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Joined 26 August 2024

FIRST SET 1: Found it searching for stuff, can't remember what. Liked the article about LGBT and KKE

2 : Standard french Marxist-Leninist. Been going through social-democrat, then "far left generalist" for not knowing what to pick, going through anarcho communism, then kept reading and got Marxist-Leninist, only built up since then. Not MLM since I respect Mao as much as I respect Stalin, which means that I consider they did a fantastic job, and some terrible mistakes, including in the theoretical field. Not fond of any of the current forms of weird deviationisms either, eurocommunism, LaRouche stuff, Maoïsm, Trotskyism, KKE stuff which is Trotskyism in disguise etc.

I know "patriotic socialism" is despised in the US because it's mostly chauvinistic bs from the clowns Hinkle Haz etc, but in France patriotism is and has always been a part of the communist movement, and by patriotism I mean the love for the people and the good sides of its history, not thinking your country is better than another and should crush their opponents. We follow our historical line of a dialectical relation between patriotism and internationalism, as was defended by Castro and Ho Chi Minh (who had a lot of his early political formation in the former PCF French Communist Party). That line allows us to appeal to an alliance of the red communist flag and the tricolor flag of the French revolution, tricolor flag today stolen by reactionaries and chauvinists that have always despised the popular masses taking a great part in what became a bourgeois revolution after the bourgeoisie had to take counter revolutionary measures to break the masses-oriented Robespierre line. It is very important because that memory of the French revolution is still extremely lively in the minds of the masses who always talk about the "guillotine" with a little smirk on their face, talking about a time when "we really showed em". Plus, we need to assert french sovereignty in our national borders because we absolutely and urgently need to get out of the pro-fascist, neoliberal and anti-social European Union. All that stuff about communism with french characteristics set aside (and forgive me for being talkative), I'm a regular anti left-deviationist anti right-deviationist anti dogmatic ML.

3 : didn't know it, went to read it through, ain't got nothing to say to it, agree with everything. Maybe the new anti imperialist countries in the Sahel region should be added in the critical support section. Maybe study Erythrea too ? I don't know them much but I heard they were doing some good, might be worth investigating. I'll sign it after finishing registration.

4 : My understanding is based on what I have read about it in scientific publication. It shall be noted that I am a general practitioner. Sex is hardly defined by medical science due to overlapping between male and female, we scientifically define it with internal sexual organs (do you have testicles or ovaries (or both ?)). But sex is not something that you can just dismiss by saying it is irrelevant or only a social construct. Sex is a biological reality, that is politically neutral in itself, but it is true, it has historically been used to the greatest disadvantage of females. Gender on the other hand is a personal identification towards a certain sex and its usual social role. From MRI studies, it seems that it is mostly the result of a certain neurological composition. In most individuals, gender identification is similar to their biological sex, but in some people, there exists a contradiction between the biological sex and the neurological identification of gender. The question of what to propose to every transgender person as a treatment is a strictly medical question, not a question for the general public, or for Marxists. If one wants to discuss the topic, he has to study the science thoroughly, as any Marxist should do on any topic before crying "identity politics globalists want to feminize the country". About sexual orientation, it also seems to be linked to a certain brain composition and there's no problem with that.

LGBT+ issue is therefore an issue only to the one who didn't study, therefore it is an issue of revisionism.

5 : As written earlier, they were fantastic revolutionaries who did an enormous job to advance the global struggle and moved their countries out of feudalism into 20th century. They are among the two greatest figures in history, although their glory comes from the masses that made their rise and plans a possibility in the first place, and the material conditions they worked with. And I also consider that they did grave mistakes or even crimes. I think that there were mistakes and maybe left-wing deviationism from Stalin when dealing with the kulaks, with collectivization that was maybe too harsh and early, although the "Holodomor" was mostly caused by climate issues, Stalin recognized that state policies did worsen the situation, there was also random deportations and maybe a too "heavy handed" approach to political dissent during the purges but I'm not too hard on that because I know the SU was in a state of constant emergency against foreign agents and I probably would not have handled the situation as well as the CPSU did. As for Mao, indeed left-wing deviation was seen in the great leap forward and even anarchistic deviation during the cultural revolution, then the catastrophic theory of the three worlds and general attacks against the party make me think he got dementia in the late years. All that set aside, as I repeat, their achievements are enormous and the lessons we learn from their success and mistakes is highly valuable.

6 : Cuba is flawless and an inspiration to the whole world. The DPRK, despite having quite a similar system as Cuba and being sister nations, is frowned upon in the first world, due to propaganda indeed but imo it's the personality cult that is the key to the rejection from the left, which is truly a cult of personality but the Western understanding is wrong. It is a political reappropriation of confucianism with Korean family centered society. That has a tendancy to push them towards right wing societal values and they will have to tackle this matter of family centered society in the future but now is definitely not the time as they are under constant threat from the US and they must keep the revolution alive.

