Guerilla Conflict in the Federal Republic of Germany

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Guerilla Conflict in the Federal Republic of Germany
Part of Cold War
Leftist Guerilla Organizations
Red Army Faction (1970-1998)
2nd of June Movement (1971-1980)
Revolutionary Cells (1973-1994 (last attack)
Rote Zora (1974 as wing of Revolutionary Cells/1986 as independant organization-1995 (last attack)
Central Committee of the Roaming Hash Rebels (1960s-early 1970s, a collection of organizations)
Federal Republic of Germany
United States of America
German Democratic Republic
Palestine Liberation Organization
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (External Operations)
Black September Organization
Brigate Rossa
Action Directe
State of "Israel"
Imperial State of Iran

The Guerilla Conflict in the Federal Republic of Germany was a conflict during the Cold War between leftist guerilla organizations and imperialist forces in the Federal Republic of Germany from the mid-1960s to the late 1990s.[1]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Red Army Faction - compiled and translated by J. Smith and Andre Moncourt (2009). The Red Army Faction: A Documentary History - Volume 1: Projectiles for the People.