Topic on Comradeship:TDM

From ProleWiki, the proletarian encyclopedia

Decision regarding your political views

Forte (talkcontribs)

Hello, comrade. As you are aware, it has come to the attention of the editorship that you've recently adopted political views in stark opposition to our principles. So we thoroughly discussed the situation and ran a vote to collectively decide what to do in your situation.

We wanted to thank you for your work in the project, and for your consistent contributions since August 2022 in various topics. Your edits have contributed to expanding the knowledge of the encyclopedia and we recognize your efforts in that respect. The result of the voting (12 against 4, few abstentions) showed that the majority of editors thought it was best that you no longer be involved in the project, at least until you are aligned with the political line of the project again. However, we will be preserving your rights to use your talk page as a way to maintain an open line of communication with us. We are ready to welcome you if you ever change your mind in the future.

The reasoning behind this is that our principles are what makes our encyclopedia consistent and coherent. We accept criticism of our principles, provided there's a coherent line of reasoning behind the criticism, but no attempt was made at it. You can still do it in this talk page, if you prefer to do so, if you believe we are deserving of criticism for our principles, though you should be ready to be criticized back. We thought it would be better for you to leave for now in good terms than to let you stay at the risk of causing you frustrations and developing personal rifts.

Again, we thank you for the work you've spent with us, and since you've never been publicly belligerent against us or attacked us, we reiterate that you're welcome to return to the editorship if your theoretical stance happens to realigned with the project again. In case you feel our project has wronged you in any way, or if there was something we could've done for you, please tell us so.

Thank you, comrade.

Editors of ProleWiki

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