The PRC is, in my opinion, a formidable example of a clever use of Marxism. Although they look to the untrained eye fully revisionist and capitalist, they are actually probably the country that has been taking Marxism back to the basics the most thoroughly and is now giving lessons to every country in the world (probably to Marx himself ?). That's not by saying that their model is flawless, it is indeed a very contradictory system with many problems, and the proletariat paid a very heavy price. Although life expectancy never decreased since Mao came to power, suicide rates did skyrocket during the first years of reform and opening up. That heavy price proved successful and now the PRC is a bigger threat to global capitalism than the USSR ever was. Vietnam is doing well, inspired by Chinese success while on its own track. It doesn't seem to be handling the market system as well as the PRC as was shown by the recent scandals, but still they seem steady.

Little is known about little brother Laos among socialist circles, they seem very rural and poor, but they seemed to have a good orientation and they will probably gain more importance with the BRI.

7 : Though I know well the history of African colonization and Asian colonization, I may not know everything about every colonization process in history. Settler colonization is, well, colonization, but with an intent to replace existing population. In my mind, there seems to be two settler colonies in the world, the US and Israel (should Australia count as one ? Maybe). ROK, despite being a fake state created by the US, is not a settler colony per se. For the Palestinian question, a one state solution with Palestinians and Israelis living alongside is the necessary aim, but it would devastating in the short term (isn't a one country solution what Israel wants : the full conquest of the whole Palestine ?), therefore a two-state solution must first be implemented to allow a ceasefire and the development of Palestine. Then a one state solution can be found. About the US matter, I'm not too knowledgeable about it, heard about landback, seems fine, but it's far from my reality.

In my country, France, the main problem is the Françafrique system which is the neocolonization of many African countries, and the deeply racist internal system of France and its treatment of black and Arab minorities. But at the same time, France US becoming a neocolony of Washington through the European Union which is stripping it from its sovereignty. France has to become socialist, so the country can cut itself from the EU, to regain is capacity to decide, and then engage a process of de-neocolonization to transform the exploitative relationships into a relationship of mutual respect internationalism, which will then allow to uproot the cause of the deep french racism : imperialism. Only then will the question of the treatment of coloured minorities be fully treated and social peace can be acquired.

8 : I'm not going to repeat myself, but what I can add is that I am not a friend of Hamas and their theocratic ideas, but it is not up to me to decide what the Palestinians will have in their hands to fight for themselves. What the Palestinians have against colonization is these armed groups fighting on the ground (Hamas, PFLP etc...). Their struggle is right and should be supported with every strength, they are a national liberation movement, and they are not expecting my validation before existing. Also, although innocent people died on October 7th, who still gives a sh*t about October 7th ??? Tens of thousands of innocent children have been killed by these zionazis and I'm supposed to cry for some hundreds shitheads ? I'll stop here cause that makes me mad.

SECOND SET 1 : Dialectical Materialism is, imo, the core of Marxism. Every strategic mistake stems from a lack of understanding of it and/or incorrect application of it. It shall be defined as a set of laws that stem from the observation of reality itself. There is no use for me to list its laws here, it would take too long. We shall be ever hunting idealist deviations wherever they are, may it be in revisionism, dogmatism, metaphysical thinking (which is idealism in itself), and also very subtle forms of idealism such as "materialism" that tries to interpret the world with a dialectical materialist outlook while IGNORING scientific knowledge about reality, which is in fact IGNORING MATERIAL REALITY ITSELF while claiming to be dialectical materialism (anti LGBT Marxists for example), but also "anti-idealism" which attacks every religious Marxist by saying spirituality is anti-materialist while ignoring that HUMANITY IN ITS CURRENT STATE NEEDS SPIRITUALITY and therefore requiring mass atheism urgently IS IDEALISM in disguise. We shall always first look at the world and then interpret it with a correctly seated dialectical materialist outlook, not any other way around.

2 : National liberation is class struggle. Internationalism is not no-borderism, it is the respect for the development of every nation within their sovereign limits. Struggles between nations are forms of class struggles between exploiting and exploited countries, or competition among exploiting countries. We need to have a line that is deeply respectful of every country's sovereignty and recognize the greatest threat to worldwide socialism : the US regime and its neocolonial system. De-neocolonization is a necessity because 1 it will allow the development of exploited nations and their right to rising the productive forces 2 it will uproot the chains of imperialism and weaken the first world countries' bourgeoisie 3 it will push the proletariat of the first world out of the proletarian aristocratic mindset and allow them to regain their historical role of advancing socialism in their countries.

