism. Socialism itself is the first stage of communism, and here in China we are still in the primary stage of socialism—that is, the underdeveloped stage. In everything we do we must proceed from this reality, and all planning must be consis-

tent with it.

The 13 National Congress of the CPC systematically expounded the theory of the primary stage of socialism, clearly defined the meanings of the primary stage of socialism, clarified the main contradictions in the primary stage and the way to solve it, and put forward the mode of party work in the primary stage of socialism, elucidation of this basic line in this Congress marks the formation of the theory of the primary stage of socialism.

The 15" Party Congress once again expounded on the issues of primary stage of socialism, Party Congress further systematically summed up the 9 characteristics of the primary stage of socialism, and for the first time elaborated the basic sub-stages of the primary stage of socialism, thus our cognition on the issue has reached a new height.

When the 16° National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2002, put forward the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way, it has emphasizes that: “We must be aware that China is in the primary stage of socialism and will remain so for a long time to come. The well-off life we are leading is still at a low level; it is not all-inclusive and is very uneven”, and added that “we need to work hard over a long period of time to consolidate and uplift our current well-off standard of living.”

The 17° National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2007 has analyzed a series of new characteristics of the development of our country since entering the new century. It has pointed out that this is the concrete manifestation of the basic national conditions in the new stage of the new


The Congress emphasized the unremitting efforts of Chinese people

since the founding of new China, especially since the reform and open-

ing up, and added: China has scored achievements in development that — have captured world attention, and experienced far-reaching changes in the productive forces and the relations of production, as well as in the eco- nomic base and the superstructure. However, the basic reality that China is still in the primary stage of socialism and will remain so for a long time to come has not changed, nor has Chinese society’s principal contradic- tion—the one between the ever-growing material and cultural needs of the people and.the low level of social production. The current features of de- velopment in China are a concrete manifestation of that basic reality at this new stage in the new century. Stressing recognition of the basic reality is not meant to belittle ourselves, wallow in backwardness, or encourage unrealistic pursuit of quick results. Rather, such recognition will serve as the basis of our endeavor to advance reform and plan for development. We must always remain sober-minded, base our efforts on the most significant reality that China is in the primary stage of socialism, scientifically analyze the new opportunities and challenges arising from China’s full involvement in economic globalization, fully understand the new situation and tasks in | China’s advance toward an industrialized, information-based, urbanized | market-oriented and internationalized country, have a good grasp of thie new issues and problems we face in development, follow more conscien- tiously the path of scientific development, and strive to open up a broader vista for developing socialism with Chinese characteristics.”




It is just due to the basic understanding of the basic conditions of social- ism and the correct grasp of the basic conditions of socialism, we have succeeded in blazing a new trial of building socialism with Chinese charac- teristics, and have made remarkable achievements.

The basic line and basic program of the primary stage of socialism

Second, the scientific connotations and the main features of primary stage of socialism

The theory of primary stage of socialism includes two meanings: firstly. China is already a socialist society, must adhere to and stick to the path of socialism; secondly, China’s socialist society is still in the primary stage, it has not fundamentally got rid of poverty and in an undeveloped state an must proceed from the actual conditions of this primary stage, and not at- tempt to go beyond it. The meaning of the former layer refers to the social nature of the primary stage, and the latter meaning points to the degree of development of our socialist society.

When analyzing the basic national conditions of our country, we must first be certain that the basic elements of socialism have already been achieved: the basic dominant position of socialist public ownership and the basic system of socialism have been established. The people’s democratic dictatorship as the state system has been established and the guiding posi- lion of Marxism in the superstructure of the society has been established.

It is due to these basic achievements that have made the Chinese people stand up, so that China could attain the status of a socialist country among the community of world nations and have established the prerequisites for completing realizing socialist modernization in the mid of this century.

At the same time, we must also see that the level of productive forc- es in our country still lags far behind the developed capitalist countries. Thus, building the material and technical base necessary for building the advanced socialism must go through a long historical period.

To fully and correctly understand the concept of the primary stage of socialism, we must first fully grasp the meaning of these above two aspects.

and grasping the 8 Chinese characters of

Only by correctly recognizing “socialism” and “primary stage”, we can unify and grasp the basic national

conditions, which means unifying the nature of the socialist society in our country with its degree of development.

If we cannot grasp the current social nature of our country, it will be im-

possible to make a correct analysis of the basic characteristics, major con- tradictions, fundamental tasks and development orientation of society, and it will be impossible to formulate the correct path, basic line, basic program and policies. Failure to correctly understand the current stage of develop- ment of society, it may appear that we may take a working path which goes beyond the stage or may passively fall behind the situation, which will lead us wrong measures and decision. The basic characteristics of the primary stage of socialism, if summed up in a single sentence is “underdeveloped stage of socialism”. The 13 Party Congress in 1987 has summarized the basic characteristics of the primary stage of socialism in China from the aspects of population structure, industrial development level, regional development differences and level of scientific education and cultural development. The 15 Congress of the CPC has further systematically summed up the 9 characteristics of the primary stage of socialism: (1) This stage is to gradually transcend the underdeveloped state, and the historical stage within which the basic realization of socialist moderniza- tion will be achieved, which is its general overall characteristics.

(2) This historical stage is in which a significant proportion of popula- tion involves in agricultural production, mainly relying on manual labor,

and which will gradually be transformed into non-agricultural populati

and urban population becomes the majority, a stage w modern agriculture and service industry, an industrialized country.

hich will lead us toa

(3) This is a historical stage, wherein the natural economy and semi-nat- ural economy accounts for a large proportion, and will be gradually trans- formed into a highly developed market economy.

(4) This is a historical stage, wherein we have a large proportion of il- literate and semi-illiterate population, which lack education of science and culture is backward, which will be gradually transformed into a relativel advanced level of science and technology, education and culture ed

(5) This is a historical stage, wherein the poor population accounted a nee ah sr wherein people’s living standards are relatively low. which will be gradually transformed into a state th ill achieve remarkable prosperity. Shey yee

(6) This is a historical stage, wherein the regional economic and cultural development levels are quite uneven, wherein through the development achieved in the primary stage, the gaps will be gradually narrowed.

(7) This is a historical stage, wherein we will through reform practice and exploration, establish and improve a more mature and dynamic social- ist market economic system, socialist democratic political system and other aspects of the socialist system.

(8) At this stage, the broad masses of people will be able to firmly estab- lish the common ideals of building socialism with Chinese characteristic strive for self-improvement, forge ahead, hard work, diligence and creati ity, and strive to build spiritual civilization and achieve to realize peers nated development of the two civilizations, energetically promote spirit i civilization while advancing material civilization. _

(9) This stage is a historical stage wherein we will gradually narrow the . Rolie the world s advanced level and achieve the great rejuvenation of a te eae on the basis of socialism. These 9 aspects fully embody € procedural characteristics of the historical i Dace orical development of the primary

In the process of the development of the primary stage of socialism, it is pcsay to go through a number of specific sub-stages of development. which demonstrates distinct qualities.

. 17 National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in 2007 ae a pee analysis and made a new generalization which in-

aspects of the sub-phasal status of the pri i

tered into the new century. Pipiesagee ne ina gat

a 2 the current situation, economic strength is significantly enhanced

N : e the overall level of productive forces is not high, independent jiigvac capability is not strong, the status of long-term structural contradictions

still exist and extensive economic growth mode has not fundamentally transcended.

(2) In the current situation, the initial establishment level of socialist market economic system is achieved, while institutional mechanisms that hinder the development still exist, the reform is faced with deep-seated con- tradictions and problems. ;

(3) In the current situation, in general people’s living standards have achieved a well-off level, while the widening trend of gap regarding the income distribution gap widening trend has not fundamentally reversed, there is a considerable number of urban and rural poor and low-income population in China we need to undertake comprehensive efforts to regulate and optimize the interests of all quarters of the society.

(4) In the current situation, we have made significant achievements in coordinated development, while the agricultural base is still weak, the situ- ation of rural development has not changed. We are faced with the arduous tasks of narrowing development gap between the city and rural areas, be- tween regions and strike a coordinated economic and social development.

(5) In the current situation, the building of socialist democratic politics is developing continuously and our basic strategy of governing the country according to law is carried out. At the same time, the requirements of de- mocracy and legal system construction and expansion of people’s democ- racy and economic and social development are not fully met, the reform of political system needs to be deepened.

(6) In the current situation, the socialist culture has achieved more pros- perous level, and the people’s spiritual and cultural demands are becoming more and more vigorous. We see obvious enhancement of independence, selectivity, diversity and difference in people’s ideological activities, which brings forward higher requirements for the development of advanced so- cialist culture by us.

(7) In the current situation, our society has become evidently more dy- namic, but profound changes have taken place in the structure of society, in the way society is organized and in the pattern of social interests, and many new issues have emerged in social development and management.

(8) In the current situation, China is opening wider to the outside world, but international competition is becoming increasingly acute, pressure in the form of the economic and scientific dominance of developed countries will continue for a long time to come, both predictable and unpredictable

risks are increasing, and the need to balance domestic development and

opening to the outside world is greater than ever. .

At present, the phasal status characteristics of China’s development giv- en above are the concrete presentation of the basic national conditions of the primary stage of socialism in the sub-stage when China has entered into the new century.

' Only by firmly grasping the great historical stage of the primary stage of socialism and seriously analyzing the specific characteristics of the sub- stages in different periods, can we accurately judge the mainstream and direction of our country’s social development and formulate the correct de- velopment strategies and policies.

Third, the long-term nature of the primary stage of socialism

That, China is in the primary stage of socialism, is not conclusion based | on general principles, but a scientific conclusion drawn from the concrete realities of China. i i

The 13 CPC National Congress pointed out: “the primary stage social- ism” does not refer that generally to the initial stage that any country should pass through when proceeding towards socialism “but refers specifically to the backwardness of our country with relatively backward productive forces, and with an the underdeveloped commodity economy, it is certain stage of development that our socialism is bound to go through.”

