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2021 John Deere strike

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The 2021 John Deere strike is an ongoing strike action being undertaken by an estimated 10,000 United Auto Workers union members and workers of the John Deere company.[1]

Demands[edit | edit source]

The John Deere Workers Rank-and-File Committee has compiled the following demands:[2]

  • An immediate end to the tier system, with the restoration of fully paid-for health care and pensions for all workers
  • A 30 percent across-the-board pay increase to make up for the years of wage freezes and stagnation
  • An annual cost-of-living escalator clause to keep up with spiking inflation
  • Fully paid health care benefits for retirees and their widows, with no co-pays or premiums
  • The abolition of the CIPP productivity improvement regime, with base pay increased to ensure no loss of income
  • Maintain the eight-hour day and keep current overtime rules
  • Workers’ oversight of safety protocols to stop the spread of COVID-19. The right to halt production and close the plant for full cleaning, with guaranteed compensation to workers for all missed time, if there are COVID outbreaks.

Ways to support[edit | edit source]

Financial support[edit | edit source]

⚠️ ProleWiki is currently researching strike funds which will be able to effectively deploy donated money.

Direct support[edit | edit source]

When donating items, it's best to donate things which are likely financially out of reach (if you've got the means to do so)

  • Hot meals[3]
  • Heaters (if striking in a cold location)
  • Food for striking workers on the picket line.[4]

The international union is supplying the following already, which are no longer needed by other contributors:

  • Bottled water
  • Donuts

If you have any additional information, please add it here.

Notable events[edit | edit source]

On October 27th, the John Deere striking workers were expected to lose their health benefits, but the company decided to avoid that PR nightmare and extend benefits to striking workers.[5]

Tragically, a UAW striker was struck and killed by a vehicle on the picket line.[6][7][8]

References[edit | edit source]