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== Acknowledgements ==
== Acknowledgements ==
The book we present is written by the most prominent researchers of
Marxism in China, and reviewed by Qin Xuan and Xu Zhihong the two se-
nior scholars of Renmin University. In 14 chapters they have demonstrated
the most important component parts of the CPC’s socialism building con-
cept in the Chinese particlarity, which is a meta-system theory, with inter-
related sub-theories. At the time when Deng Xiaoping proposed this new
concept which emphasized Chinese particularity, he has added new mean-
ings to it, when compared with Mao Zedong’s understanding of applying
Marxism to Chinese conditions: he strived to thoroughly revise the preva-
lent concepts of socialism building and open a new chapter in the history of
socialist movement in regards, how to define and build socialism in China.
It was a tremendously hard task, when the trials in the eastern European
countries were still in development and exploration, especially when the
Soviet model of socialism building established by Stalin was deemed as the
only universally applicable one, except the Yugoslavian model. The CPC
when choosing this term has given a clear signal that each socialist or com-
munist party should better determine its own path in building socialism, and
external interference wouldn’t be favorable.
The meta-theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics has been grad-
ually improved with the development of social practice and times, and is
still in development, but its essence and ultimate goal remain the same. It
has made great breakthroughs in the cognition of socialism and socialism
building and in the aspect of how socialism relates with capitalism and how
it step by step dialectically sublates it.
This academically processed but easily readable book will give the read-
er a comprehensive understanding of this theory and enable them to com-
pare the previous cognition of socialism and socialism building with the
current one.

== Editor's Note ==
== Editor's Note ==
In 2007, the 17" National Congress of the Communist Party of China
has made clear that our party will persist in following the important stra-
i tegic thought of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of the
i ‘Three Represents’ and the Scientific Concept of Development which
was formed by theoretical and practical innovation, generally referred to
as the “Theoretical System of Chinese Socialism” and stressed: the report
stated: “In contemporary China, to stay true to Marxism means to adhere
[| to the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics.” Since
= the 17" National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the
| CPC Central Committee has done a scientific deployment of how to cul-
tivate the builders and successors who will hold high the cause of social-
ism with Chinese characteristics and on how to use theoretical system
of socialism with Chinese characteristics, to educate the leaders of the
youth across the country. The high-level Office for The Marxist Theory
Research and Construction Project pays meticulous and consistent efforts
to prepare all kinds of cognitive learning materials, which will reflect and
expound on the brand new academic achievements attained in the study
of Chinese Marxism. Among them, the textbook “Mao Zedong Thought
and The Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics,”
has been a unique work which has been highly praised by readers from
all walks of people, promising young people including college students.
By courtesy of the ministry of education, colleges and universities across
the country have made great contributions and achievements in transform-
ing the rich contents of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese
characteristics into teaching materials, a part of which can be utilized in
schools. This book—The Basics of the Theoretical System of Socialism with
Chinese Characteristics—we present to readers was prepared by the most prominent scholars of the subject from the Marxism School of the Renmin
University of China especially designed for college students. Throughout
the writing and editing of this book, we have both enjoyed the advantage of
certain comprehension basis, and a certain degree of difficulty, certain com-
prehension basis as an advantage, firstly because we had already edited the
“Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory”, “Introduction to the Important
Thought of Three Represents”, since their publication in 2003, the titles
were re-published for dozens of times, and the aggregate print of them has
nearly reached 3 million, most of which have reached the readers. Secondly,
the writers of this textbook are all in the front line of teaching and research,
they have a certain degree of research accretion on the theoretical system of
socialism with Chinese characteristics and have abundant teaching experi-
ence on the subject. Thirdly, the academic community has made abundant
research on “Deng Xiaoping Theory”, and on the “Important Thought of
Three Represents” and also on “The Scientific Concept of Development”
and other major strategic thoughts, which are component parts of the theo-
retical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and have produced
numerous precious research results. These above favorable conditions have
laid a virtuous foundation in the writing and editing of this book.
We have faced a certain degree of difficulty, firstly because the theoreti-
cal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics still encounters enrich-
ment and perfection. The academic circles have different understandings of
its theme, its historical starting point, main content and the logical structure
of this theoretical system. There still exist differences in the understanding
and interpretation of many major issues regarding it. Secondly, we have
encountered a considerable difficulties, as in the following, how to break
through the previous framework of Deng Xiaoping Theory and unify the
three strategic thoughts of —Deng Xiaoping Theory, Important Thought of
Three Represents, and The Scientific Concept of Development—and inte-
grate them into one and same book, because all the three not only represent
major theoretical achievements having their own unique characteristics,
but also have succession and development relations among them, besides
they follow the same strain and have included successive times character-
istics. Thirdly, since the 17 National Congress of the CPC, our party’s
understanding on the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese charac-
teristics was further deepened, and many new propositions have been put
forward. As Comrade Hu Jintao in his speech at the commemoration of the
90" anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, has put
forward and summarized a new conception of “the socialist system with
Chinese characteristics”, also the 6" Plenary Session of the 17" Central
Committee of the CPC put forward the proposition of “the path of socialist
cultural development with Chinese characteristics.” Regarding these new propositions, the academic community also lacks in-depth research, our un-
derstanding is not accurate, yet, which is also a major problem encountered
in the preparation of teaching materials. The textbook is the crystallization
of collective wisdom, including the designing of its outline, the final draft
to be published has been the result of collective deliberation.Scholars from
the School of Marxism ‘attached to Renmin University of China who have
contributed to this book include Prof. Xu Zhihong (edited Chapter II and
V), Prof. Qin Xuan (Chapter I and VID), Prof. Yang Fengcheng (Chapter XI
and XIV), Prof. Huang Jifeng (Chapter II and [X), Prof. Wang Xiangming
(Chapter VIII and X), Prof. Qi Pengfei (Chapter XII and XIII), Prof. Zhang
Xin (Chapter IV, and VI).
The book was finally reviewed. by Professor Xu Zhihong and Professor
Qin Xuan. We are grateful to Prof. He Yaomin, the President of the Renmin
University Press, and Prof. Zhou Weihua, the editor-in-chief of the Renmin
University Press, who have paid great attention to the to the compilation
and publication, and to Guo Xiaoming, the head of the public administra-
tion department, who has paid a lot of hard work for this book. Our starting
point and innermost desire has been preparing a comprehensive and ac-
curate book that will comprehensively and accurately reflect the theoreti-
cal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Objectively speaking,
such a complex work can never be perfect, cannot avoid certain shortcom-
ings and deficiencies. We sincerely welcome criticism, from all quarters,
including all aspects, so that we can make it more perfect in future editions.

