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36 editsJoined 8 September 2023
Revision as of 11:59, 8 September 2023 by CriticalResist (talk | contribs) (Creating user page for new user.)
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1) I've known about Prolewiki for a year or two, but I was inspired to check it out after seeing a post about it on Lemmygrad. I am a moderator on Hexbear (I can confirm this via DM if necessary).

2) I am most comfortable with the descriptor of just "Marxist" or even "communist" for the purpose of left unity, but when rubber meets the road, I would describe myself as a Marxist-Leninist and regard Lenin's ideas of the state and imperialism and so on as the current best explanations of those phenomena.

3) I am in full agreement with the principles listed.

4) Gender is a socially and culturally constructed phenomenon, in the sense that humanity, as a collective and over time, created gender and gender roles. Genders were traditionally seen as aligned with sexual characteristics (with notable exceptions) but now, the correct understanding is that one does not determine or is determined by the other, and there are spectrums of genders, as well as the position of being without gender entirely. Marxists should, without hesitation, support the LGBT community and engage with their ideas and understand their lived experiences to create a genuinely emancipatory communism.

5) I would regard both Stalin and Mao as being imperfect historical figures doing the best they could given the conditions they were under, with very positive contributions to humanity: the former continuing Lenin's work and constructing a nuclear superpower capable of repelling the Nazi invasion, and then later the combined might of the West, in a few decades where other countries took centuries, and the latter experiencing immense hardship to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat and dramatically improving the living conditions of the Chinese people, and creating the structures that would lead to the successful current Chinese state. Their mistakes must be addressed and examined - such as whether the purges went overboard, whether the famine was preventable, whether rapid industrialization could have been carried out more humanely, whether killing all those sparrows was necessary, etc - but not exaggerated and decontextualized in the way that anti-communists often do (double genocide rhetoric, hundred million dead, ignoring the genocides in capitalist countries, etc).

6) China is a socialist country with democratic participation, socialist and semi-planned markets, with the bourgeoisie under the firm and unyielding control of a communist party, and a dedication to internal improvement of the conditions of the working class; that is, I believe they are socialist. Vietnam and Cuba are similar to the above description and are also socialist. The DPRK operates under a Juche (self-sufficiency) policy, their own development of ML, as a response to their conditions, and I believe them also to be socialist. I am the least familiar with Laos, but as far as I know, they also fit the definition.


2) I usually like to read about both current events and recent history (since 1900 or so), particularly of countries experiencing neocolonialism, so I would be contibuting along those lines for the most part.

3) I am in support of landback (when not used cynically by imperialists against their enemies), and in fact landback will be necessary to conduct in any socialist revolution inside countries like the United States, Australia, Israel, etc, if there is to be real justice for minorities.

5) I think the concept of familial structures in and of themselves are okay, but the "nuclear family" is a negative development in history. I don't hold particularly strong opinions on what should replace it, and ultimately a variety of family arrangements could function depending on the conditions of the society (e.g., families might be different in an environment of population stability, compared to families that exist when populations are increasing/decreasing). What is unequivocal is that children should have more legal protections and should be engaged with and/or supervised by at least some of their family members, such as their extended families (grandparents, uncles/aunts) and have real-life exposure to other children (siblings, cousins, etc) to build socialisation and prevent atomization and loneliness. The current situation where one or both parents are away stressfully working for much of the week and unable to interact with their children is harmful to both parents and children. This would obviously also involve a revolution in the education system.

6) In the United Kingdom, the general decline of conditions (rising energy prices, rents and house prices, food prices, inflation, the repression of protests and unions, the anti-immigration and anti-LGBTQIA+ rhetoric) needs to be fought back against by a communist party. We must offer a real alternative to the neoliberal policies of the Conservatives and Labour Party, with programs for total nationalization of energy and water companies among others, the establishment of militant workers councils of the kind exceeding that which were destroyed by Thatcher and her party, total abolition of landlords, and co-operate heavily with countries like China to build a non-fossil fuel based energy grid. We are one of, if not the, worst Western nations in terms of economic growth, and all the current parties can do is offer slogans and fearmonger about refugees.

7) Where Marxists usually advocate for democratic centralism, a vanguard party, and the co-opting of the state in order to improve the conditions of the working class and disenfranchise/eliminate capitalists, other movements like syndicalism tend to emphasize the collective power of workers in union structures in bringing down capitalism, and anarchism desires to overthrow abolish the state and capitalism in one singular action through the coordination of non-hierarchical groups. In short, Marxists are much more willing to use the state - dramatically reconfigured, but a state nonetheless - to create the transitional stage of socialism and then, eventually, communism (no state, no borders, no hierarchy, no money, etc) whereas others want to use mutual aid between people, and coordinate action between decentralized groups, to create communism more directly, and not engage with any state structures if possible.