China’s socialism must go through a long-term primary stage.

Firstly, this truth is determined by the historical premises of our entry into socialism.

The main historical premise of China’s entering socialism is the econom- ic and cultural backwardness attached to the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society of China.

The concrete historical conditions of the modern world and China have determined that China’s bourgeoisie would not lead the democratic revolu- tion to victory, thus China would not be able to realize industrialization, economic modernization and marketization under capitalism. The only Way out for China was to reject capitalist path and strive for the goal of socialism, through new democracy under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party. These have historically imposed China to establish a so- Cialist system whence the full development of capitalism was not there. However, this does not mean that China should pass through the stage of full development of capitalism, but at the same time this does not mean that _we are allowed to by-pass beyond the stage wherein the great development of productive forces and full development of the commodity economy is

Se reerenenneeneenmeeneetenrenneneneceeeaer

. eee Party Literature Research Office: “Selection of Important Literature since

me 13" National Congress” (Vol. I), p.12, Beijing, People’s Publishing House, 1991.

achieved. Socialism is based on the highly advanced productive forces, and industrialization based on high degree of socialization of production, which is accompanied by the full development of the commodity economy, in order to fully demonstrate its superiority over capitalism. When China has entered the socialism building, it was far behind the developed capitalist countries in terms of the level of development of productive forces, in terms of the socialization of production, marketization and economic modern- ization. All these determines that, our country must use a whole historical

stage under socialism conditions to realize the socialization of production, .

marketization and modernization of the economy and industrialization—all of which were realized under capitalism conditions in many other coun- tries—in order to establish and develop socialism it needs to develop the basis regarding the level of productive forces.

Secondly, when evaluating the realities of our national situation, China has not exceeded the primary stage of socialism.

Although after 50 plus years of socialist construction, especially with the rapid development we have achieved after the 3 Plenary Session of the 11" Central Committee of the CPC, China has undergone profound changes, productivity has been a huge development, our cause has made great prog- ress, comprehensive national strength of China is greatly enhanced and the people’s living standards in general have reached a well-off level.

However, in general, the level of productive forces in China is not high yet, our socialist system is not perfect, the socialist economic system is not yet mature, the socialist democracy and the legal system is not sound enough, the backward situation of education regarding science and tech- nology, and cultural level has not been fundamentally changed, the sphere of societal construction and social management are also faced with many new issues. The major social contradiction between people’s ever growing material and cultural needs and the backward social production did not yet enter a new situation.

Thirdly, and finally, the characteristics of the times and the general inter- national environment we are surrounded with determines that the socialist modernization drive of China have to go through a relatively long primary stage. Advance and mature socialism requires that we should continue to develop and improve our material and technical foundation, as well as sci- entific and technological progress.

In today’s world, the productive forces of the developed countries is highly advanced, and looking at the world-wide environment we see that scientific and technological revolution has developed rapidly. Surrounded with this context, in the process of modernization, in addition to the con-

z g

7 | 2

informationization to meet the challenges of the new scientific and tech- nological revolution surrounding our country, which means that China’s comparative comprehensive national strength is under a great pressure of foreign competition. All these determine that China must go through a long primary stage to develop into a more advanced and mature socialism. In short, our country is still in and will be in the early stages of socialism for a long time to come.

To achieve modernization, to build our country into a prosperous, demo- cratic, civilized and harmonious socialist country, there is still a long way to go, till the middle of the 21* century in order to basically realize modern- ization, from 1956 into the socialist society. The primary stage of the work takes at least a hundred years. In,1992, Deng Xiaoping pointed out in his speech in the south tour: We have been building socialism for only a few decades and are still in the primary stage. It will take a very long historical period to consolidate and develop the socialist system, and it will require persistent struggle by many generations, a dozen or even several dozens. We can never rest on our oars.’

Capitalism has consummated centuries to modernize itself. Only by seiz- ing the opportunities and utilizing them successfully so as to speed up the development, it is possible to achieve this magnificent vision of achieving socialist modernization in 2049.

Recognizing the long-term nature of the primary stage of socialism will help us to keep a clear mind and avoid us from making “left” or right mis- takes, in our thinking and actions, and raise our consciousness of upholding the party’s basic line and basic program, thus will promote the socialist modernization drive.

The basic line and basic program of the primary stage of socialism

First, the main social contradictions in the primary stage of socialism

One of the core issues of the theory of the primary stage of socialism is the correct judgment of the major social contradiction, which is the objec- tive basis for formulating the basic line of the Party in the primary stage of socialism.

6 Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, First edition, Vol.3, pp.379-380 and https://archive. org/stream/Selected WorksOfDeng Xiaoping Vol.3/Deng03_djvu.txt

ventional historical task of industrialization, China is also faced with the

After the socialist transformation in our country was basically completed in 1956, the 8 National Congress of the Party in 1956 pointed out: The contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in our country sae basically been resolved. The history of the class exploitation system whic had lasted for thousands of years has basically ended. “The principal con- tradiction within the country is no longer the contradiction between the pro- letariat and the bourgeoisie but the one resulted from the need of the people for rapid economic and cultural development which fell short of their re- quirements. The chief task confronting the entire nation is to concentrate. all efforts on developing the productive forces, change our country from an underdeveloped agricultural country to an advanced industrial country e soon as possible, and gradually meet the people’s growing economic an cultural needs.”

The 8" Congress of our Party’s judgment on the major social contradic- tion of China was basically correct, and in line with China’s national condi- tions, but due to variety of subjective and objective reasons, we failed to stick to this correct understanding and judgment.

The failure of expansion of the “anti-rightist” struggle in 1957 was, theo- retically speaking, a reflection of rejecting the correct analysis we a made regarding major social contradiction and meant that we regarde tt € contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie as ae main social contradiction of our society, which led to the rise of the “left” thoughts.

In 1962, the class contradiction was further emphasized as the main con- tradiction and extended to be the main contradiction throughout the whole period socialism, and the line of “taking class struggle as the key Hink was put forward, leading to the occurrence of the “Cultural Revolution” which caused serious setback in our socialist cause.

The 3" Plenary Session of the 11" Central Committee of the CPC dect- sively corrected the erroneous judgments regarding the main contadicuon and the erroneous line of “taking class struggle as the key link , and shifted the focus of the work of the party and the state to the socialist moderniza-

tion drive.

In 1979, in his important speech “Adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles,” Deng Xiaoping clearly answered the main contradictions at this stage: As for the question of what is the principal contradiction in the current . riod—what is the main issue or central task confronting the Party and ie people in the current period—actually this question was answered by e decision of the 3“ Plenary Session of the 11" Central Committee to shift the

7 CPCCC Party Literature Research Office: “Selection of Important Literature since the Founding of PRC” (Vol. IX), pp.341-342, Beijing, Central Literature Publishing House, 1994.

focus of our work to socialist modernization. The level of our productive forces is very low and is far from meeting the needs of our people and coun-

try. This is the principal contradiction in the current period, and to resolve it is our central task.’

' “The resolution on The Historical Issues of The Party since The Founding of The People’s Republic of China, decided at the 6" Plenary Session of the 11 Central Committee CPC, in 1981 further pointed out that after the socialist transformation was basically completed, the main contradiction to be solved by our country was that “between the ever growing material and cultural needs of the people and the backward social production.”

The 13" Party Congress in 1987 more comprehensively expounded and affirmed the theory of the primary stage of socialism and pointed out that the main contradiction throughout the primary stage of socialism in our country was that “between the ever growing material and cultural needs of the people and the backward social production.”

But as a result of international and domestic factors, class contradictions and class struggle in China will continue to exist within a certain range, and may also intensify, under certain conditions. We must have a clear under- standing of this issue, and take the correct attitude and methods to solve it. But the main contradiction of society is “between the ever growing mate- rial and cultural needs of the people and the backward social production.” This main contradiction runs through the whole process of socialism in our country and demonstrates itself in the various aspects of social life, which determines that we must take economic construction as the center, all the work of the Party must obey and serve this central task.

Deng Xiaoping has always stressed the importance of this idea, by say- ing “even if there is a large-scale invasion by foreign enemies, we must not shake and change our judgment regarding the main contradictions and central task, nothing should interfere the determination of our party’s con- centration over the cause of socialist modernization, must not repeat the mistake we have made regarding the 8" Party Congress judgment, shake the central task work center and turn back to error of “taking class struggle as the key link”.

The 16" National Congress of the Communist Party of China stressed that in the stage of building a well-off society in an all-round way, it is nec- essary to adhere to the economic development work as the central task and solve the problems regarding the development. It emphasized: we should promote social progress, and continuously improve people’s living stan- dards, and ensure that people share the fruits of development, by firmly focusing on the task of economic development. Only by firmly grasping the main contradictions and central task of the primary stage of socialism and concentrating on the development of productive forces can we fundamen- tally change the backwardness of our country and continuously meet the people’s growing material and cultural needs.

Second, the formation and content of the basic line of the of the primary stage of socialism

The basic line, also known as the general line, is the description of the. general goals and tasks of the CPC for a certain historical stage and the pathways and roads set to achieve this goal. The basic line of the primary stage of socialism was established on summing up the past experience and lessons, and was gradually formed in the course of reform and opening up and the practice of socialist modernization.

In the eve of the 3 Plenary Session of the 11° CPC Central Committee in 1978, Deng Xiaoping pointed out that the realization of the four mod- ernizations should be understood as a great revolution. We should carry out comprehensive and major reforms in the economic front and at the same time reform the relations of production and adjust the superstructures so that they can serve the base.

The 3 Plenary Session of the 11" Central Committee decided to shift the focus of Party and state work to economic construction and made the great

decisions of reform and opening up.

