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Comrade:Geert de Booij

Joined 19 June 2024

FIRST SET: 1. This site was recommended by my Comrade Jacques, who refered tot an article here about "left wing anticommunism", wich i found very interesting. 2. For the last 54 years I have been an active member of the Dutch Communist Party (wich collapsed due to the (imperialist inspired) "left wing radicalism. And fortunately reorganized and is now active as the New Communist Party of the Netherlands. In wich I am active again, ofcourse. 3. Ofcourse I have read your principles and I fully agree with the opinion that respectfull argumentation is allways good, but false information, such as the anti-communist lies from Chrutchof until now, have to be fought and corrected. 4. Ofcourse gender is no issue for us as communists, all people hevn the same legitimacy and that includes transgender, gay, bisexual, or other people. Communists base their analysis on Class struggle and the materialistic analysis of that Political Economic contxt. 5. In my opinion Josepg Stalin was a great leader who one one hand lead the Sovjet Union (and all communistst arounde the globe), thru a very complex and difficult period; and that incudes the Second World War, but is far more bigger than that. (on Women's Right, on Anti Colonial struggle and the Comintern organisation of our Class. And on the other hand, he intellectualy succeeded in translating the complex works of Marx, Engels and Lenin, into good to read (for the masses) summary's, with keeping the straigt Leninist road in mind an practice. He was not only a Great Leader, but also a Great Teacher! Mao Ze Dong also has led his people to freedom and was also a great leader and teacher. And he was the leader that did nog bow for Chruchevs betrayal. He was also a great inspiror for the worldwide anticolonials struggle and liberation. Followed by great Comrades as Ho Chi Minh, Che Geuvara and Fidel Castro ! 6. In my opinion these countries areall Socialist countries. Each with its own problems and soluions. But they all share the Socialist Principles and Class Struggle. But therefore the also have to dela with massive Imperialist attacs, as wel as millitairy, as economicly and in propaganda. 7. Settler Colonialism is the way the USA, Australia, New Sealand, Canada and (last but not least) Israel are "working". The other Colonail repession formula is Occupying Colonialism, in wich the occupying country uses the local inhabitants as workslaves. Settles Colonialism removes the original population via ethnic cleansing, genocide and apartheid. This is/was similar in all the countries I just mentioned. We Communists are Internationalists, so we don't have a "homeland"; the world is our collective homeland. So every people has the same right to exist, live and devellop in our Socialist Community (Countries). And in the end, Communism wil be established in wich national States, Countries, are no longer the way we humans organize the world. 8. Palestine is an occupied land in wich the so caled "state of Israel" is founded on a colonial basis and again a typical extreme form of settler colonialism. The attack from Hamas on 7 oct 2023 had to happen sometime and in my opinion is the Palestinian Resitens in its right. Wich does not mean that I don't have any doubts on Hamas, because Hamas is (just like Taliban, ISIS, Al Quaida and many other radicalistic groups) initiated and financed (in the beginning) by CIA, Mossad and EU secret services). Thes were all in attempt to devide PLO and Fatah, and in other countries the same (Afghanistan, Lybye, Irak, Syrie, but also groups in Yougoslavia and ofcourse Ukraine and now Georgia and, not to forget China (the raise ande funding of Islamic radical forces in Xinjang (Oegoers).

SECOND SET : 1. Historic and Dialectical Materialism is the philosophical rational frame for us as a mankind, to analyse everything. Philosophy is, ofcourse, the basic set of menatl tools to understand and explain things in live. Ofcourse in Marxism Leninism, Political Economy is essential in this matter. But in my profession, working in Psychiatry for 45 years now, Historical and Dialectical Materialism is also the great toolkit to explain and understand thoughts and behavior, also in mentally ill questins (Sergei Rubinstein as a psychologist, has written great standard works on this matter, but also Vigostky and Holzkamp and ofcourse the psychiatrist Franco Basaglia, an Italian Comrade made his efforts in this matters) 2. National Liberation as an anti colonial struggle is, in my opinion, a good caes, but there is allways a risk of develloping nationalisme, wicht I reject, beeing an internationalist (as all communists are). So "Land Back" is in certain context a ligimed isue, but not without risk, never forget Internationalist perspective and Class Resposibilities (this was very wel understood by Ho Chi Minh in his fight with Pol Pot, but also by Fidel Castro in his endless effort to spread medical care and education in other counries (mainly in Africa and South America). 3. As Friedrich Engels has explained in his work "about the origin of the family, the private property and the state", it is very clear that Feminism can only be faught for in the context of Class Struggle. Just like Clara Zetkin argued in her critics on the bourgois (so called) "feminists". The Sovjet Union was the first country in modern history, that had Womens Rights as baseline of its political view. 4. The so called 'Nuclear Family" is, in my opinion, not an issue to be a goal of the Communist Movement, allthough I do think that the Nuclear Family is inherent to private property of the means of production. So in my opinion the Nuclear Family will, in the end, diminnish, but it is not a prior goal for us as Communists. Class struggle is the leading line. 5. In our country, the Netherlands, thera ar a lot of pressing issues at the moment: First we are getting the most fascist minded regime since WWII, aftre last electons, but allso "our" prime minister is likely to become the Secretary General of NATO. Netherlands is very loyal in supporting agressive Imperialist interventions, over decades (now Palestine, Ukraine, but "we" are allready having marines in the Chinese Sea and Jemen). So The Netherlands is, as small as it is, a very active and important key player (addept of USA), in Imperialist Interventions around the globe. 6. Marxism is, in fact, the only effective anti-capitalist movement. As Lenin explained in his work "THe left wing current", radiclism and anarchism is not effective and in fact is weakening our collective goals and weakening Class Struggle. Therefore it is important to inform all those Who tend to radicalism, about the real iddues and mainly the economic political backgrounds. This includes Islamic radicalism, wich is, as an anti Imperialist Movement, been taking over the role of Communist lead resistance after the breaking of the Sovjet Union. 7. Imperialism is the most agressive form in wich Kapitalism has become to its last stage. The transformation from labour abused kapitalisme to finance kapital international agression is now really in its last episode. IMF and World Bank are Imperialist instuments. Belt and Road is quite another thing. BRICS is an initiative to fight Imperialist hegemogy and building on a Peoples liberition idea. Comrade Xi is (also in Communist groups) often been misunderstood, but in my opinion he is restoring (in Communist sense) what had went wrong under the leadership of Deng Xiao Ping, and Belt and Road is also a liberation opportunity for a lot of countries in Africa and Europe. (in my opinion: The genozede wich is taking place in Gaza right now, is allso related to the panic the Western Imperialist countries hav about this Belt and Road progress.