Topic on Talk:Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

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Article is huge, and some parts read like an essay

Forte (talkcontribs)

These articles sections are appropriate:

Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, The Three Represents, The Scientific Outlook on Development and Xi Jinping Thought.

The "Socialist market economy" section in my opinion, does not belong in this article, because the article is already about China's socialist market economy. The previous topics are all theoretical frameworks of the constitution of the CPC, so it makes sense to have them described, but "Socialist market economy" is not one of them.

The second problem with the "Socialist market economy" is that it's currently HUGE and full of essay-styled content. For instance, the article makes an association between the Soviet NEP and SwCC, when the Chinese leaders do not make this association themselves. And when the NEP is mentioned, it's left in an unsourced paragraph, or with a source unrelated to what the paragraph wrote.

This problem is recurrent in later paragraphs, and there are huge paragraphs as well, which makes reading difficult. In my opinion this article should've stopped at Xi Jinping Thought, where these are objectively principles of SwCC, while the topic "Socialist market economy" should be either removed or reused for another purpose, such as an essay.

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