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Some Notes Before Reading

This is a collection of sources or observations I made during my interaction with Maoists. This will be split in two parts.

The first will be Observation, where I look at Maoists and see how they act. This may be the weakest one, as not all maoists do not represent the observations I made. It may also be biased considering most of my interactions are from twitter mostly. I will be considering the so-called 'internet maoists' or MLMpM maoists. I'm not considering the 'maoists' who support modern socialist nations (I don't think they are maoists anyways). The distinction between other maoists can be blurry, and that will be introduced in the future in my upcoming essay.

The second will be Sources, of which it will be divided into two parts. Trustworthy and Mixed. Trustworthy sources are sources which are valid and can be used without backlash, typically socialist and marxist-leninist sources, or sources of indisputable fact. Mixed sources are sources which will need more time of consideration, especially if it comes from a bourgeois or revisionist source. All state media sources (regardless of origin) will be put in there as well.

All of this is in preparation of my second edition to the Problems with Maoism essay, which if you want to read, click the name of the essay.