== Formation and Development of the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
== Formation and Development of the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
===Social and historical conditions behind the formation of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics===
===Stages in the development of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics===
===Theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and its main contents===
===Historical status, role and guiding significance of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics===
== Ideological Line of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
== Ideological Line of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
===The enrichment and development of the party’s ideological line Theoretical qualities and essence of Marxism===
===Advancing with the times===
===Treating Marxism with a scientific attitude===
==Development Stages of Socialism and the Strategies to Develop Socialism in the Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
===The theory of the primary stage of socialism===
===The basic line and basic program of the primary stage of socialism===
===Development strategies to deepen the primary stage of socialism===
===Promoting a sound and rapid economic development===
== Fundamental Task of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
== Fundamental Task of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
===The fundamental task of socialism is to liberate and develop productive forces===
===Science and technology are the primary productive forces in promoting and advancing the development of productive forces===
===Development is the overriding issue in order to promote the comprehensive development of society===
== Main Ways of Developing of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
== Main Ways of Developing of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
===Reform is an important driving force of socialism in China===
===Opening to the outside world is an external condition for the development of socialist society===
===Adhere to the idea of “Three Favorables”===
== Ultimate Purpose of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
== Ultimate Purpose of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
===People-oriented principle is the starting point and foothold of developing socialism with Chinese characteristics===
===Promoting the comprehensive development of people===
== Economic System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
== Economic System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
===Establishment and perfection of the socialist market economic system===
===Adjustment and perfection of the ownership structure===
===Reform and perfection of the distribution system of the primary stage of socialism===
== Building Socialist Democratic Politics with Chinese Characteristics ==
== Building Socialist Democratic Politics with Chinese Characteristics ==
===Exploration of the correct path for socialist political construction in China ===
===Socialist democratic political system with Chinese characteristics ===
===Governing the country according to law and building a socialist country under the rule of law ===
===Building socialist political civilization and deepening political reform ===
== Building a Socialist Culture with Chinese Characteristics ==
== Building a Socialist Culture with Chinese Characteristics ==
===Strategic status of socialist cultural construction with Chinese characteristics ===
===Building the socialist core value system ===
===Raising the ideological and moral standards as well as scientific and cultural education ===
== Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and What Kind of a Society to Build? ==
== Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and What Kind of a Society to Build? ==
===Scientific meaning and significance of constructing socialist harmonious society ===
===The guiding ideology, basic principles and tasks and requirements of building a socialist harmonious society ===
== The Basic Forces in Developing of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
== The Basic Forces in Developing of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
===Building socialism with Chinese characteristics is the common cause of the people of all ethnic groups in China ===
===Consolidate and develop the patriotic united front ===
===The people’s army is an important force in construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics ===
== Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the Concept of "One Country Two Systems" and the Reunification of China ==
== Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the Concept of "One Country Two Systems" and the Reunification of China ==
===The introduction of the concept of “One Country Two Systems” and peaceful reunification of China and its basic contents===
===The return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland under the guidance of scientific concept of “One Country, Two Systems”===
===The breakthrough in cross-strait relations and the new situation of peaceful development in cross-strait relations===
== Peaceful Foreign Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics ==
== Peaceful Foreign Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics ==
===The Development and changes in the international situation in the new period of Reform and Opening-up and basic characteristics of the international situation===
===The independent and peaceful foreign diplomatic policy===
===Unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and promote building a harmonious world===
== The Concept and Practice of the Core of Leadership of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
== The Concept and Practice of the Core of Leadership of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics ==
===The strengthening and improvement of the Party’s leadership===
===The power of the Party rooted in people and a party for the people===
===Promote the party’s task to build itself in an all-round way with a spirit of reform and innovation===
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Revision as of 14:22, 21 July 2024