Evaluating the doubting thoughts in the society towards the viability of socialist system after certain failures, and in order to control the erroneous thought of negating the Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping put forward the Four Cardinal Principles: adhere to the socialist path, adhere to the peo- ple’s democratic dictatorship, adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to our guiding ideology of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. In 1980, Deng Xiaoping pointed out in his speech at the 5" Plenary Session of the 11 CPC Central Committee that the political line of our Party at this stage is to engage in four modernizations.

In 1981, in the 6" Plenary Session of the 11" Central Committee estab- lished the goal of building our country into a socialist country with modern

agriculture, modern industry, modern defense and modern science and tech- _ nology, with a high degree of democracy and a high degree of civilization.

By 1982 the 12" National Congress of the Party has proposed the Party task as “one center, two basic points” which was a further summarization

of the above concept. At this Congress, Deng Xiaoping for the first tim

put forward “follow a path of our own, and build socialism with Chinese

characteristics” as an important proposition. In 1986, as suggested by Deng

Xiaoping, the 6" Plenary Session of the 12 CPC Central Committ d fined the overall comprehensive layout of China’s socialist re ani ‘s task, that is, “take economic construction as the central task apeits ee ingly carry out economic reform, unswervingly carry out political fe - strengthen the construction of spiritual civilization.” reer

On the eve of the 13% CPC National C ; tote on Xiaoping made it further clear: gress held in 1987, Deng

It : our basic line to carry out socialist modernization. If we are to do so and to make China a prosperous and developed country, we must, first

follow the policies of reform and openi pening up, and to the Four Cardinal Principles.”® ae aes

While systematically expounding the theory of the primary stage of eAlsins the Party’s 13" CPC National Congress formally fanitered th party s basic line in the primary stage of socialism: “In the initial sta e se socialism, our party’s basic line of building socialism with Chinese a acteristics is: “To lead and unite the people of all ethnic groups acros the country, taking economic construction as the central task uphold the : Cardinal Principles, persist in reform and opening up, see that people of ite whole country will rise to do hard pioneering work and bring ie a ; rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, thus we will strive to build our co a into a prosperous, democratic and civilized modern socialist country. m0 i

i the 4% Plenary Session of the 13" CPC Central Committee, the third generation of the central collective leadership, with Jiang Zemin if its

core leader, has gradually put forward th j : WG e *yqe socialist harmonious society. major strategic task of building a

ee oe sen

ae report of the 16" National Congress of the Communist Party of 4 ina combined the task of building a socialist harmonious society, with € important goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way.

pote ne 2 CPC National Congress in 2002, the Party Central om is with Hu Jintao as veto Secretary made further cognitive a eae eg the 6" Plenary Session of the 16 CPC Central mitce e an of “harmonious society” and “prosperity and advanced a ee efined as the goal of socialist modernization. All these ics a r celts practice and exploration, our party’s cognition re- Sapa ao of the struggle has gradually deepened, it has attained a . prehensive understanding on how to achieve the overall cause of

Cialism with Chinese characteristics and how to combine various related

Selected Works of Deng Xiaopi iti g Xiaoping, Ist edition, Vol.3, p.248 and https: i tream/Selected WorksOfDengXiaopingVol.3/Deng03 eats pores

0 CPCCC Party Liter at

ure Research Office: Selectio of Impo a L &

( ) n [ ip rtant Litera ure since


tasks as organic unity to achieve our goals. The party’s basic line, deeply summarizes the Party’s goals, fundamental ways to follow and fundamental guarantees to achieve the goals, defines the leadership tasks and reliance on the fundamental principles of the socialist primary stage and the basic principle of achieving it. Firstly, the phrase “to build China into a prosperous, democratic, Civi- lized and harmonious socialist modern country”, which is the party’s goal in the primary stage of socialism, embodies the requirements of the com- prehensively advanced socialist society. ,

Prosperity is the goal and requirement regarding the economic field; de- mocracy is the goal and requirement of the political field; civilization is the goal and requirement in the field of ideology and culture; lastly “harmoni- ous” refers to the goal and requirement of the societal sphere.

The goals of prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious are in fact linked with the acts of the of economic construction, political construc- tion, cultural construction and construction of unity and cohesiveness in the society, i.e. social construction.

Secondly, “one center, two basic points”, which is the party’s basic line refers to the most important content we must bear in mind and practice, in order achieve the goal of socialist modernization goals.

Taking “economic construction as the focus” aims to answer the funda- mental task of socialism, embodies the essential requirement: the develop-

ment of productive forces. “Adhere to the Four Cardinal Principles” is one of the two basic points,

which is our political guarantee, when we are struggling for the liberation and the development of productive forces, it also embodies the require- ments of the basic socialist system. “Adhere to reform and opening up” is another basic point, aims to an- swer the question of how to deal with external conditions, when developing Chinese socialism, it also embodies the essential requirement of the libera- tion of productive forces. As explained above “one center” and “two basic points” concept is an indivisible whole.

China’s economic construction is based on the Four Cardinal Principles as its political guarantee, reform and opening up as a powerful driving force;

reform and opening up, to further the liberation and development of pro ductive forces, the consolidation and development of the socialist syste! for the purpose of the Four Cardinal Principles, To ensure that reform ani opening up and economic construction in the right direction, but also fr the new practice continue to draw new experience to enrich and develo

If we give up the economic construction as our central task, all the de- velopment and progress of socialist society will lose its material basis: and if we give up both adhering to Four Cardinal Principles and the fefonin and opening up principle, economic construction will lose both its key soul and its high vitality. °

“One center, two basic points” embodies the strategic layout of China’s construction of socialist modernization, and reveals the objective laws and development path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Thirdly, “leading and uniting the people of all nationalities” refers to the leadership of Party and also motive social force we rely in order to achieve the goal of socialist modernization.

The Communist Party of China is the core of leadership of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The people of all ethnic groups in the whole country are the forces we depend when fighting for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Fourthly, “self-reliance and arduous pioneering” are the fine traditions of the Chinese Communist Party and the fundamental foothold and basic guideline for realizing our goals in the primary stage of socialism. As Deng Xiaoping had emphasized: “we must work hard and with a pioneering spir- it. This spirit is essential if we are to achieve the four modernizations. The fact that China is poor, has weak economic foundations and is backward in education, science and culture means that we have to go through a hard struggle.”!!

The basic line of the party in the primary stage of socialism embodies the requirements of the nature of socialism, reflects the fundamental law of development of socialism in China, and determines the path of develop- ment of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, we must with no _ vacillation uphold the principles of the party’s basic line. Deng Xiaoping emphasized: “We should adhere to the basic line for a hundred years, with ee That is the only way to win the trust and support of the

Adhering to the party’s basic line, the key is to adhere to taking the eco- Hontic construction as the focus unwaveringly. Taking economic construc- tion as the focus has summed our bitter lesson of the past, when we took lass struggle as the key link” which has caused major setbacks in the

socialist construction task.

aie Works of Deng Xiaoping, 2nd edition, Vol.2, p.257. elected Works of Deng Xiaoping, Ist edition, Vol.3 i i . Vol.3, pp.370-371 and https://archive. g/stream/SelectedWorksOfDengXiaopingVol.3/Deng03_djvu.txt. ree:


We can only consolidate and improve our socialist system and maintain social harmony; if we can be able to withstand the pressure of hegemonism and power politics, and safeguard China’s sovereignty and independence against foreign pressures and if we can be able to maintain people s living standards and to strengthen the socialist system. Sovereignty and indepen- dence; in order to fundamentally get rid of the backward situation, among

the world’s modern forest.

In short, whether to adhere to the economic construction: as the focus, . decides the success or failure of China’s socialist modernization, related to the future of socialism and the fate of our great cause.

Therefore, we must always take economic construction as the focus, all the other work spheres must obey and serve this central task, and all the other work spheres should not separate from this focus, and we should see that nothing should interfere and frustrate our central task.

Adhering to the party’s basic line means we must unite the two: reform and opening up policy and adhering to the Four Cardinal Principles.

The Four Cardinal Principles reflect the ideals and the cause pursued by our country. It is the political foundation of our party and the political guarantee for China’s survival and development. It also plays key role as the political guarantee of the reform and opening up policy and the mod- ernization goal. Reform and opening up is the path we follow so as to inject energy and vitality into China’s development and progress. Thus the Four Cardinal Principles and reform and opening up, the two are mutually linked and interdependent.

If we ignore the Four Cardinal Principles and talk about reform and open- ing up, the latter will inevitably lose its correct political orientation, it will never proceed smoothly. Reversely if we ignore the reform and opening up and talk about the Four Cardinal Principles, the latter will not be able to in- novate and advance with the times, will become a rigid doctrine. Adhering to the two basic points, i.e. the Four Cardinal Principles, adhering to the reform and opening—must obey and serve the central task of economic construction. Unswervingly upholding the basic line of the party suited to the primary stage of socialism, i.e. the economic construction as the center and the Four Cardinal Principles, and reform and opening up as the two ba- sic points is the great practice, regarding the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, which constitutes the most valuable experience of

the CPC since 1978.

Third, the basic program of the primary stage of socialism

The basic program of the Chinese Communist Party throughout the pri- mary stage of socialism is the concretization of the basic line of the Party. The corrective re-establishment of the party’s ideological line in 1978 has provided the necessary ideological premise for the development of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The establishment of the basic theory of the “primary stage of socialism”, the formulation of the basic line of “one center and two basic points” has laid the theoretical basis for CPC’s practice. The new basic line of the Party was also gradually developed.

