
46 editsJoined 27 April 2024

Vetting answers:

1. I found it while looking for a marxist leninst wallpaper for my PC on google. (It's the heads from Marx Engels and Lenin on a red background) 2. I consider myself a Marxist-Leninist and am a party member of Partei der Arbeit Österreich (Party of Labor Austria, which is the Marxist-Leninst leftover of the revisionist KPÖ (Communist Party of Austria). 3. I have a positive view of Cuba I do not consider China to be a Communist country, much less a Marxist Leninist country. I have mixed thoughts about the DPRK I do not know Vietnam well, and Laos even less.

I think it is ridiculous to list Russia on a list of "anti-imperialists" as I consider it to be a rival imperialist. BRICS imperialism may be the lesser evil, but I do not support lesser evils. I don't know much about the other countries, but the most fitting one seems to be Palestine, as it is currently experiencing genocide through US weapons used by zionist Israel. I agree that class reductionism isn't good and that we have to fight for Womens, minorities, LGBTQ rights as well as fighting climate change. I agree with your goals. 4. I think gender is a social construct and I can't stand how people often say certain things are because somebody is a certain gender. Obviously there will be tendencies to certain traits, for example people with more testosterone is important for higher muscle mass, and generally speaking people assigned male at birth have more testosterone. I think it is important to address and fight against discrimination based on gender, such as the gender pay gap. As for sexuality, I think it should be a private matter, as in up to the individuals involved. 5. I think that Stalin built up the most progressive country of his time. While it is hard to see through all the propaganda, and I do not know about the extent of which is means of developing soviet union into a world socialist power, were cruel and unjust, I still consider the soviet union under him to having been the closest to socialism of all socialist experiments. I also have positive impressions of the few texts I have read of Stalin. As for Mao, I am not very well versed. From the few things I have read or viewed about Mao (I have yet to read texts from Mao), I got the impression that he was a good communist leader and did well to organize what was essentially a peasant country at the time. I am unsure how his teachings would be applicable in a country with 99% proletarians. I also think that China only turned revisionist after Mao died. 6. I already answered this in 3. 7. Settler colonialism is when foreign settlers colonize an inhabitated land. Examples of this are the USA especially in the 18. and 19. century. Nazi Germany. Imperialist Japan. Or modern day Israel. The anticolonial struggle for national sovereignty is a just fight and is to be supported. 8. While I neither support the harming of civilians or religious fanaticism, I think that backlash from an oppressed people is inevitable. Israel has oppressed, stolen land and lead an apartheid country since it's creation. I also think that it is wrong to speak of a war between Israel and Hamas, as this is a war between Zionist settlers, and the entire population of Palestine. It is genocide through the most sophisticated weapons supported by the imperialist core of NATO of the Palestinian people. It is our duty to stop Israel and support Palestine. I think that Palestine's people only turned to Hamas because of hypocrisy in the west that ignored everything more progressive organizations like the PLO have done. There's also the fact that Israel supported Hamas for many years.

1. Oh boy I'm bad with definition stuff... I would say dialectics is when you talk about things, discuss them, and thus refine your opinions and understanding of the world. Materialism is when you consider the material world to be the main force of the world. As in we exist because of evolution, not because of god. We think because of complex biology inside of our brain, not because some spirit has possessed our body. So dialectic materialism is when you talk about the world from a material standpoint and draw conclusions on how to reach your goals based on that discussion. 2. I think that national liberation is to be supported in any case. In order to achieve socialism and later communism it is necessary for the people to choose so on their own. An oppressed people, that is exploited by imperialism is unable to make such decisions for itself. 3. I don't think I have as of yet. 4. I am not well versed on the topic but I think it should be abolished. It would be abolished by communal care. For example through public kindergartens, schools, etc. This would on the one hand allow for women to be freed from their traditional role of the housewife, which is still upheld to this day through gender pay gap and the like. On the other hand it would allow for children to be schooled on a societal level. Maybe one also ought to change the concept of housing for families. It is very common in Austria for children to move out once they become adults, thus resulting in a lot of parents having huge houses with many empty rooms. I think this is a very inefficient use of housing. One could live in larger communities with grandparents and co, or along othre lines like hobbies, work or whatever. 5. A complete lack of class consciousness and blind belief in mass media. There's so many people that do not consider themselves workers, despite going to work... The Kommunistische Partei Österreich (KPÖ, communist party of Austria) has turned revisionist over recent decades. As such their current main focus lies in affordable housing. If one looks at their actions (and I have been a member for 11 months) and statements one would think they are a social democratic party fighting for reforms. They do not talk about the overthrow of capitalism, they rarely show international solidarity with workers from other countries (they haven't been to a single Pro-Palestinian demonstration, while upholding some of their anti-Deutsche members, etc.) The Partei der Arbeit PdA (Party of Labor) is a very small party, built from the frustrated remnants of the marxist-leninist members of KPÖ. I recently joined them, and have a rather positive opinion of them. There's also the trotzkyist "Der Funke" (The Spark), which doesn't consider itself a party, but it exists. LINKS, which is more like a pan-leftist regional party in Vienna. Various student and youth organizations like the KJÖ-LiLi (close to KPÖ), KJÖ (at the same time close and not close to KPÖ), Junge Linke (close to KPÖ). Out of these the KJÖ is probably the closest to being marxist-leninist, btu then again they also support the KPÖ at times. There is also the Jugendfront der Partei der Arbeit, albeit it is very small. I think that some members of the other parties are marxist-leninists, that hold the naive impression of being able to change the rest of the party. I think they should think back to what happened with the second international and like Lenin create or join the truly revolutionary party. 6. Understanding the inevitability of going over to the next phase of human development, that is communism. Being revolutionary and not aiming for mere reforms of capitalism. 7. Imperialism is the exploitation of other countries through a select few countries that are economically and militarily stronger than said countries. The IMF pretends to help poor countries develop their country, give them loans so they can afford food, etc. But in actuality they demand privatization of large sectors of the economy, which often ends up bought up by capital from the imperialist countries. 8. I have mainly listened to audiobooks on the youtube Channel Socialism4All, the authors I have probably listened to the most are Lenin, Marx and Engels. But I have also listened to like Stalin, Zetkin, Castro, etc. All of my political understanding comes from these authors, as I have been a rather apolitical person before becoming a communist. Very important to me were the understanding of classes, that we are more, and only together we can achieve change. That we need a radical revolution, and can't just reform capitalism to a better system. The possibility, need and eventual inevitability for a different system (socialism->communism).

I would like to contribute by copying/uploading texts from various marxist authors. I have also started translating some texts into Japanese. I speak German English and Japanese.