
Joined 7 May 2023
Revision as of 23:27, 7 May 2023 by Ledlecreeper27 (talk | contribs) (Creating user page for new user.)
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1. Where did you find ProleWiki?

I've seen it mentioned on social media (mostly reddit/hexbear) for at least a year and decided to take a closer look.

2. What current of Marxist thought do you uphold? Describe as thoroughly as needed your path towards your current political perspective.

100% with Marx, mostly undecided on who to play favorites with on topics like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Deng, and more that perhaps I have not heard of or underconsidered. Mostly interested in learning more leftist lore and learn more about spreading the good news about socialism.

3. Have you read our principles? Comment your agreements or objections to our principles

I agree.

4. What is your understanding of gender? Should Marxists support the LGBT community?

Marxists should support the LGBT community. I understand the importance of standing up to fascists and protecting LGBT from the the constant aggression from fascists.

5. What is your position on Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong? How would you describe their historical role? Share any comments or critiques you have regarding them.

I fully believe that the Holodomir is fascist propaganda. I'm aware of Western propaganda on these topics, but I'd like to become more informed and principled on these topics.

6. What are your thoughts on China, Vietnam, Cuba, DPRK and Laos? Do you believe any of these countries is socialist? Why or why not?

I'm skeptical of the NATO narrative on these countries, but I am not informed enough to classify these countries. The distinction between ML countries and anti-NATO countries on your principles page seemed accurate to me. I understand socialism is a long-term project that is built while under constant attack/sabotage by capitalist powers. It is not an on/off button.

I do not like to engage in sectarian behavior.


1. In your own words, how would you describe dialectical materialism?

It's kind of like a long chain of cause and effect, but imagine somebody wrote that smartly and with big words and history is involved somehow.

3. What feature do you think ProleWiki is currently missing?

I decided to make an account before browsing around, so I've never actually used/read it, but this textarea field is white when using dark mode. Also I made a post asking if anyone was training an AI model on Marxist books/websites.

7. Do you think abolishing the family should be a goal of the communist movement? If so, how would it be abolished?

I don't know what that would mean or why it would be good or bad.

8. What in your opinion is the most pressing matter for communists in your country?

I think this is a really good question and I don't know what one topic would be such. I feel like we're in the "planting seeds for trees we'll never get to sit in the shade of" phase. I am also aware that people might have said that in Moscow in 1916.

The United States should put more Marxists in congress/senate, I'm not satisfied with the current number which is zero. Unions need to take control. I personally believe "capital flight" is an empty threat (and would like to become able to give a principled explanation for that one day in the future). Fascists need to defeated. The culture of fascism in the US needs to be eradicated. Women's rights and LGBT rights need to be upheld. The war on drugs/homeless/racial minorities needs to end. We need less economic authoritarianism. We need to end imperialism.

It seems like we need to do _everything_.

9. What do you believe is the main difference between Marxism and other anti-capitalist movements?

I think the difference is materialism vs utopianism. I'm not aware of any alternatives that have made substantial long term and large scale success.

10. What is your stance on Israel and Palestine?

Israel bad. Imperialism bad. NATO bad. US bad.