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Lawfare is the use of the law as a weapon against political or economic enemies. The term first appeared in the 1970s but was popularized in the early 21st century.[1]



A Brazilian court barred Lula da Silva from running in the 2018 election and accused Gleisi Hoffman, the President of the Workers' Party, of corruption with a complete lack of evidence.[1]


Jorge Glas, the former Vice President of Ecuador, was arrested in 2017 for allegedly receiving bribes from a construction company based on the plea bargain of a single corporate executive. He was released on parole in November 2022. In April 2020, a court sentenced Rafael Correa, who was living in exile in Belgium, to eight years in prison and barred him from running for president for 25 years.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Brian Mier (2023-01-25). "US Lawfare and the destabilization of Latin America" Kawsachun News. Archived from the original on 2023-02-05. Retrieved 2023-02-11.