5 : France is an imperialist country with strong exploitative ties with African nations. It is also the subject of a smaller but serious neocolonization by the US through NATO and EU, which has officially laws stronger than national laws without any form of democratic decision in the process. It has a class structure consisting of a wide but very reactionary peasantry due to favourable geological conditions allowing a strong agriculture and a reactionary organization purposefully implemented by the fascist Pétain regime under the form of a quasi feudal corporative system and work organization facilitating class collaborationist ideas and behaviours. It has a prestigious history of working class struggle during the centuries, including the bourgeois french revolution that could never achieve its goals without the massive participation of the masses that took the control of the state behind Robespierre for a short period before Thermidorian counter revolution. It has a history of a prestigious French Communist Party which resisted the nazi occupation and started the "happy days" program in the "national resistance council" after world war 2 which lasted two years and brought us nationalizations, social security, pensions etc. Class struggle is sharp but the country is plagued by racism and chauvinism brought forth by the remnants of imperialism and colonization.

A correct line is therefore the defense of french sovereignty, the exit of EU and NATO, of the euro system with implementation of a national currency, a policy of mass nationalization, rehabilitating of public services, the initiating of the process of de-neocolonization, an agrarian reform to collectivize the land, and a progressive line including all ethnic minorities especially the black and Arab minorities. All that under a dictatorship of the proletariat, necessarily implemented after a social revolution that has to include the peasantry one way or another.

The French Communist Party (PCF) has become so revisionist that it's not even communist anymore. It has become not only social-democrat, but social chauvinist. Along the PCF, there exists in France a multitude of much smaller communist orgs, the biggest being Trotskyist (the french just love trotskyism and anrachism, left wign deviationism in general), but of real ML orgs, there are only small groups, the RC : Rassemblement Communiste (Communist Rally), the ANC Association Nationale des Communistes (Communists' National Association), and the PRCF Pôle de Renaissance du Communisme en France (Pole of Communist Revival in France). We can maybe add other deviationist groups such as the PCRF Parti Communiste Révolutionnaire de France (Revolutionary Communist Party of France) which is a KKE antennae and mostly a much smaller parasite of the PRCF, the JR Jeunes Révolutionnaires (Revolutionary Youngs) which is Maoist, and the PCOF Parti Communiste des Ouvriers de France (Communist Party of the Workers of France) which is Hoxhaist. Of all these ML and pseudo ML groups, the biggest, strongest and pretty much the only one gaining new members, which I represent, is the PRCF, and it is the one with the most serious political line due to the presence of renowned french intellectuals such as the philosopher Georges Gastaud and the historian Annie Lacroix-Riz, although our organization indeed has its own issues.

6 : Marxism is scientific. But it is not just a science. Marxism cannot be peeled out of its political, mobilizing, agitating content. Marxism is a movement, the one of science and class struggle, which communists uphold as the catalysts of social change. It aims to find the right weakpoint in the social order and focus available forces onto that specific point at the right time and place to further and faster advance history, or even just allow it to advance rather than reaction itself into climate disaster and fascist globe with permanent worldwide Gaza towards extinction. The other political currents can have good ideas and struggles here and there and we must support them resolutely, that is our task as communists to find every place where progress happens and amplify it. It is our duty to use the correct political analysis to build the correct approach to class struggle and move with caution but determination towards, not a brighter future, but more and more, simply a future.

8 : Aside from the classics, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and a few here and there, some Castro speeches, Sankara speeches, Xi's governance, Ho Chi Minh, some Deng, some WEB Dubois, some Angela Davis, some Amilcar Cabral, Michael Parenti, some Paul Cockshott, some Henri Krasucki, some Georges Gastaud, but these are mostly scattered papers that I've read from all the above mentioned I didn't study thoroughly as I did with our pillars. I would personally highlight two of them that were particularly influential in my Marxist life. The first one is a french Marxist, a resistant that was shot by the nazis, Georges Pollitzer was a professor of Marxism in a worker's university where he teached Marxist philosophy. From his lessons, students have made a short book (200 pages by memory), "principes élémentaire de philosophie" (elementary prniciples of philosphy) which is a short and almost flawless explanation of the historical development of materialist philosophy, what is metaphysics, what is dialectics, what is historical materialism etc. It is actually a very exhaustive work that tackles very subtle forms of idealisms and revisionism such as selfishness or dogmatism, and it is (rightfully) recommended by my organization to all its new members. The second one would be Kwame Nkrumah's "Neo-colonialism, imperialism's last stage", which I really don't know why it's not a classic already because it is, in my opinion, an excellent analysis of the neocolonial world order and still extremely accurate 60 years after its publication, a really forgotten and underrated work.

I would have liked to answer all optional questions but I already spent 2 hours writing this and, as a doctor and a cadre in my org and a husband I don't have that much time so I'll stick to the minimum.

OPTIONAL 1 I'm glad such a process exists, it will prevent subtle deviationisms, entryism by Trotskyist factions or other bourgeois ideology. 2 I wrote some articles for wikipedia but I can't say I'm exactly able in that sphere of activity. Might patch stuff here and there.
