Topic on Talk:Socialist market economy

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We should not be treating Capitalist economies, such as "Socialist market economies", so well.

Market "Socialism" is at best, totally contradictory to the aims of creating the Communist mode of production. Communism requires the abolition of commodity production, and markets themselves are a means of commodity production, therefore, in order reach Communism, Market "Socialism" must not exist.

Furthermore, Market "Socialism" is itself an oxymoron. Markets, which commonly have private ownership of the means of production, constantly recreate bourgeois-exploitive relations. Hence, why Titoist Yugoslavia relied so much on IMF loans, and why it slowly became an economic puppet of the West, because, like Capitalism itself, Market "Socialism" logically ends with the consolidation in the hands of the few, and monopoly.

The term Market "Socialism" was created by crypto-capitalist revisionists and opportunists of the likes of Josip Tito and particularly Deng Xiaoping in order to enrich themselves at the expense of their people. Hence, why the "People's" Republic of China has over 75% of their economy in the hands of its capitalists (The PRC has the largest amont of billionaires in the world, much Socialism).

I suggest we apply a much more critical view to this right-deviationist anti-Marxist theory.
