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- Library:A History of Anglo-Soviet Relations
- Library:A History of Soviet Foreign Policy
- Library:A History of the Macedonian People
- Library:A Short History of the U.S.S.R.
- Library:Africa: Politics, Economy, Ideology
- Library:Afro-American History: The Modern Era
- Library:Again Korea
- Library:Albania and the Albanians
- Library:An American Made Tragedy
- Library:The American Civil War
- Library:Armed Intervention in Russia
- Library:Canada's Party of Socialism
- Library:Capitalism or Socialism in Britain?
- Library:Caste Question and Marxism
- Library:Central Asia in Modern Times
- Library:China as a "Quasi-Center" in the World Economic System
- Library:China's Millions
- Library:China's Revolution and the Quest for a Socialist Future
- Library:China's Socialist Economy
- Library:The Chinese Conquer China
- Library:Christianity Today in the USSR
- Library:Church and Religion in the USSR
- Library:The Civil War in Spain
- Library:Class Structure: A Critical Perspective
- Library:Class Struggle in Socialist Poland
- Library:Collaborationists
- Library:The Colonial Era
- Library:Contemporary Bourgeois Legal Thought
- Library:Contemporary Trotskyism
- Library:Crisis of the Colonial System
- Library:A Critique of Ultra-Leftism, Dogmatism and Sectarianism
- Library:The Cuban Revolution
- Library:Czechoslovakia and Counter-Revolution
- Library:Czechoslovakia's Road to Socialism
- Library:Czechoslovakia: A Federative State
- Library:Czechoslovakia—Believe It or Not!
- Library:Empire of Normality
- Library:Encounters in Democracy
- Library:Engels's Thought of the Self-Emancipation of the Working Class and Its Contemporary Value
- Library:Enriching and Developing Marxism in the Twenty-First Century in Various Aspects
- Library:Eritrea: Dynamics of a National Question
- Library:Ethiopia on the Road of Non-Capitalist Development
- Library:Ethiopia's Revolution
- Library:Expansionist Policy and Neo-Nazism in West Germany
- Library:The Export of Counter-Revolution: Past and Present
- Library:Feudal Society and Its Culture
- Library:Fifty Years of Polish Independence
- Library:The First International and the Paris Commune
- Library:The First Philosophers
- Library:The Founding of Canada
- Library:Fraud, Famine and Fascism
- Library:Freedom of Conscience in the USSR
- Library:Freeing the World to Death
- Library:From Ancient Dacia to Modern Romania
- Library:From Bryan to Stalin
- Library:From My Life
- Library:From Tsardom to the Stalin Constitution
- Library:From Yao to Mao
- Library:Fundamental Elements of the China Model
- Library:Heidegger and the Ideology of War
- Library:A Hidden History of the Cuban Revolution
- Library:The Historical Contribution of the October Revolution to the Economic and Social Development of the Soviet Union
- Library:The Historical Experience of the Agrarian Reform in Our Country
- Library:The History of Albania: A Brief Survey
- Library:History of Ancient Philosophy
- Library:History of May Day
- Library:History of Religion
- Library:History of the Ancient World
- Library:History of the August Revolution
- Library:History of the Communist Party of Vietnam
- Library:History of the Labor Movement in the United States
- Library:History of the Middle Ages
- Library:History of the Party of Labour of Albania
- Library:History of the USA since World War I
- Library:A History of Africa: 1918–1967
- Library:The History of Black Africa
- Library:A History of British Socialism
- Library:A History of India
- Library:The History of the Civil War in the U.S.S.R.
- Library:The History of the Socialist Construction of Albania
- Library:The History of the Working Class Movement in Hungary
- Library:How Do People Live in the GDR
- Library:Human Rights U.S. Style
- Library:Hungarian Anti-Fascism and Resistance
- Library:Important Documents Concerning the Question of Taiwan
- Library:In the Shadow of Empire
- Library:India To-Day
- Library:The Indian Big Bourgeoisie
- Library:Inglorious Empire: What the British Did to India
- Library:Inside the Myth: Orwell: Views From the Left
- Library:An Intellectual History of China
- Library:The Internationale (book)
- Library:Ireland Her Own
- Library:The Irish Crisis
- Library:Is the Red Flag Flying?
- Library:Israel, a Beachhead in the Middle East
- Library:The Last Days of Tsar Nicholas
- Library:Lessons Drawn from the Crisis Development in the Party and Society after the 13th Congress of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia
- Library:The Lesson of Germany
- Library:Liberation Mission of the Soviet Armed Forces in the Second World War
- Library:Liberty in Chains
- Library:The Counter-Revolution in Hungary in the Light of Marxism–Leninism
- Library:The Soviet Far East and Central Asia
- Library:Life and Labor in the Soviet Union
- Library:Life of Lenin
- Library:Lithuania: An Encyclopedic Survey
- Library:Lithuania: The Road to Independence
- Library:The Logic of Imperialism
- Library:Lynching: A Weapon of National Oppression
- Library:Man and Plan in Soviet Economy
- Library:Marxism and Its Sinicized Theory as the Guidance of the Chinese Model
- Library:Marxism and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
- Library:Marxism and the Renegade Garaudy
- Library:Marxism in United States History before the Russian Revolution
- Library:Meet the GDR
- Library:Mexico's Revolution Then and Now
- Library:Mission to Hanoi
- Library:Modern History of China
- Library:Modern History of Korea
- Library:Modern History of the Arab Countries
- Library:Modern History: 1640–1870
- Library:Modern Korea
- Library:The Mozambican Woman in the Revolution
- Library:Mozambique: From Colonialism to Revolution
- Library:My Life and Faith
- Library:My Visit to the Liberated Zones of South Vietnam
- Library:On Deng Xiaoping Thought
- Library:On Juche in Our Revolution
- Library:One-Fifth of Mankind
- Library:An Outline History of Poland
- Library:Outline History of the Communist International
- Library:Outline History of the World Trade Union Movement
- Library:Outline Political History of the Americas
- Library:The Outline of Korean History
- Library:The Palmer Raids
- Library:A Panorama of Polish History
- Library:Patrice Lumumba: Fighter for Africa's Freedom
- Library:Patrice Lumumba: The Truth about a Monstrous Crime of the Colonialists
- Library:A People's History of England
- Library:The People's Leader
- Library:Peoples of the USSR
- Library:The Peoples of the North and Their Road to Socialism
- Library:A People Reborn
- Library:The Philosophy of Revolt
- Library:Pickaxe and Rifle: The Story of the Albanian People
- Library:Political Power in the U.S.S.R.
- Library:The Populist Movement in the United States
- Library:Portugal's African Wars
- Library:Present-Day Problems in Asia and Africa
- Library:Program of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany
- Library:Races and Peoples
- Library:Racism and Human Survival
- Library:Recent History of the Labor Movement of the United States
- Library:The Reconstitution of the Communist Party
- Library:Red Star in Samarkand
- Library:Red Virtue
- Library:The Red Army
- Library:The Reformation
- Library:Reminscences: With the Century
- Library:The Republican Constitution in the Struggle for Socialism
- Library:Resettlement and Rehabilitation: Ethiopia's Campaign Against Famine
- Library:Revolution in Eastern Europe
- Library:Revolution in Hungary and the Dissolution of the Multinational State
- Library:Revolutionary Suicide
- Library:Revolutionary Tracings in World Politics and Black Liberation
- Library:The Rise of the American Nation