Topic on ProleWiki talk:Governance

From ProleWiki, the proletarian encyclopedia
Forte (talkcontribs)

@PrimersophiaXVII proposes a change of our current slogan, "The proletarian encyclopedia". Her reasoning is that the current slogan implicitly associates ourselves with Wikipedia (see her full statement here). Her proposal for new slogans were "ProleWiki – Against cultural imperialism", and "ProleWiki – Each one teach one."

I think it's possible that we adopt different slogans. My only objection to the proposed ones is towards "Each one teach one". It's definitely a beautiful slogan with a rich history behind it, but it's English-restrictive. The slogan would have to have meaning to the different languages of ProleWiki so that it can be adopted universally.

My opinion is that while the current slogan does in fact resemble Wikipedia in a way, at the same time, it's very on-point on what we are about: ideally an encyclopedia from the worker's perspective, an "encyclopedia from below". "Against cultural imperialism" does not capture this meaning, because we are not just against imperialism, we are also trying to defend the point of view of the working class

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