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← Back to all essays | Author's essays ProleWiki announces new Essays/Blogging section
by ProleWiki
Published: 2023-09-18 (last update: 2023-09-23)
1-5 minutes
With this new page, which is immediately replacing our legacy page, we hope to develop a more robust presence as essay/article writers and potentially even collaborate with other writers and authors!
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ProleWiki is proud to present its brand new Essays feed! (<-- click to check it out in person!)
With this new page, which is immediately replacing our legacy page, we hope to develop a more robust presence as essay/article writers and potentially even collaborate with other writers and authors!
Owing to the growth of ProleWiki starting in late 2022 and ongoing throughout 2023, we've had to take a look at our so-called "legacy" pages, which were quickly set up in the beginning as temporary solutions to allow functionalities such as a library of texts or, as seen here, essays to be published and browsable.

We are committed to improving ProleWiki in all aspects and after 3 years, it became clear that we needed something more conducive to browsing and reading if we wanted our work to actually be read, hence we built an entirely custom blog structure to house our essays.
While the legacy page (seen on the right) had a simple table layout, this new page offers the following features:
- browsable essay feed ordered from newest to oldest.
- Illustrative images as well as author info and publication date can be seen in the feed as well as in each individual essay's page.
- Inclusion of an excerpt so readers can see what an essay is about, which was sorely lacking in the legacy page.
- Estimated reading times under each essay, which is both an accessibility feature and a UX feature.
- Sidebar (soon to be collapsible on mobile) that shows most recently updated essays, categories, and authors. We believe our author editors deserve to have their essays attached to their name and put forward!
This update is part of a broader set of improvements started in 2023 that aim to completely redefine and rebuild our "core" pages: the library, the home page, the donation page, and finally a more explicit mechanism to request an account. To date, the library and now the essays have been renovated.
And the best is yet to come: this update is only version 1, we have plenty more in store for the near future!
Do you have any comments about this new essays space? Let us know on Twitter, Discord, Mastodon, Lemmygrad or email!
If you enjoy our work comrades, we humbly request that you check out our donation page. All proceeds will be used to improve ProleWiki itself.