In 1991, Jiang Zemin made a speech on the 70° anniversary of the found- ing of the Communist Party of China, which summed up the experience of reform and opening up practiced for more than 10 years, he defined the contemporary historical mission of the Chinese Communist Party and the basic economic, political views required in implementing the basic line, expounded on the basic content of culture to be constructed in the new era, and other basic policies that should be followed in the construction of socialism. In this speech, Jiang Zemin has made profound analysis and discussion, and laid the foundation of the basic program of the Party in the primary stage of socialism.

Deng Xiaoping’s important speeches he made in an inspection tour to the South in 1992 and the report of the 14" Party Congress, have provided di- rect theoretical contributions for the formation of the Party’s basic program.

Several Plenum meeting resolutions’ explanations by the Central Committee of the 14 National Congress between 1992-97 and in particu- lar, Jiang Zemin’s contributions on the twelve major issues of China’s so- cialist modernization construction goal have further clarified China’s path of economic system reform, and the basic goals and basic policies of social development strategy, construction of spiritual civilization and the issue of party building in the era, all have laid the foundation for the further forma- tion of the basic program.

On the basis of above achievements, the 15" Party Congress formulated the basic program of the Party in the primary stage of socialism, and thus defined the requirements of the basic line in the primary stage of socialism. The 17° Party Congress has further enriched the content of the basic program: “the construction of a socialist economy with Chinese charac- teristics is to develop an advanced market economy under the conditions

_ Of socialism, to continuously liberate and develop productive forces, to

achieve sound, sustainable and rapid economic development, and to ensure

that people share the fruits of reform and development. That the political

construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics is based on the 3 pillars: party leadership, people assuming as masters of their own destiny


and the managing of state affairs, and the rule according to law of law, the development of socialist democratic politics, the realization of social sta- bility, clean and efficient government clean and efficient, and creation of a fully enlivened political situation wherein the people of all ethnic groups enjoy harmony. The construction of the culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics should be guided by Marxism, with the aim of cultivating citizens with ide- als, good morals, and culturally advanced and having discipline conscious- ness. We should promote Chinese culture and build the common spiritual home for the Chinese nation, promote an advanced public socialist culture with the essentials of modern conduct, world-oriented, future-oriented. We should build a socialist core value system, and promote the great develop- ment and prosperity of the socialist culture.

Building a harmonious socialist society means to follow the principles of democracy and the rule of law, social fairness and justice, honesty and fra- ternity, vigor and vitality, stability and order. Building a harmonious social- ist also means seeking for harmony between man and nature and following the policy of all the people building and sharing a harmonious socialist society, we will spare no effort to solve the most specific problems of the utmost and immediate concern to the people and strive to create a situation in which all people do their best, find their proper places in society and live together in harmony, so as to provide a favorable social environment for development.

To achieve the tasks of the basic stage of socialism, the basic program must correctly understand and deal with the dialectical relationship between the party’s maximum and minimum programs.

The socialist construction that we carrying out today is, in the final analy- sis, in order to create conditions for the realization of communism, i.e. our maximum program, and the two are dialectically unified throughout the his- torical process of communist movement. The program of building social- ism with Chinese characteristics is the minimum program of the Chinese Communist Party at this current stage. This minimum program and the maxi- mum program of realizing communism form an organic unity and indivisible.

The maximum program sets the direction for the formulation of the mini- mum program, and the minimum program creates the conditions for the achievement of the maximum program.

The unity of the two, embodies the unity of ideals and reality, the unity of direction and the path, the unity of purpose and process, the unity of con- tinuous development and development stage, also the unity of revolution- ary spirit and scientific attitude.

This requires that we should not only talk about the party’s minimum program, and forget the party’s maximum program, and should not only talk about the party’s maximum program, while ignoring the party’s mini- mum program.

‘ While firmly establishing the lofty ideal of communism, we should es- tablish a firm conviction of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. In his speech at the meeting celebrating the 80" anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin pointed out: “All comrades in the Party should set up a lofty communist ideal, fortify their conviction and spur themselves on by holding to high ideological and moral standards. More importantly, they should make unremitting efforts in a down-to-earth manner to realize the Party’s basic program for the current stage and put their heart into each single piece of work now. To care about the immedi- ate interests only while forgetting the lofty ideal will result in the loss of direction of progress. But to talk big about the lofty ideal without doing any practical work will get one divorced from reality.”

upon ening RAN

Throughout the primary stage of socialism, we must adhere to the uni- ty of minimum program and maximum program, unswervingly imple- ment the basic line and basic program of the party suited to the primary stage of socialism, and push forward the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Development strategies to deepen the primary stage of socialism

First, the “three-step” development strategy

The realization of socialist modernization is the long-cherished inspi- ration of the Chinese Communists and the Chinese people. Mao Zedong as the core figure of the first generation of the central collective leader- ship of the party has repeatedly put forward the grand idea of building our “four modernization tasks” till the end of the 20" century. However, due to the lack of consistent understanding of major issues such as the historical stage, major contradictions and fundamental tasks of our country’s social- ism and how to build it, China’s socialist modernization has undergone through a tortuous process. With the ending of the “Cultural Revolution”, Deng Xiaoping has seriously considered how to proceed from China’s na- tional conditions so as to achieve socialist modernization. In September 1978, when Deng Xiaoping met a group of guests from the Japanese press,

13. Selected Works of Jiang Zemin, Vol.3, p.293 and smwx/t85789.htm.


According to Deng Xiaoping’s suggestions, in the same year in October,

i ina’s “ ization” Is to be he gave a new explanation of China’s “four modernization” goa , fe ‘ the Party’s 13% Congress agreed on the “three-step” strategic conception.

achieved by the end of the 20" century.

He said: “At the end of this century, even if we will achieve our goals of four modernizations, and build a well-off society, our level will not reach that of Japan”. During this period Deng Xiaoping’s visits to the United States, Japan and other countries, had also deepened his understanding of modernization. .

In March 1979, Deng Xiaoping pointed out in his speech at the forum meeting regarding the theoretical work of the party: Now, in our national construction, we must likewise act in accordance with our own situation

and find a Chinese path to modernization.””*

In October the same year, Deng Xiaoping put forward a new point of view at the Political Bureau of the Central Committee. He said: By the political task, we are referring to the four modernizations. We used to have the ambitious goal of realizing the four modernizations by the end of the century. Later we changed the goal the ‘Chinese-style” modernizations, in- tending to lower the standard a little.”'

In January 1980, Deng Xiaoping divided the coming 20 years into the two decades, initially proposed two steps concept to achieve well-off soci-

ety level.

The 12% Party Congress has formally proposed the two-step strategy concept based on his idea. The first step was to use the first 10 years to double the GNP (gross national product) by constant prices in order to solve the people’s food and clothing problem. By the end of the twentieth century, the gross national product (GDP) would be quadrupled (with the constant prices of 1980) so that people’s living standards will reach a well-off level.

The first step, from 1981 to 1990, will be the realization of doubling gross national product of the year 1980, so as to solve the people’s food and clothing problems. The second step, from 1991 to the end of the 20" century, further doubling the gross national product so that people’s living standards will reach a well-off level. The third step, in the 50 years to the middle-of the 21% century, per capita GDP would reach the level of moder- ately developed countries, wherein people living standards will be more af- fluent, and the socialist modernization will be basically realized then, move forward on this basis.

According to Deng Xiaoping’s three-step approach, targeting the basic re- alization of modernization in 2049, China through its effort according to three five-year plan periods, the 2000 goals were achieved in 1995, ahead of time.

In March 1996, in order to link the second-step and the third-step well, the State Council promulgated the “Ninth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and Outline for Long-term Target for the Year 2010.”

In 1997, the strategic goals for the third step, further defined third stage: in the first decade of the 21* century, we will realization the doubling of the gross national product of the 2000, and achieve a well-off life which is more affluent for people, and achieve the formation of a relatively com- plete socialist market economic system. After 10 years of efforts, between 2010-2021 till 100" anniversary of the founding of the CPC, we will a more developed national economy and more perfect socialist systems in all as- pects. And in 29 years till the mid-21* century, by the 100" anniversary of anniversary of the founding of the PRC, modernization will be basically realized and we will “build a prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, civilized socialist country. This definition has made the “three- step” strategy and its steps more specific and clear.

The “three-step” strategy was put forward by the central leading col- lective of the Party on the basis of summing up the historical experiences of the development of modernization at home and abroad. And has been a profound embodiment of the characteristics of China’s national conditions and characteristics of times and the correct reflection regarding the objec- tive law of modernization.

The above development strategy which has started from the realities of the primary stage of socialism has reflected the unity of ideal and seeking truth from facts; considered the economic development and improving peo- ple’s living standards as a unity, adhering to the economic development and the realization of the socialist character in gradual steps as another unity.

By the end of the 20" century to achieve quadrupling the GNP, and then move forward the strategic goal that was defined as follows, by Deng Xiaoping: “As The first step Quadrupling the GNP will be a significant achievement... It will provide a new starting point from which, in another 30 to 50 years, we shall approach the level of the developed countries. I am talking about production and living standards.””'®

In April 1987, when he met with the Spanish guests, Deng Xiaoping for the first time, proposed a new development strategy which included three steps to achieve modernization.

14 Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, 2nd edition, Vol.2, p. 163, and stream/Selected WorksOfDengXiaoping Vol. 1/Deng02_djvu.txt.

15 Ibid. 16 Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping, Ist edition, Vol.3, p.79 and

stream/Selected WorksOfDeng Xiaoping Vol.3/Deng03_djvu.txt.


