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George Berkeley, one of the most influential idealist philosophers

Idealism is a philosophical outlook based on the principle that all reality—including matter—is a product of the mind. Idealists assert that nothing objectively exists but is completely subjective. The weight of a rock, for example, might feel heavy to a child but light to an adult. Thus, idealists say, there is no objective truth to the world but only the subjective experience of it and following this logically, the world can't exist outside of the human experience of it.

This leads to assertions that all problems can be solved solely through one or more individual's intellectual or emotional effort, or that truth can be discovered through rationalism or 'pure reason', independently of engagement with the material world. This renders it ineffective at best for addressing real world problems.[1][2] Idealists claim that by changing ideas, one can change the world (i.e. effect material change). Materialists hold the opposite: that by changing the material world, one changes ideas.

Idealism stands in contrast to materialism which holds that all reality—including the mind—exists objectively and independently of the human experience. Much of Marx's earlier work centered around taking on Hegel's dialectical idealism and correcting its shortcomings with dialectical materialism, which forms the basis of the scientific outlook of the world and scientific socialism.[3]

Idealism should not be confused with subjectivism which holds that reality is different depending from which perspective it is looked at. As a school of philosophy it should also not be confused with its more popular definition of 'having ideals'.

History[edit | edit source]

Idealism and materialism have existed as schools of philosophy since at least Ancient Greece, though these theories took centuries to mature. To the Ancient Greeks, materialism was merely the idea that everything in the world was made of physical matter. Plato is considered the father of idealism.

Yet idealism came to exist somewhat naturally.[citation needed] The first humans observed phenomena that they didn't understand (such as storms, volcano eruptions, seed germination...)[citation needed] and attributed these activities to unseen spirits, which formed the basis of the first human religions, also known as animism (the belief that items, places and things are inhabited by spirits).

Later, as humans experimented and learned about the world, animism would turn into polytheism, and then into monotheism and God[citation needed]—God being here not necessarily the Abrahamic God (of Judaism, Christianity and Islam). The idea of the spirit (or soul) is still at the center of idealist thought.

Modern philosophy[edit | edit source]

In modern philosophy idealism is generally broken down into three trends: subjective idealism associated with the work of George Berkeley, transcendental idealism associated with the work of Immanuel Kant, and German idealism.

Idealist philosophers such as Berkeley, Kant, Fichte, and others were and are discussed by many important Marxists (such as Lenin's discussion of Berkeley in "Materialism and Empiro-criticism"). The most important idealist philosopher with respect to Marxism is Georg W.F. Hegel. His works, together with the works of the Young Hegelians, formed the basis of Marxist philosophy after the issue of idealism itself had been dismantled and replaced with materialism.

Theories and shortcomings[edit | edit source]

George Berkeley[edit | edit source]

The sun as drawn in a 15th century German manuscript

Berkeley claimed that reality only exists in one's head as, for example, some may find an object to be heavy while others, who are perhaps stronger, will find it to be quite easy to carry.

Yet the weight of an object is an objective quality; it weighs the same no matter who picks it up, and no matter how it feels in their hand. While there are subjective properties to an item (taste, size, shape and color for example), Berkeley claimed that objective properties were in fact subjective. This would mean that reality does not exist and science would be unable to exist as well if that were true. Or in other words, while humans see the sun as an orange disc with a crown of rays (when seen from the Earth), science was able to determine that it is neither a disc nor orange, nor does it have rays. The sun exists in an objective reality independent from our subjective interpretations: it is a ball of bright white plasma. If reality did not exist, i.e. if objective properties did not exist, then we would have been fundamentally unable to determine what the sun actually looks like.

Idealists claim that mind creates matter. It follows, for subjective idealists, that the world does not exist outside of our subjective thoughts. And ultimately, our ideas create things, where things are the reflection of our thoughts. An apple becomes an apple only when we apply several properties to it such as color, shape, taste, etc. Yet, as we have seen in the example of the sun, things exist in an objective reality that may be completely different from our subjective interpretation.

This can be summed up differently: if one believes something is real, then it's real. Idealists will say that this is this individual's own reality and that it is as valid as anyone else's, but this ignores that objective reality, the one that exists outside of human involvement, can be measured and has been measured for centuries after idealists wrote down their theories.

Religious nature and opposition to science[edit | edit source]

Idealism ultimately turns to God to justify its arguments. Likewise it often is used to justify religious beliefs.[4] As it was born of human religious beliefs (themselves based on ignorance of the material world), it can only exist when supported by these beliefs. A view that many idealists come to is that the mind that creates reality is the mind of God, rather than of any subjective individual.

Idealists often explain human consciousness and the existence of thought with the claim that God imbued human beings with a soul and that this soul allows us to think. In the materialist framework, we understand that thoughts are created by the brain, something material. The soul is different from the brain both for idealists and materialist: it is not an organ; it has never been found in the human body, never been able to be measured, never observed or tested because it doesn't materially exist.

God is an ultimate being, an affirmation that cannot be proven (and will not be proven by idealists, who simply accept that God exists as per their framework). Science however demonstrates through practice and experience that the world exists objectively.

Dialectical idealism[edit | edit source]

In the scope of dialectics, idealists claim that ideas move things forward. That people had the right ideas at the right time and this moved society forward. For example in the idealist framework, the steam engine was first thought of and then built, which allowed productivity to flourish, which led to capitalism establishing itself as the dominant mode of production.