Basics of the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
AuthorQin Xuan, Xu Hongzhi
Translated byYang Xu
Original languageChinese
PublisherCanut International Publishers
First published2018-01-15


The book we present is written by the most prominent researchers of Marxism in China, and reviewed by Qin Xuan and Xu Zhihong the two se- nior scholars of Renmin University. In 14 chapters they have demonstrated the most important component parts of the CPC’s socialism building con- cept in the Chinese particlarity, which is a meta-system theory, with inter- related sub-theories. At the time when Deng Xiaoping proposed this new concept which emphasized Chinese particularity, he has added new mean- ings to it, when compared with Mao Zedong’s understanding of applying Marxism to Chinese conditions: he strived to thoroughly revise the preva- lent concepts of socialism building and open a new chapter in the history of socialist movement in regards, how to define and build socialism in China. It was a tremendously hard task, when the trials in the eastern European countries were still in development and exploration, especially when the Soviet model of socialism building established by Stalin was deemed as the only universally applicable one, except the Yugoslavian model. The CPC when choosing this term has given a clear signal that each socialist or com- munist party should better determine its own path in building socialism, and external interference wouldn’t be favorable.

The meta-theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics has been grad- ually improved with the development of social practice and times, and is still in development, but its essence and ultimate goal remain the same. It has made great breakthroughs in the cognition of socialism and socialism building and in the aspect of how socialism relates with capitalism and how it step by step dialectically sublates it.

This academically processed but easily readable book will give the read- er a comprehensive understanding of this theory and enable them to com- pare the previous cognition of socialism and socialism building with the current one.

Editor's Note

In 2007, the 17" National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made clear that our party will persist in following the important stra- i tegic thought of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of the i ‘Three Represents’ and the Scientific Concept of Development which was formed by theoretical and practical innovation, generally referred to as the “Theoretical System of Chinese Socialism” and stressed: the report stated: “In contemporary China, to stay true to Marxism means to adhere [| to the system of theories of socialism with Chinese characteristics.” Since = the 17" National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the | CPC Central Committee has done a scientific deployment of how to cul- tivate the builders and successors who will hold high the cause of social- ism with Chinese characteristics and on how to use theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, to educate the leaders of the youth across the country. The high-level Office for The Marxist Theory Research and Construction Project pays meticulous and consistent efforts to prepare all kinds of cognitive learning materials, which will reflect and expound on the brand new academic achievements attained in the study of Chinese Marxism. Among them, the textbook “Mao Zedong Thought and The Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics,” has been a unique work which has been highly praised by readers from all walks of people, promising young people including college students. By courtesy of the ministry of education, colleges and universities across the country have made great contributions and achievements in transform- ing the rich contents of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics into teaching materials, a part of which can be utilized in schools. This book—The Basics of the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics—we present to readers was prepared by the most prominent scholars of the subject from the Marxism School of the Renmin University of China especially designed for college students. Throughout the writing and editing of this book, we have both enjoyed the advantage of certain comprehension basis, and a certain degree of difficulty, certain com- prehension basis as an advantage, firstly because we had already edited the “Introduction to Deng Xiaoping Theory”, “Introduction to the Important Thought of Three Represents”, since their publication in 2003, the titles were re-published for dozens of times, and the aggregate print of them has nearly reached 3 million, most of which have reached the readers. Secondly, the writers of this textbook are all in the front line of teaching and research, they have a certain degree of research accretion on the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and have abundant teaching experi- ence on the subject. Thirdly, the academic community has made abundant research on “Deng Xiaoping Theory”, and on the “Important Thought of Three Represents” and also on “The Scientific Concept of Development” and other major strategic thoughts, which are component parts of the theo- retical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and have produced numerous precious research results. These above favorable conditions have laid a virtuous foundation in the writing and editing of this book.

