Adonis Georgiadis

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Adonis Georgiadis

Άδωνις Γεωργιάδης
Political orientationNeo-fascism
Political partyNew Democracy

Adonis Georgiadis is a far-right[1] politician who currently serves as the Minister of Health of Greece.

Political positions[edit | edit source]

Pro-junta[edit | edit source]

Georgiadis claims that during the Athens Technical School Uprising of 1973, which was violently supressed by the CIA-backed military junta, no one died.[2]

Anti-Semitism[edit | edit source]

Georgiadis is a former member of LAOS, a far-right party whose former leader, George Karatzaferis, is openly antisemitic.[3]

Furthermore, Georgiadis has promoted a book of a Neo-Nazi lawyer and writer, Konsantinos Plevris, titled Jews: The Whole Truth. The book praises Adolf Hitler and calls for the extermination of Jews.[4]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Crisis, Authoritarian Neoliberalism, and the Return of “New Democracy” to power in Greece (2021-01-20). Stasis, vol.10 (pp. 181–208). doi: 10.33280/2310-3817-21-10-2-181-208 [HUB]
  2. Kostas Savvopoulos (2018-11-17). Όταν ο Άδ. Γεωργιάδης γινόταν... Λαγός (video).
  3. New Greek government includes ministers of antisemitic party. CFCA.
  4. Adonis Georgiadis and Plevris' book (IOS of Eleftherotypia, in Greek)