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Religions Wiki

From ProleWiki, the proletarian encyclopedia
Religions Wiki

Religions Wiki is an online encyclopædia dedicated to religion, more particularly, the refutation of religious apologetics and extremists.[1] Their members are expected to maintain a skeptical point of view, which they consider to be a "neutral point of view", in their own words, this means:

"This is what this site considers to be a "neutral" point of view. If God met the burden of proof, this would be a theist site. However, we aim to not automatically assume one way or another in content writing. In some ways, we generally adhere to the Wikipedia neutral point of view, but deviate from it in some ways. Facts should be stated impartially. Where there is dispute about the facts, the professional scientific and historical consensus is preferred. We will try to fairly present the best examples of opposing arguments if any exist. Conclusions are written from a neutral i.e. skeptical point of view."

They further encourage their members to maintain traits of rationality and interest in thoughtful intellectial argumentation, a materialistic outlook, and a willingness to use science as a reliable approach to acquiring knowledge. They are also aganist dogma, like that found in many organized religions.[2] They claim that Religions Wiki is intended for atheists who are looking for ways to combat apologetic arguments, theists who are uncertain about their beliefs, apologists who feel that their "pet" argument is above reproach, and individuals of any philosophical ideal who have an interest in religious studies.[3]

While they are not Scientific Socialists, and may contain Liberal-Capitalist sympathies, they are nonetheless critical of countries such as the United States of America for failing to maintain secularism and allowing social and political influence by Christian fundamentalists.[4]

External links[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. “Welcome to Religions Wiki! This is a counter-apologetics wiki that is meant to provide a thorough resource for responding to theistic arguments. For Christian apologists, the Bible is the word of God and serves as the foundation for most of their arguments.”

    "Religions Wiki:Introduction". Religions Wiki. Retrieved 2022-7-16.
  2. “This website is written from a skeptical point of view, meaning that belief should be proportioned to the evidence. This seems to be the only sensible way of evaluating claims. This is what this site considers to be a "neutral" point of view. If God met the burden of proof, this would be a theist site. However, we aim to not automatically assume one way or another in content writing.”

    "Religions Wiki:Neutral point of view". Religions Wiki. Retrieved 2022-7-16.
  3. “Religions Wiki is intended to provide information on apologetics and counter-apologetics. We'll be collecting common arguments and providing responses, information and resources to help counter the glut of misinformation and poor arguments which masquerade as evidence for religious claims.”

    "Main Page". Religions Wiki. Retrieved 2022-7-16.
  4. "United States". Religions Wiki. Retrieved 2022-8-10.