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3 editsJoined 8 September 2024



I discovered ProleWiki entirely by accident, while browsing Reddit. I am fairly familiar with the site and use it frequently to educate myself on various topics. I want to join so I can share my own knowledge about subjects I am interested such as History.


I consider myself a Marxist-Lenninist. I was first introduced to socialism by Socialist Action (Canada) a Trotskyist organization masquerading as party. I was active for a couple years but became disillusioned with the SA and Trotskyism in general. I have since self criticized and denounced Trotskyism as counter revolutionary.


Yes and I agree with all of it.


The LGBTQ+ community faces sever discrimination in capitalist states and deserves to be liberated along with all other oppressed communities.


Comrades Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong are heroes of the working class who lifted millions out of poverty, fought against fascism and imperialism, and brought socialism to Russia and China respectively.


China, Vietnam, Cuba, DPRK, and Laos are actually existing socialist countries that face severe sanctions and repression from capitalist states such as the United States. It is our duty as communists to support these nations in any way we can.


Settler Colonialism can be described as a nation imposing itself on an indigenous community. European nations historically colonized most of the earth, resulting in the genocide of millions if not billions of indigenous peoples in North and South America, Africa, Oceania and Asia. In Canada (where I live) Indigenous people are constantly brutalized by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Native Canadians face severe discrimination leaving them in a state of poverty.


Palestine and Palestinians along with all Indigenous people, deserve the right to rebel against their colonial oppressors through whatever means necessary. Isreal is an illegal state founded on settler colonialism much like Canada.



Dialectical Materialism is a cornerstone of Marxism. It tells us all major changes in a society can be attributed to the conflict of opposing forces or contradictions, such as the Proletariat and the Bourgeoisie, landlords and tenants, workers and the bosses.


National Liberation must always occur before revolution. Land Back is the concept of returning all stolen land to the Indigenous populations.


Marxism and Feminism go hand in hand. Under Capitalism, women are subjected to the patriarchy and face discrimination in the form of wage inequality, if they are even allowed to work at all.


The abolishment of Nuclear Family is a necessary step toward abolishing the Patriarchy. Currently marriage laws forbid polygamous relationships and non traditional relationships are looked down upon at best and at worst outright illegal.


In Canada one of the most pressing issues is settler colonialism and police brutality towards Indigenous Peoples, as well as white supremacy and nation nationalism. Another issue is a severe lack of class consciousness. Workers in Canada are hoodwinked by the Neoliberal establishment through the use of mass media and years of anti communist propaganda.