
4 editsJoined 23 January 2023

Before answering i would like to inform i have already submitted mt answers and have been verified in the discord community as the profile: Xi Jimpinhas#8533 1. A comrade told me about the project, and i became very interested in it 2. I identify as a Marxist-Leninist. I believe Marx and Engels provided the philosophical basis of the most useful form of socialism, wich is the scientific. Lenin, though his thesis on the development and practice of the revolutionary theory, made a fundamental change on how socialism is percieved and how it will be acomplished. I have high respect for other socialist leaders and writers, like Mao, Sung, Hoxha and Minh, but none of them made a development of socialist theory quite as important or useful as Lenin. I, as a gen Z teenager, have explored many corners of the political spectrum: from conservative, to libertarian, progressive and the like, but truly found resolution for the world's problems in communism. I come from a middle class reactionary family, and my radicalization process came in the last year. For being a marxist for such a small time, i am not very well versed in theory yet. 3. Yes. I agree with all the principles of the project. From defending socialist and anti-imperialist nations, to fighting against reactionaries and intolerants, and incentivizing class consciousness by the project. 4. I believe it is a socialist nation, and despite my critiscism of it's policies and modern economic stances, believe that China is the greatest beacon of anti-imperialism today, and a shining light for the liberation of the proletariat around the world. I believe it is a socialist nation because it has a proletariat goverment and maintains democracy within and out of the party. It is definitely a planned economy, led by great people and with a clear objective. 5. The Father of Nations, Joseph Stalin, had a massively positive historical role. From his importance in the revolution and the civil war, to his goverment and leadership as the true successor to Lenin, and his importance during the Great Patriotic War. I have very good views on Stalin and the soviet union during his time. 6. I do not have much study on gender and sexuality, so I wont attempt at describing or defining it yet. All i can say is that it is, in fact, a social construct, but i cant ellaborate further with the knowlodge i have. I think that we should unconditionally support the LGBT community and all other marginalized groups of society, and it is our revolutionary duty to fight against intollerance.