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Malmesbury Bible (1407 AD)

The Bible is a collection of religious texts which are incorrectly believed to be sacred by followers of Christianity in particular but also in part Judaism, Islam and other Abrahamic faiths. This dangerous idealist text serves as the most widely distributed book in human history with between 5 and 7 billion copies of the Christian Bible having been estimated to have been printed in the last 1500 years.[1] The full text has been translated into 736 languages (10% of all languages) and parts of the text translated into 3,658 languages (49.5% of all languages) as of 2023 allowing the dangerous spread of reactionary ideas to all corners of the globe with 97% of all people having access to some scripture.[2]

Believers in the Bible vary between those who believe that the Bible should be looked on critically as a guide to living a moral life and the extreme wing of believers who take the text as being the word of God to be taken literally word for word despite it containing scientific impossibilities. The Bible is inherently morally repugnant and portrays terrible acts in a positive light, crimes such as genocide, slavery, rape, incest, homophobia, misogyny and many more are shown to be good. It is nonsensical to argue that the mythological figure of God is loving when it is often God themself who tells the characters in these texts to perform these acts, rather even in the texts God is shown to be vain and cruel and the believers in God take this as permission to be just as cruel.[3]


It is unquestionable to believers in science that the Bible cannot be fully accurate given the vast number of inconsistencies and scientific impossibilities which occur throughout the text. The authors of the Bible are unknown, and there is no way of verifying if these accounts hold any truth whatsoever, different sections of the bible were written centuries apart and the tales told were often not by eyewitnesses. It is possible that some stories may be rooted in truth, however, when written down they were mythologised and corrupted into given the impression that the events had some kind of divine influence in order to give the impression that a God exists.[4]


  1. "Best-selling book" (2021). Guinness World Records.
  2. "2023 Global Scripture Access" (2023). Wycliffe Global Alliance.
  3. "Cruelty & Violence in the The Bible". Sceptics Annotated Bible.
  4. Philip C. Almond (2023-12-18). "Who wrote the Bible" The Conversation.