  • The rights of the people to participate and to develop as equals are

adequately protected. The rule of law for the country, the government, and society is basically in place. Institutions in all fields are further Tapas the modernization of China’s system and capacity for governance is base cally achieved. :

Building a prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, civilized socialist country, ie. the goals of socialist modernization and adhering to comprehensive and coordinated development of economy and society, and guiding the whole party and the people in building of socialism with Chinese characteristics, has defined the program of action. ; The 19" Party Congress in 2017 led by Xi Jinping further clarified the above strategy as follows: The period between 2017 and 2020 will be decisive in finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects. We must follow the requirements on building this society set out at our 16", 17%, and 18" National Congresses, act in response to the evolution of the principal con- tradiction in Chinese society, and promote coordinated economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological advancement. We must show firm resolve in implementing the strategy for invigorating China through science and education, the strategy on developing a quality workforce, the innovation- driven development strategy, the rural vitalization strategy, the coordinated regional development strategy, the sustainable development strategy, and the military-civilian integration strategy. We must focus on priorities, ad- dress inadequacies, and shore up points of weakness. In this regard, I want to stress that we must take tough steps to forestall and defuse major risks, carry out targeted poverty alleviation, and prevent and control pollution, so that the moderately prosperous society we build earns the people’s approval

and stands the test of time. The period between the 19" and the 20% National Congress is the period in which the timeframes of the two centenary goals converge. In this pe-

riod, not only must we finish building a moderately prosperous society in

s and achieve the first centenary goal; we must also build on this enary goal

‘ Social etiquette and civility are significantly enhanced. China’s cultur- al soft power has grown much stronger; Chinese culture has greater appeal.

  • People are leading more comfortable lives, and the size of the mid-

dle-income group has grown considerably. Disparities in urban-rural de- velopment, in development between regions, and in living standards are significantly reduced; equitable access to basic public services is basically ensured; and solid progress has béen made toward prosperity for everyone.

. A modern social governance system has basically taken shape, and society is full of vitality, harmonious, and orderly.

¥ There is a fundamental improvement in the environment; the goal of building a Beautiful China is basically attained.

In the second stage from 2035 to the middle of the 21* century, we will building on having basically achieved modernization, work hard for a far- ther 15 years and develop China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and

74 beautiful. By the end of this stage, the following goals will have been met:

‘ ; ; ; : New heights are reached in every dimension of material, political, cul- tural and ethical, social, and ecological advancement.

tae Bs ats

Modernization of China’s system and capacity for governance is achieved.

all respect achievement to embark on a new journey toward the second cent

of fully building a modern socialist country. Based on a comprehensive analysis of the international and domestic

environments and the conditions for China’s development, we have drawn up a two-stage development plan for the period from 2020 to the middle of

Ras China has become a global leader in terms of composite national strength and international influence.

  • Common prosperity for everyone is basically achieved.
  • The Chinese people enjoy happier, safer, and healthier lives.

The Chinese nation will become a proud and active member of the com-

this century. munity of nations.

In the first stage from 2020 to 2035, we will build on the foundation cre- ated by the moderately prosperous society with a further 15 years of hard © work to see that socialist modernization is basically realized. The vision is that by the end of this stage, the following goals will have been met:

  • China’s economic and technological strength has increased significant:

ly. China has become a global leader in innovation.

Second, the goal of building a moderately prosperous society

Through the concerted efforts of the whole party and the people of all thnic groups across the country, by the end of the 20 century, China has chieved the first two goals of the “three-step” strategy of modernization and the people’s living standard has reached a well-off level in general This marked a new milestone in the history of the Chinese nation. j

After the people’s living standards have reached the well-off level, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 15" CPC, Central Committee in 2000, has pro- posed that China will enter a new stage of building a well-off society in an all-round way and accelerate the socialist modernization.

The 16 National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2002, put forward the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round (com- prehensive) way in the first 20 years of the new century. The 17 National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2007, put forward new and higher requirements on the basis of the goal of building a well-off society as compared to the 16" National Congress of the CPC.

How to understand the different terms in the Party documents, such as: low-level well-off, well-off society, and the term of the well-off society in an all-round way. Low-level well-off means that we have just entered the threshold of comprehensively well-off society, also means that we have solve the basic needs of survival, but we are also far away from comprehen- sively well-off (not comprehensive).

Still not comprehensive (all-round) well-off level mainly refers that the currently achieved well-off level includes a moderate level of material civi- lization, but it does not include comprehensive levels of spiritual civili- zation, political civilization, ecological environment, sustainable develop- ment due to lack of enough attention. The development being quite uneven, means we have just entered the threshold of comprehensively well-off so- ciety but the national income distribution among the population is unbal- anced, which also means there is a huge gap between urban and rural areas, between the eastern and western regions, and means that there is a widening gap, between different income groups and widening gap of economic de- velopment of people as well as living standards of people.

The goal and requirements of building a well-off society in an all-round

way are as the following:

- Enhancing the mode of coordinated development, and strive to achieve -

sound and rapid economic development. Changing the mode of development, making significant progress in opti mizing the economic structure, improve efficie and natural sources, protect the environment on the basis of quadruplin, the per capita GDP between 2000-2020. The socialist market econo system becomes more perfect. The ability of independent innovation | proves significantly, and the contribution rate of scientific and technol cal progress to economic growth rises sharply and China enters amon; ranks of innovative countries. Residents’ consumption level enco steady increase, the formation of coordinated growth pattern of thre lars: consumption, investment, export driven growth pattern. Coordi

ney, reduce waste of human

and interactive development mechanism of urban and rural areas among

different dea Significant progress will be made in the construction of

_ new socialist countryside. The proportion of urba: i illi ew n popul eee : population will increase

- Expanding socialist democrac { y and better protect people’s ri interests and improve social equity. iii nai

Citizens’ political participation will be enhanced in an orderly manner. The basic strategy of governing the country in accordance with the iaw will be deepened, the rights of the people to participate and to develo as equals will be adequately protected. The rule of law for the count : the government, and society is basically in place. Institutions in all fields are further improved; the modernization of China’s system and capaci eae Gaines achieved. Grassroots democracy ee perfect. The ability of the go i i i i i “eee 2 eet vernment to provide basic public services will

- Strengthening cultural construction, the civilizati

: vilization quality of th

population will be improved significantly. ee i

The socialist core value system will enj oy a strong popular support, and the good virtues of people and morality will ascend to a higher eck

A public cultural service system covering the whole society will be basi cally established, the establishment of cultural industry encounters a si nif icantly increase in its proportion in comparison to total national eee The international competitiveness regarding accessing to more rich sultagel products will be significantly enhanced to meet the needs of the people °

- Accelerating the development of social i

. undertakings, and _

sively improve people’s lives. gs, and comprehen

Modern national education system will be more perfect, lifelong educa- on system will be basically formed, the education level of all people and innovative personnel training level will be improved significantly. Social mployment pattern becomes more adequate. The social security system os all the urban and rural residents will be basically established fe everyone enjoys basic living standards and social security.

easonable and equitable distribution of income will be basically formed size of the middle-income group has grown considerably and becomes oes the ultimate elimination of poverty is basically achieved ryone enjoys basic medical and health servi i a ee ania ices. Social management

he above goals will be achieved by 2021.


- The concept of ecological civilization across the whole society will be firmly established, the construction of ecological civilization encounters remarkable progress. The basic form of energy conservation and protection of the ecological environment of the industrial structure, growth, consump- tion patterns will be formed. Cire the proportion of renewable energy increases significantly. The discharge of pollutants in the main will be effectively controlled, the quality of the ecological environment will be significantly improved. Sustainable devel- opment capacity is increasing. By 2020, when we will achieved the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way, our long history of civilization and the developing social- ist country will encounter the following: industrialization will be basically realized, the comprehensive national strength is significantly enhanced, the overall size of the domestic market will rank in the forefront of the world, the whole people will achieve a higher degree of affluence, the quality of life has been improved and the ecological environment has been improved. Thus China will become a country with more full democratic rights and higher moral quality and spiritual pursuits. It has become a more perfect

a more dynamic and stable society. China will become more

system and to other nations of the

open to the outside world, will have more affinity world, and China will make greater contributions to human civilization.

Building a well-off society in an all-round way is the necessary stage we must pass through realizing the strategic goal of socialist modernization in three-steps. It is an important strategy for the new stage of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The goal of this struggle is in line with China’s ba- sic national conditions and the law of modernization, in line with the aspira- tions of the broad masses of the people, leads us in our efforts to continue to move forward in the new century, points to our direction.

Promoting a sound and rapid economic development

First, taking the path of new industrialization

Industrialization is the basis and premise of modernization, highly de- What kind

of path should be followed as the path to industrialization is a major issue

veloped industrial society is the main symbol of modernization.

facing our country. The 16" National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) 1 2002, pointed out that it should adhere to industrialization combined informatization, promote the informationization of industries, and bla: a new path of industrialization with high technological content, virtue

ular economy ascends to a larger scale, .

economic efficiency, low resource consumption, less environmental pollu- tion and improvement of qualified human resource advantages. This ss the major strategic decisions made by the Party Central Conimities to enable China achieve a well-off society in an all-round way and aecelerie the advancement of socialist modernization in the new stage of development

eens of feats the new path to industrialization, is the right choice evaluating the realities of both China and the world’s sci alee yaaa S science and techno-

Since the 1990s, the world economic and technological development has undergone tremendous advances: firstly, the new scientific and technologi- cal revolution has developed by leaps and bounds, high-tech, es eciall the extensive application of information technology, has becouse : se driving force for economic and social development, and men’s Seung activities and social has begun to enter the era of information and autom : tion. Secondly, economic globalization has encountered in-depth ieee: ment, the world’s economic and trade development and capital sees a ee transfer movement has imposed to speed up the economies eu a open and interdependence among countries has in-

On ce other hand, in the above defined context of globalization, we cannot close our doors when engage in the industrialization efforts, and a a follow the traditional Western path of colonialist industrializa- ee we need to strictly engage in informationization. In the above xt, we cannot achieve the industrialization with i . . « Out to industrialization. peices

After the founding of new China, especially since the reform and open- ing up, China s economy has made great achievements, China saw rapid progress of industrialization.

