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Comrade:Ecomarxist utb

Joined 23 September 2024

1. I found ProleWiki from its Twitter/X account. I wanted to join as I believe I can contribute my own knowledge on marxism and communism to help others, specifically in areas to do with the environment, such as eco-marxism, and maybe even write a few articles on old british communist groups, such as Militant Tendency.

2. My current Marxist thought is Eco-Marxism. I believe capitalism has not only destroyed the environment, contributed to the collapse of our ecosystem and single-handedly caused global warming, yet also created an unimaginable gap between the proletariat and bourgeoisie, further exploiting the working class on a level never seen before. In my younger years, I was a member of the British Green Party, yet when I realised that capitalism is the main issue of environmental destruction and I saw the nauseating gaps of wealth it was causing, I became a communist; specifically Marxist-Leninist / Eco-Marxist.

3. I agree with the ProleWiki principles, especially the Anti-Opression section. The workers of the world should never be discriminated by their race, religion, gender, and others.

4. Gender, in my opinion, is a social construct, created through societal and cultural norms. I believe Marxists should absolutley support the LGBT+ community.

5. Stalin - Led the USSR into a global superpower, and his 5 year plan worked astonishingly well. Had to deal with ww2 and the death of over 20 million soviet soldiers with much instability in this period, yet led ussr through it and arguably came out stronger. Without ussr ww2 would not be won. However, the killings in the great purge and the deaths of trotsktyites was unnecessary in my opinion.

mao - life expectancy increased from 50 to 65 between 1963 and 1980. Women were given equality and industrially pushed china into an extremely powerful nation. However, the four evils campaign in the great leap forward, especially the “smash sparrows” campaign, ended up creating a huge imbalance ecologically and locusts then became too populous in fields, destroying rice and other grains. Despite this, the other pests targeted lowered disease transmission and increased overall life expectancy.

6. I believe the aformentioned countries are near socialism. The dictatorship of the proletariat is becoming stronger in each of the countries, however China's increase in capitalism I do not agree with.

7. Settler colonialism is where a country of indigenous people are taken over by violent settlers, and then replaced by said settlers. The UK and USA are prime examples with their killing of natives in America and their culling of buffalo. These two countries should be made to pay huge reperations to the countries affected and any land owned should be handed back immediately. In my country (UK), Indigenous people (Anglo) are doing fine, yet often complain themselves about accepting immigrants from war-torn countries, despite our entire history being one bloodhsed colonial mess.

8. I think Palestine should be immediately free, and Israel should cease to exist as a nation, with all land recognised as Palestine. The situation of October 7th had been brewing for over 70 years, and it was only time before Palestine fought back against their oppressors, and rightly so.

3. I have read several books on Marxist feminism. One of these being "Caliban and the Witch" by Silvia Federici, which in my opinion is one of the greatest books of all time. I fully support marxist femninism, as women are arguably affected by capitalism more than men, for example some women are forced into sex work and prostituion, simply to survive.

4. I believe abolishing the nuclear family should be a communist aim. It is capitalist propaganda, specifically American propaganda, made to sell the "American Dream" , where everyone is happy in a world of imperialism. It should be abolished through campaigns of awareness, and through less pushing of traditionalism.

5. In my country, the most pressing issue for communists is the lack of support from the working class. Many of the proletariats fall into the cycle of populism, voting for parties such as Reform UK, not realising they are simply trapping them into the cycle of blaming fellow workers for the current cost of living crisis, when in actuality it is the fault of the bourgeoisie.

7. Imperialism is extending a country's power through military force and action, or through economic initatives. The IMF and World Bank all contribute to this as they trap developing and emerging economies into cycles of loan and debt repayments, keeping these countries struggling and being "Third-World", while other imperial nations claim they are doing the right thing by loaning these nations money.

8. Yes I have. My favourites include Mao's red book, introducing Mao Zedong thought into the world and how the Chinese Communist Party is one of the greatest collectives of all time. Another favourite is "Marx in the Anthropocene" by Kohei Saito, which I believe contributed to the establishment and recognition of eco-marxism, and why capitalism is a force of evil.

1. No comments from me. Good application process; I enjoyed the questions :) 2. Unfortunately I am unable to code, and have had no experience with MediaWiki.

Thank you for reading. :)