But where did the idea for the steam engine come from? In Hegelian idealism (and for Berkeley as well), it is ultimately God that is responsible for dialectics, which is to say that the idea came from some unspecified process. Thus idealism is incomplete, as it cannot explain its own origin.

Rather, ideas are dependent on the material conditions. The steam machine could not have existed before steam was understood to create power which could be harnessed to move gears. It also had no practical use before the relations of production were organized enough that it became viable to use steam machines: they require a constant source of power as well as a constant supply of resources to turn into commodities, which was impossible in the pre-industrial world where the absolute majority (>50%) of the population was employed in subsistence farming.[5]

The origin of the steam machine did not start with the idea of Thomas Savery or Thomas Newcomen, but with the material conditions that made the steam machine viable in society and then allowed them to have the idea for it.

Material conditions create the ideas that people are capable of forming. Scientific socialism could not have existed as it does today before capitalism, since it is made possible with the productive capabilities of factories and steam machines (now electronic). While thinkers of the Middle Ages and earlier could have invented something close to communism (say common ownership of the means of production), they could not have foreseen capitalism and the machines it would use. They could not have foreseen the existence of the bourgeoisie and proletariat.

Application of idealism[edit | edit source]

Religion[edit | edit source]

Religion, particularly organized religions such as Christianity or Islam, contain highly immaterial and idealist thought. Religion commonly overlooks the mundane and observable parts of reality in favor of a often purely abstract and invisible deity. Adherents of organized religions typically view morality as not something that is an invention of humans, and that is dynamic, but as something largely stagnant; given by a god, and that is constant, regardless of the advancement of human civilization. Religion, with its commonly idealistic nature, has often been used as a tool by liberals to justify the idea of "natural rights", or by reactionaries, as a means of claiming that social change is "decadence" or otherwise immoral.

Liberalism[edit | edit source]

Liberalism largely relies on immaterial values and policies. Liberals view certain legal rights as totally inherent to society, if not completely "god-given", furthermore, Liberals often care little for what real material conditions are like for the vast majority of the population. For example, Liberals will often speak about "economic freedom", however, what this really means is simply the degree throughout which a corporation can exploit their workers without the government caring. If one were to go by the Liberal definition of "economic freedom", then the more "economic freedom" a nation has, the worse it is for the working class. Freedom is not free if it does not exist anywhere outside the fantasy of a politician's mind, or if only a tiny amount of people can benefit from this "freedom", at the expense of the majority.[6]

Opposition[edit | edit source]

Materialists, such as Marxists, oppose idealism as the two are in contradiction. Moreover, materialism represents the scientific conception of the world (which when applied to socialism forms scientific socialism) whereas idealism represents the utopian conception of the world.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. “Idealism is the way of interpreting things which regards the spiritual as prior to the material, whereas materialism regards the material as prior. Idealism supposes that everything material is dependent on and determined by something spiritual, whereas materialism recognizes that everything spiritual is dependent on and determined by something material. And this difference manifests itself both in general philosophical conceptions of the world as a whole, and in conceptions of particular things and events.”

    Maurice Cornforth (1971). Materialism and the dialectical method (p. 20). New York: International Publishers. ISBN 9780717803262 [LG]
  2. “The great basic question of all philosophy, especially of more recent philosophy, is that concerning the relation of thinking and being.
    The answers which the philosophers gave to this question split them into two great camps. Those who asserted the primacy of spirit to nature and, therefore, in the last instance, assumed world creation in some form or other [...] comprised the camp of idealism. The others, who regarded nature as primary, belong to the various schools of materialism.”

    Friedrich Engels (1886). Ludwig Feuerbach and the end of classical German philosophy: 'Materialism'.
  3. “Contrary to idealism, which asserts that only our consciousness really exists, and that the material world, being, nature, exists only in our consciousness' in our sensations, ideas and perceptions, the Marxist philosophical materialism holds that matter, nature, being, is an objective reality existing outside and independent of our consciousness; that matter is primary, since it is the source of sensations, ideas, consciousness, and that consciousness is secondary, derivative, since it is a reflection of matter, a reflection of being; that thought is a product of matter which in its development has reached a high degree of perfection, namely, of the brain, and the brain is the organ of thought; and that therefore one cannot separate thought from matter without committing a grave error.”

    Joseph Stalin (1938). Dialectical and Historical Materialism.
  4. “The enemies of democracy have, therefore, always exerted all their efforts to “refute”, under mine and defame materialism, and have advocated various forms of philosophical idealism, which always, in one way or another, amounts to the defence or support of religion.”

    Vladimir Lenin (March 1913). The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism.
  5. “As much of Europe continued to languish in subsistence farming, the number of male agricultural workers in Britain fell by over a third (64% to 42%) from 1600-1740.”

    University of Cambridge (2024-04-04). "Britain began industrializing in the 17th century – over a 100 years earlier than history books claim" Eurekalert.
  6. Young, Shaun P. (2002). Beyond Rawls : an analysis of the concept of political liberalism. University Press of America. ISBN 2002020126

Specific[edit | edit source]

Bibliography[edit | edit source]

Politzer, Georges: Elementary Principles of Philosophy (1946)