Yeonmi Park

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Yeonmi Park

Born4 October 1993
Hyesan, Ryanggang Province, DPRK

Yeonmi Park is a defector from the DPRK. She is backed by a U.S. libertarian organization called the Atlas Foundation. Her stories are highly inconsistent and contain large amounts of false information.[1]


Park claims that her best friend's mother was executed at a stadium in Hyesan in 2002, but there have not been any public executions in the DPRK since 1999. Park initially said that she was executed for watching a James Bond movie, but later said it was a DVD from South Korea. Neither of these actions would likely not lead to an execution or even an arrest.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Mary Ann Jolley (2014-12-10). "The Strange Tale of Yeonmi Park" The Diplomat. Archived from the original on 2022-08-01. Retrieved 2022-08-05.