Comrade:Deogeo/Study notes

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Assata: An Autobiography

  • "Only a fool lets someone else tell them who their enemy is" Assata nails it. The owner-class. Capitalists, CEOs, majority stockholders, big kahunas if you prefer, reproduce on a daily basis their antagonist role in the lives of myself and my fellow comrades.
  • I don't have a map for what the socialist revolution in the United States of Amerika will look like, but i know that we need a black messiah to lead the way. in other words, black leadership is absolutely a core pillar that must be continuously strengthened daily. the same must also be said for the latino community. a movement lead by a black lenin and a latino lenin with massive white support is the way. Police must be abolished. they are the primary reasons no new black leaders have emerged since the death of mlk and malcom x.

Capital Vol 1

Chapter 1

  • Relative and equivalent exchange value. For some reason Marx chose to name the two sides of a given value relation, eg. 20 yards of linen = 1 coat. The LHS is a relative value and the RHS is the equivalent value. Why?
  • Using the simple exchange relation 20 yards of linen = 1 coat (1) again. The basic equation here is equivalence. Any other commodity equivalent to 20 yards of linen is also equivalent to the value of 1 coat. Let 20 yards of linen = a, let 1 coat = b and some third commodity c such that a=b=c (2). The relative value only appears when a 3rd commodity c is present. Suppose through new, more efficient technology, that the same amount of labor-power makes 2a and 2b and c remains unchanged in how much labor power it requires. Equation (1) still holds, but now equation (2) becomes 2a = 2b = c. So the relative value of a and b have dropped, even if their equivalent value is still the same.

Chapter 2

Sino-soviet split

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