Topic on Talk:Wage slavery

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Comwik (talkcontribs)

As I mentioned in the edit summary when i created this article, it is a salvage job from the wikidump of However now I also notice it is a lot like the Wikipedia article. Policy here is to not just copy material from Wikipedia, so this article needs heavy editing to conform to that policy and to reflect a more Marxist-Leninist point of view. Comrade Comwik (talk) 21:01, 11 May 2022 (UTC)

Forte (talkcontribs)

Not only it is now too much like Wikipedia, but it needs some serious reformatting because it's currently filled with errors. It will take a long time before it takes the form of a coherent article, unfortunately, unless some parts are discarded.

Comwik (talkcontribs)

yes. A lot of work to do. I've begun collecting quotes by Marx in the first part of the article. Also I've reworked the first two sections a bit. The article is still very messy. I hope it can stay in that state for a little while as it gets worked on. Others are very welcome to jump in and do major revisions or deletions.

Comwik (talkcontribs)

I think I've got the situation somewhat under control now.

Forte (talkcontribs)

This article has improved substantially, comrade. You've done great work on it over this week

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Forte (talkcontribs)

I will try to improve it over time. I may have to sacrifice one image or another because there's too many images for few content. The article is also too quote-heavy, there are many passages saying "according to x, according to y", and too many quotes. These quotes can instead be used inside the references.

As to the United States section, there is a mention of Emma Goldman, an US anarchist, which I think is appropriate, considering she was a part of the working-class movement of her time, but a picture of her is not warranted, because it's not relevant to the article.

However, a mention of the anarchist Noam Chomsky is not necessary, since anarchism in Chomsky's time had been transformed into a petty-bourgeois ideology, and he was not a part of the working-class movement, his political presence tended to be restricted to academia. There surely is mentions of wage-slavery from organic intellectuals or even Marxist academics at the time of Chomsky.

While an article on Chomsky is welcome, I don't think his opinions are warranted for other ProleWiki articles, since he is from the anarchist petty-bourgeois camp and has been often against Leninism and communism in general. We shouldn't endorse his opinions in our articles for this reason.

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