But in the past few decades, China’s economic development has relied too much to expand the scale of investment and focused on increasing in- vestments on material economy, this means an extensive economic eek this mode of development has caused excessive waste of resources Nie mental pollution, expansion of urban and rural gap, thus we have said hu : price for economic development. The contradictions regarding energy. ko Sources, environment has become more and more acute and sinsustiinable

a This pala us to change the mode of economic growth, take the path of few industrialization, mainly by saving from the consumption of material Tesources and mainly rely on scientific and technological progress improve € quality of workers, management innovation, shift from ddensive devel- ment to intensive one, so as to achieve that we achieve sustainable and



In order to take a new path of industrialization, we must firmly grasp the strategic adjustment task regarding the economic structure, as the main task, promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure.

The grand policy of adhering to develop an industrialized, information- based, urbanized, market-oriented and internationalized country, considers the formation of high-tech industries as the guiding sectors, the basic in- dustries and manufacturing sectors as the supporting part, and includes the comprehensive development of the service industry.

High-tech industry is based on the IT-industry as the representative sec- tor of the high-tech development in the emerging industries of the world, which is characterized by high level technological content, jt is an impor- tant driving force for rapid development, regarding the national economy and social life and greatly contributes to economic growth. It is becoming the lifeline of both the whole industry of the national economy, it is also the basic material condition for the further development of modern social productive forces. On the other side, the manufacturing industry is at the center of industrial structure, is the basis and prerequisite for accelerating the realization of national industrialization and modernization. Its development can promote and support the development of other industries of the national economy.

The prosperity and proportion of the service industry in the economic structure is the main feature of economic modernization. The proportion of service industry in the national economy is the main symbol to measure the degree of economic and social development and also the modernization

level of a country. To this end, the 17" National Congress of the Party, said: we will develop

a modern industrial system, integrate IT application with industrialization,

push our large industries to grow stronger, invigorate the equipment manu-

facturing industry, and eliminate outdated production capacities.

We will

Second, the construction of a new socialist countryside

The document titled as “The New Ideas in the Work of Agriculture Countryside and Farmers” embodies the major strategic decision made b China’s central leadership to meet the requirements of the new stage ie economic and social development and realize the grand goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way which is the goal of full socialist mod- ernization, in the new era of reform and opening up.

The problems of agriculture, rural areas and peasants, shortly “the three rural issues has always been the fundamental problem of China during— revolution, construction and reform—the three periods.

Bee sinha of our party’s leadership over revolution, construction and reform works are inseparable from its achievements in resolving the “three rural issues”.

After the reform and opening up, especially since the 16 CPC National Congress in 2002, our Party has adopted a series of measures to solve the problem of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”, so that agriculture would be strengthened, rural areas to be developed, the benefits of farmers to be increased, and considered the three issues as the important premise of pro- moting economic and social development and maintain social stability.

However, it must be seen that the deep-seated contradictions that restricts the agriculture and rural development has not yet been eliminated, and the long-term mechanism for the sustainable and stable increase of farmers’ , mes ea yet been formed. The lagging situation of rural economic and social development, in comparison to urban region > s has n _ fundamentally. : nr

Solving the problem of “three rural” is still a long-term task. The “three _ tural issues” a term in China to summarize rural issues is the key problem in _ the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way.

Building a moderately prosperous society is the most arduous task when

upgrade new- and high-technology industries and develop information, biotechnology, new materials, aerospace, marine and other industries. We will develop the modern service industry and raise the level of the service sector and its share in the economy. We will step up efforts to improve - basic industries and infrastructure and accelerate development of a modern

comprehensive transport system. We will ensure th ation

Pplied to rural areas. If the peasants are not well-off of the peasants, the well-being of the people of the whole country will not be achieved. There Il be no achievement of modernization of the whole China without the dernization of the countryside.

The virtuous development of the rural economy, building qualified and althy farmer homes, so that farmers live a well-off life is a must to ensure t all people share the fruits of economic and social development and ves to the goal of continuously expanding domestic demand and thus pene sustained, rapid and coordinated development of the national my.

energy industry and a quality and safety of products. We will encourage formation of intern

ally competitive conglomerates.

Since the 16% National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2002, our Party has stressed that it is necessary to solve the problem of “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” as the top priority of the work of the whole party and further stressed a coordinated urban and rural development.

At the 4" Plenary Session of the 16 CPC Central Committee, Hu Jintao :

put forward the important idea of “two trends”, that is, in the initial stage of industrialization, agriculture supports industry and provides accumulation for industrialization being a general trend. But as the second trend, after a degree of industrialization (middle and late stage) is achieved, industry should nurture and support agriculture, urban regions should support rural areas, “we should achieve coordinated development of the industry and agriculture, urban and rural regions. At present, China has generally entered the development stage wherein we should promote agriculture, with the support of urban regions. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 16" CPC Central Committee further proposed that building “a new socialist countryside” is a major historical task in the process of modernization of our country.

In 2006, the CPC Central Committee and State Council co-issued the “Opinions on Promoting the Construction of New Socialist Countryside”, and made a comprehensive plan for coordinating the economic and social development of urban and rural areas and promoting the construction of

new socialist countryside.

The central government put forward the general requirements of con- structing a new socialist countryside, as follows: development of agricul-

tural productive forces, well-off life, rural civilization, clean and tidy vil _

lages, democratic village level management.

The comprehensive development of agricultural productive forces, is the central link in building a socialist new countryside... material basis and key link to achieve other objectives of the whole project. Making “increases in farmers’ income” so that they lead a better life is the central task and the purpose of building a socialist new countryside but also the basic scale to

measure the success of our work.

Township civilization, policy is the reflection of the quality of farmers, which reflects the requirements of spiritual civilization in rural regions. We

should boost spiritual civilization and accelerating the development of ed cation and culture in rural areas to cultivate “new-type” farmers.

Clean and tidy villages policy aims to achieve the harmonious deve ment of man and the environment which will meet long-term requirem but also a symbol of building a modern civil society in rural areas W! means boosting harmony, caring for the lives of farmers, improving bi and strengthening social administration in the countryside.

Improving grass-roots democracy is the political guarantee of building _a socialist new countryside means showing respect for and maintenance of _ the peasant masses’ political rights. We should boost grass-roots democracy _ in the countryside and imprové transparency in village affairs. We should fully exert the leading core function of the grass-root party organization to provide solid political and organizational guarantee for the construction of anew socialist countryside. °

The dbove policies form an organic whole, which summarizes the basic connotation and requirements of building a socialist new countryside, the policies have not only sketched out the prospects for the longed pleasant picture for a modern countryside, but also put forward the systematic ideas to solve the “three rural” problem:

Building a socialist new countryside, has been a systematic project, so as to actively promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas to be carried out under the premise of orderly, planned and gradual methods

In order to strengthen the basic status of agriculture, take the path of ag- ricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics, the establishment of labor to promote agriculture, to urban long-term mechanism with the town- ship, has the formed a new pattern of integration and coordination of urban and rural economic and social development. |

We should adhere to promoting the development of modern agriculture take the prosperity of the rural economy as a primary task, strengthen the construction rural infrastructures, improve rural markets and agricultural service system.

We should increase supports to agricultural development, enforce the protection of arable farming land plots strictly, increase agricultural invest- ments, promote the progress of agricultural science and technology, com- prehensively enhance the agricultural production capacity.

We should take increasing of farmers’ income as the core task, promote € development of township enterprises in rural areas, strengthen hie coun- level economies, explore and establish diverse channels for shifting the mployment of farmers in non-farming occupations, which is one funda- ental problem to solve for increasing farmers’ incomes, employment. We i0uld vigorously increase targeted efforts for poverty alleviation by i: ural development. We should deepen the comprehensive reform in rural S and promote the reform and innovation of the rural financial system | should adhere to the policy of improve the basic management system A al areas, stabilize and improve the contract based land use relationship ecordance with the principle of voluntary compensation in accordance the law, improve the land transfer and management rights contract


market. We should explore for more effective forms

i.e. promote the develo operative associations and organi ization of agriculture and also pr prises. All of which can play an important ro in modern value chains, by providing technica

We should also promote the development of leading ent pt defines leading enterprises as important

f modern agriculture and key to in-

areas. Leading enterprises conce components of the industrial system o dustrialized operations in agriculture.

We should cultivate culturally developed, science and o that hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers can

ly, new type of farmers, s

pment of professional and specialized farmers’ co- zations in order to support the industrial- omote the development of leading enter- le in helping farmers operate | training and information.

of collective economy,

erprises in rural

technology friend-

fully play their role in building a new socialist countryside.

Third, improve the ability of independent innovation, building an innovative nation

Tn tive force for the prosperity of a count of the Party Central Committee, has eva world and the historical stage of our country promote independent innovation, building C

This has been a major strategic decisio

the strategy of rejuvenating the country through s

the strategy of strengthening th novative country has become an o international competitiveness. In today encing an evolution from industrial soci

ety. Scientific and technological innovation has

force of national development, and will finall

competitiveness of a country. In the new roun nological competition, developed countries are using th

advantages to maximize their interests.

If developing countries can improve their ab have the opportunity and initiative to develop

further widen the development gap wi

If development is our highest priority,

nology in a strategic position, accelerate the pac drive China’s productive forces furt

tion, build an innovative country,

forward to achieve a qualitative leap in order to grasp the o tion and enhance our initiative to pus

the fierce international competi development.


ovation is the soul of a nation’s progress, and an inexhaustible mo- ry. Hu Jintao as the general secretary luated the development trend of the , made a far-sighted judgment to hina into an innovative country.

n made by our Party to adopt

cience and education and

e country through talents. Building an in- bjective requirement to improve Chinese ’s world, human society is experi- iety to knowledge economy soci-

become the core driving etermine the international

d of global science and tech- eir technological

ilities to innovate, they may better. Otherwise, they will ith the developed countries.

we should put science and tee

e of independent inno’


Building an innovation-oriented country is a major step in imple ; the scientific concept of development and building a well-off menting elround way. It is an urgent requirement to solve the outstandi sen dictions and problems facing China’s current development ng contra-

Only by vigorously promoting scientific and technological progre d innovation, only enhancing our ability of independent innovation oe : mote China's economic growth mode from resoutce-denendent m ie innovation-driven mode, can we continue to maintain stable id oer tainable economic growth. is

The strategic decision to build an i i a an innovative country has not o significant step forward but also a realistic step. = Be

is based on the scientific analysis of China’s basic national conditions 4 comprehensive judgment on the strategic requirements of China, but also aims to launch the full potential of China’s superiority as being . SO- an ee aeeoe of socialism should be given full play. China which already has a good basis of economic and i ei | technological should utilize this basis by independent innovation strategy. oe

eae there is still a big gap between China’s current overall level of i ie Eeicenes with the world’s advanced level, although China’s verall level of science and technolo é erall gy, possess many holes or weak points which hinder its economic and soci ie ocial development i the achievements made sinc i i tes e the founding of new Chi i i the reform and openin i i Seen enae g up, with the establishment of a sociali alist market eco- nomic system, and after we have achi i

eved sustained and rapid i

and social development: China’ i a emcioe

s total number of scientific and i

technologi- a ee sere and the total number of R & D personnel in the oe nt of the world, has significantly increas

ed, we have formed lati

complete research discipline s i eee é ystem regarding natural sciences, th ih some important areas of research oe and development biliti i ae pment capabilities China g the ranks of world’s advanced i oo countries. All these have 4 an important foundation and presents favorable conditions for buildi ina as an innovative country. =

B ortve ee tite we should focus to science and technological ‘Ue peeeaias s rategy, try to achieve a substantial increase in sci- an gical innovation, strive to have an increasingly str Mpetitive advantage against our competitors. ae

pPrsent, a world’s leading innovative countries are the United y : ce fe ee and so on. The common characteristics of these coun- bes gies ution of innovative industries, scientific and technological o their output is more than 70% of the total. And their R & D



investment expenditures are generally more than 2% of their GDPs; their foreign dependency indicators regarding independent innovation capabil- ity, their dependency to external technology are usually less than 30%.

In building an innovative country, starting from the reality of our coun- .

try, the core task is to enhance the ability of independent innovation as a strategic basis for the development of science and technology. We should follow a path of independent innovation with Chinese characteristics, in order to promote the development of science and technology by leaps and bounds. In order to enhance China’s ability of independent innovation as a na- tional strategy, China aims to stimulate the whole nation’s innovative spirit, cultivate high-level innovative talents, form an institutional mecha-

nism conducive to independent innovation, vigorously promote theoreti-

cal innovation, system innovation, scientific and technological innovation,

and constantly consolidate and promote the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The 12% Five-Year Plan of China emphasized the following: “we should change the development mode and strive to create a scientific development pattern” “and as the focus of accelerating the transformation of the econom- ic development pattern, the building of resource saving and environment- friendly society is a key factor. Obviously, the green economic growth is of extraordinary importance in forming a resource saving and environment- friendly society, and is an inevitable choice in coping with increasingly se- tious resource and environmental constraints. In pursuit of a green growth, endeavors on enhancing the sense of environmental crisis, accelerating en- ergy saving and emission reduction, and constructing an energy-saving and environment-friendly production pattern are urgently needed.” The ability of independent innovation is the core of a nation’s interna- tional competitiveness and the fundamental way to realize the goal of build- ing an innovative country.

The practice of science and technology development in the world shows that, in order to enhance our initiative and grasp opportuniti

international competition, the only way to success can be having a strong

independent innovation capability.

Especially in the key areas of our national economic lifeline and in the key areas of our national economic security, and in core technology velopment areas, and in the areas of key technology we cannot buy fr outside, therefore China must rely on independent innovation.

es in the fierce _

In all our works regarding science and technology, i.e. according to the guideline for scientific and technological work in order to improve our abilities of home-grown, independent innovation, firstly, we should focus to master a number of core technologies, targetly plan to produce a num- ber of independent intellectual property rights which belong to us, create a number of internationally competitive enterprises, thus reach a substantial increase in national competitiveness.

In order to promote the path of independent innovation with Chinese char- acteristics, we must adhere to the above guideline (guideline for scientific and technological work) which focuses “home-grown innovation, leapfrog ad- vancement in key areas, supportive development and leading fot the future”.

Independent home-grown innovation, means to enhance the national in- novation capacity, means to strengthen the indigenous innovation capacity. integrated innovation and means in our technological innovation efforts we should adopt the policy of digestion and assimilation in technological in- novation instead of copying and imitating.

Focusing on leapfrog advancement in key areas means we should insist on doing something wrong, choose such innovation areas where we have a certain degree of foundation and advantages, and strike a good balance when choosing key areas of innovation, i.e. strike a good balance between the needs of people’s livelihood and key national security areas and link them appropriately. It means we should concentrate our efforts, to make breakthroughs in some major areas and achieve leapfrog development.

Focusing on supportive development means we should start from the re- alities of our urgent problems that needs to be solved in order to support the sustained and coordinated economic and social development. And in order to ae the sustained and coordinated economic and social development we should strive to make breakthroughs in the area: a s of key technol and common technologies. : ae

Leading the future, means to look forward with long term vision, strive 10 advance deployment of cutting-edge technologies and promote baste sci- entific and technological research, create new market demand, foster the development of the new industries, so as to lead the future economic and cial development.

This guideline of focusing on “home-grown innovation, leapfrog ad- ancement in key areas, supportive development and leading for the future” a summarization of the practical experiences of developing of science d technology in China for more than half a century. It is an important Olce for the future of our country and related to our cause of great reju- oo of the Chinese nation. We must stick to this guideline through the Ole process of the development of science and technology in China.


At the beginning of 2006, the State Council formulated “the Outline of the National Medium- and Long-term Science and Technology Development Plan”, and put forward the major strategic task of bringing China into the ranks of innovative countries of the world within 15 years.

The overall goal of building an innovation-oriented country includes the -

following goals:

By 2020, our capability of independent and indigenous innovation will be significantly enhanced, the ability of our science and technological ba- sis to promote economic and social development and to safeguard national security will be significantly enhanced, it will be able to provide a strong support for building an overall well-to-do society. By 2020, the compre- hensive strength of basic science and cutting-edge technology research will be significantly enhanced, and a batch of scientific and technological achievements that will have a significant impact in the world arena will be achieved, thus we will enter among the ranks of innovative countries, and all these will lay the foundation for becoming a world scientific and tech- nological power by the middle of the 21* century.

Accelerating the construction of national innovation system is an im- portant task for building an innovative country. The national innovation system in China an institutional system led by the government which gives full play to the market’s role in the allocation of scientific and technologi- cal resources, this institutional system includes various innovation entities which are closely linked and effectively interact with each other. To further deepen the reform of science and technology system, we should give full play to the role of enterprises in technological innovation, give full play to the backbone of national scientific research institutions and give full play to leading the role of these scientific research institutions, give full play to the role of universities and fully use their research basis.

To this end, we must strive to build a technology innovation system

with enterprises as the main pillar of the system, build a market orientated

_ world-class scientists and leading scientists in the sphere of science and

technology, we should focus on cultivating front-line creative talents, so that innovative spirit and wisdom of the whole society will blossom vigor- ously, thus China will have. numerous innovative talents, who are capable in all aspects.

Fourth, co-ordinated and balanced regional development

China covers a vast geographical land wherein its regions are faced with unbalanced development. Since the reform and opening up, the eastern central and western regions have made great progress. However due to the gaps regarding, the level of economic development in the easieih central and western regions has been widening due to the differences in their re- spective foundations, i.e. their historical basis of social and economic de- velopment, natural geographical environment, their histories and cultures and the speed of economic development levels are quite different. These gaps demonstrate a widening trend. On China to co-ordinate regional de- velopment, and narrowing the development gap between regions has be- come a critical problem that cannot be ignored. It is not only related to the overall situation of our modernization task, but also the stability of society and the long-term stability of the country. Our party has always attached importance to regional coordinated development. Mao Zedong in the fa- mous “On the Ten Major Relations,” urged to care for the development a: between Eastern and Western regions among major issues. is

During the reform and opening up era, in 1980s Deng Xiaoping put for- ward the idea of “two-step sequential strategy to achieve an overall bal- anced development” : the first step would be to let the eastern coastal areas a first me help in speeding up the opening up, in the next step after eastern regions becomes rich, they will vigorously support th of the western regions. fas i

_ The third generation of the central collective leadership, with Jiang

Zemin as its core, at the turn of the century (2000), put forward the strategy

inplementing the western development as a priority, following Deng
ee S concept of “two-step sequential strategy to achieve an over-

alanced development”, he declared: At the current stage, we should

system , we should combine production, teaching and research, scientific research and research by higher education institutions. We should also com- bine military and civilian research for innovation. Achieving the establish-

ment of a comprehensive system of scientific and technological innovation will provide a major guarantee in building China as an innovative country. Creating a contingent of innovative S & T talents is the key in buildt an innovative country.

We must adhere to the strategic thinking that human resources are primary forces and regard training innovative talents as an important tegic measure in building an innovative nation. We must strive to ¢

udy and formulate overall plan for west development. We should have ng term strategic thinking for west development. Through hard work of veral generations, until mid of 21“ century when China basically realize odernization, a new West will be built. This new West is of economic OSperity, progressed society, national unity, beautiful mountains and riv- S, and happy lives.



In the new century, evaluating the current situation of China’s region- al development and with the vision of comprehensively promoting the requirements of modernization, Hu Jintao as the general secretary of the Central Committee of the CPC, put forward the coordinated regional de- velopment strategy as follows: We should give high priority to large-scale. development of the western regions, fully revitalize old industrial bases in northeast China, work vigorously to promote the rise of the central regions, and support the eastern region in taking the lead in development. Encourage reasonable division of labor, we should promote distinctive, complemen- tary advantages of regional industrial structure, and promote common de-

velopment of all regions. The 17% Party Congress in 2007 further discussed the idea and advo- cated the coordinated regional development: We should promote balanced development among regions and improve the pattern of land development. To narrow the gap in development among regions, we must work to en- sure their equal access to basic public services and guide a rational flow of factors of production between regions. Following the general strategy for regional development, we will continue to carry out large-scale devel- opment of the western region, rejuvenate northeast China and other old sndustrial bases in an all-round way, boost the development of the central region and support the eastern region in taking the lead in development. We will strengthen land planning, improve policies for regional develop-

ment and adjust the geographical distribution of economic operations in

accordance with the requirement to form development priority zones. In we will work _

form a number of close-knit economic

rims and belts that will provide a strong impetus to the development of — ve full consideration to

supporting development of the central and western regions and encourage

compliance with the laws governing the market economy, beyond administrative divisions to

other areas. In locating major projects, we must g1

the eastern region to help them develop. We will give more support to th development of old revolutionary base areas, ethnic autonomous areas, bor der areas and poverty-stricken areas. We will help transform the economle of areas where natural resources Area in Tianjin play a major role in reform, opening up and independ innovation. Taking a path of urbanization with Chinese characteristics, will promote balanced development of large, medium-sized and smal ies and towns on the principle of balancing urban and rural develop ensuring rational distribution, saving land, providing a full range of tions and getting larger cities to help smaller ones. Focusing on incre the overall carrying capacity of cities, we will form city clusters wit cities as the core so that they can boost development in other areas come new poles of economic growth.

are exhausted. We will have the special economic zones, the Pudong New Area in Shanghai and the Binhai New

ifth, building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society

The Fifth Plenary Session of the 16 CPC Central Committee, in 2005 “put forward the goal of building a resource-saving and iivimormene cic fe ly society relying on the scientific development concept and relying on e concept of building a socialist harmonious society. The concept we build : a socialist harmonious society, has been a new leap in our party’s sade standing of the law of socialist modernization. It is a major measure to ay ordinate the harmonious development of man and nature and promot ee realization of sustainable development. - eas

Resource-saving society, refers to the efficient use of energy resources

in production process, to save the way to consumpti a J mption as the characteristics of the community. * , fundamental

Resource-saving society does not only reflect the transformation of eco- nomic growth mode, but also a new model of social development, it requir that, in all spheres of production, circulation, consumption and a all i oe of economic and social development, we should save energy ae and improve the efficient use of energy resources as the core, with energy sav- ing, water saving, materials saving, land, and suggests ee utili- zation of resources as the focus, with the smallest possible consumption of resources, access to the greatest possible economic and social benefits, so to promote the sustainable development of socio-economic structure —

Environment-friendly society, advocates the harmonious development of man and nature, through the harmonious development of man and natur Specifically, it is a kind of harmony between man and nature as the sal takes an evaluation of carrying capacity of ecological environment - the basis of respecting the laws of nature as the core, it takes supporting reen technology as the driving force, and takes protection of eam priority. Environment-friendly society concept. .

For an environment-friendly society we should develop an orderly and tional division of functional areas, promote an cio pens cul re and ecological civilization understanding , we should promote fhe dinated development of economy, society, and the environment -

uilding a resource-saving and environment-friendly society is one major re- ment of realizing our goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way.

uilding a well-off society in an all-round way not only includes the s of €conomic construction, political construction, cultural construc- ae construction, but also the construction of ecological civilization, € whole society will embark on the path of civilized development

ch includes develo i pment of production development i le and a virtuous ecology. pee eg ie rs ie



We must see that it is remarkably difficult to meet the requirements of the resource-saving and environment-friendly society which will be the mark

of the well-off society in an all-round way.

In the future, as the total economy continues to expand and the popula- : tion continues to increase, the demand for energy resources will grow great- ly, the amount of pollutants will continue to increase, pressures on ecologi- cal environment will further increase, environmental problems will become prominent. People’s demands for environmental quality is constantly in- creasing, with the continuous improvement of material quality of their life.

In the process of building a well-off society in an all-round way, we must pay more attention to the conservation of resources and effectively protect the environment. At the same time, we should take effective measures to achieve the effective control of the main pollutant discharge and improve the quality of the ecological environment while we try achieving — targets such as gross domestic product. We should build a new concept o GDP which includes, ecological standards.

Building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society is one ma- jor requirement of implementing the strategy of sustainable development. China is a country with a large population and which faces shortage of natural resources. Since the reform and opening up, China’s economic and social development has made remarkable achievements.

However, since our economic growth was mainly based on high con- sumption, high pollution, i.e, the traditional development model, which pe caused relatively high environmental pollution and ecological damage, dl e contradiction between the environment and development has peaione creasingly prominent. The relative shortage of resources, fragile ecologica environment, limitedness in the carrying capacity of environment, all ee 3 have gradually become a major issue negatively affecting the sels lop- ment. At present, China is in a stage wherein industrialization and urbaniza- tion has accelerated thus faces a lot of resources and environmental pres- sures. It is impossible to have a sustainable economic growth by utilizing excess resources and sacrificing the environment.

The history of human development has shown that the development

and survival of human civilization is closely related to the resources and environment. Resource conditions, especially the deterioration of the ecological env ronment will not only undermine people’s living conditions, but may eve lead to the demise of human civilization. If we do not attach impor saving resources and protecting the environment, we may make mistak

that will be difficult to correct in the future.

__ We should adhere to the government policy of energy and resource conser- vation and ecological environmental protection which relates to the vital in- terests of the people and the survival and development of the Chinese nation.

The 17" Party Congress further emphasized the need to build a resource- saving and environment-friendly society put these tasks to a prominent po- sition in our industrialization and modernization strategy, and include every unit and every family in the implementation of these tasks.

The report said: we must adopt an enlightened approach to develop- ment that results in expanded production, a better life and sound ecological and environmental conditions, and build a resource-conserving and envi- ronment-friendly society that coordinates growth rate with the economic structure, quality and efficiency,’and harmonizes economic growth with the population, resources and the environment, so that our people will live and work under sound ecological and environmental conditions and our economy and society will develop in a sustainable way,

We should improve the laws and policies that are conducive to save en- ergy resources and protect the ecological environment, and speed up the formation of a mechanism for sustainable development. Implementation of energy-saving emission reduction responsibility system.

We should develop and promote advanced technologies for conserva- tion, substitution, recycling and pollution control, develop clean and renew- able energy utilization, promote the protection of land and water resources, build a scientific and rational energy resources utilization system and im- prove energy efficiency.

We should develop an environment protection industry, increase invest- ments for energy conservation and environmental protection, focusing on strengthening water, air, soil pollution prevention and control, thus improve urban and rural living environment.

We should strengthen water conservancy, forestry, grassland protection, strengthen desertification control, promote ecological restoration.

We should strengthen capacity building to fight against climate change, and make active contribution to the protection of global climate.

_ Inshort, we must profoundly understand the importance of strengthening ‘nergy conservation and ecological and environmental protection, with a spirit of being responsible to the state, to the nation and to the next genera- ns, and earnestly put the building of a resource-saving and environment- friendly society in a prominent position in the strategy of industrialization and modernization so that we can better promote all-round, coordinated, stainable economic and social development.

Fundamental Task of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

The fundamental task of socialism is to liberate and develop productive forces

Science and technology are the primary productive forces in promoting and advancing the development of productive forces

Development is the overriding issue in order to promote the comprehensive development of society

Main Ways of Developing of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

Reform is an important driving force of socialism in China

Opening to the outside world is an external condition for the development of socialist society

Adhere to the idea of “Three Favorables”

Ultimate Purpose of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

People-oriented principle is the starting point and foothold of developing socialism with Chinese characteristics

Promoting the comprehensive development of people

Economic System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

Establishment and perfection of the socialist market economic system

Adjustment and perfection of the ownership structure

Reform and perfection of the distribution system of the primary stage of socialism

Building Socialist Democratic Politics with Chinese Characteristics

Exploration of the correct path for socialist political construction in China

Socialist democratic political system with Chinese characteristics

Governing the country according to law and building a socialist country under the rule of law

Building socialist political civilization and deepening political reform

Building a Socialist Culture with Chinese Characteristics

Strategic status of socialist cultural construction with Chinese characteristics

Building the socialist core value system

Raising the ideological and moral standards as well as scientific and cultural education

Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and What Kind of a Society to Build?

Scientific meaning and significance of constructing socialist harmonious society

The guiding ideology, basic principles and tasks and requirements of building a socialist harmonious society

The Basic Forces in Developing of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

Building socialism with Chinese characteristics is the common cause of the people of all ethnic groups in China

Consolidate and develop the patriotic united front

The people’s army is an important force in construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics

Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the Concept of "One Country Two Systems" and the Reunification of China

The introduction of the concept of “One Country Two Systems” and peaceful reunification of China and its basic contents

The return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland under the guidance of scientific concept of “One Country, Two Systems”

The breakthrough in cross-strait relations and the new situation of peaceful development in cross-strait relations

Peaceful Foreign Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics

The Development and changes in the international situation in the new period of Reform and Opening-up and basic characteristics of the international situation

The independent and peaceful foreign diplomatic policy

Unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and promote building a harmonious world

The Concept and Practice of the Core of Leadership of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

The strengthening and improvement of the Party’s leadership

The power of the Party rooted in people and a party for the people

Promote the party’s task to build itself in an all-round way with a spirit of reform and innovation