We have faced a certain degree of difficulty, firstly because the theoreti- cal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics still encounters enrich- ment and perfection. The academic circles have different understandings of its theme, its historical starting point, main content and the logical structure of this theoretical system. There still exist differences in the understanding and interpretation of many major issues regarding it. Secondly, we have encountered a considerable difficulties, as in the following, how to break through the previous framework of Deng Xiaoping Theory and unify the three strategic thoughts of —Deng Xiaoping Theory, Important Thought of Three Represents, and The Scientific Concept of Development—and inte- grate them into one and same book, because all the three not only represent major theoretical achievements having their own unique characteristics, but also have succession and development relations among them, besides they follow the same strain and have included successive times character- istics. Thirdly, since the 17 National Congress of the CPC, our party’s understanding on the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese charac- teristics was further deepened, and many new propositions have been put forward. As Comrade Hu Jintao in his speech at the commemoration of the 90" anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, has put forward and summarized a new conception of “the socialist system with Chinese characteristics”, also the 6" Plenary Session of the 17" Central Committee of the CPC put forward the proposition of “the path of socialist cultural development with Chinese characteristics.” Regarding these new propositions, the academic community also lacks in-depth research, our un- derstanding is not accurate, yet, which is also a major problem encountered in the preparation of teaching materials. The textbook is the crystallization of collective wisdom, including the designing of its outline, the final draft to be published has been the result of collective deliberation.Scholars from the School of Marxism ‘attached to Renmin University of China who have contributed to this book include Prof. Xu Zhihong (edited Chapter II and V), Prof. Qin Xuan (Chapter I and VID), Prof. Yang Fengcheng (Chapter XI and XIV), Prof. Huang Jifeng (Chapter II and [X), Prof. Wang Xiangming (Chapter VIII and X), Prof. Qi Pengfei (Chapter XII and XIII), Prof. Zhang Xin (Chapter IV, and VI).

The book was finally reviewed. by Professor Xu Zhihong and Professor Qin Xuan. We are grateful to Prof. He Yaomin, the President of the Renmin University Press, and Prof. Zhou Weihua, the editor-in-chief of the Renmin University Press, who have paid great attention to the to the compilation and publication, and to Guo Xiaoming, the head of the public administra- tion department, who has paid a lot of hard work for this book. Our starting point and innermost desire has been preparing a comprehensive and ac- curate book that will comprehensively and accurately reflect the theoreti- cal system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Objectively speaking, such a complex work can never be perfect, cannot avoid certain shortcom- ings and deficiencies. We sincerely welcome criticism, from all quarters, including all aspects, so that we can make it more perfect in future editions.

Formation and Development of the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

Social and historical conditions behind the formation of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics

Stages in the development of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics

Theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and its main contents

Historical status, role and guiding significance of the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics

Ideological Line of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

The enrichment and development of the party’s ideological line Theoretical qualities and essence of Marxism

Advancing with the times

Treating Marxism with a scientific attitude

Development Stages of Socialism and the Strategies to Develop Socialism in the Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

The theory of the primary stage of socialism

The basic line and basic program of the primary stage of socialism

Development strategies to deepen the primary stage of socialism

Promoting a sound and rapid economic development

Fundamental Task of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

The fundamental task of socialism is to liberate and develop productive forces

Science and technology are the primary productive forces in promoting and advancing the development of productive forces

Development is the overriding issue in order to promote the comprehensive development of society

Main Ways of Developing of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

Reform is an important driving force of socialism in China

Opening to the outside world is an external condition for the development of socialist society

Adhere to the idea of “Three Favorables”

Ultimate Purpose of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

People-oriented principle is the starting point and foothold of developing socialism with Chinese characteristics

Promoting the comprehensive development of people

Economic System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

Establishment and perfection of the socialist market economic system

Adjustment and perfection of the ownership structure

Reform and perfection of the distribution system of the primary stage of socialism

Building Socialist Democratic Politics with Chinese Characteristics

Exploration of the correct path for socialist political construction in China

Socialist democratic political system with Chinese characteristics

Governing the country according to law and building a socialist country under the rule of law

Building socialist political civilization and deepening political reform

Building a Socialist Culture with Chinese Characteristics

Strategic status of socialist cultural construction with Chinese characteristics

Building the socialist core value system

Raising the ideological and moral standards as well as scientific and cultural education

Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and What Kind of a Society to Build?

Scientific meaning and significance of constructing socialist harmonious society

The guiding ideology, basic principles and tasks and requirements of building a socialist harmonious society

The Basic Forces in Developing of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

Building socialism with Chinese characteristics is the common cause of the people of all ethnic groups in China

Consolidate and develop the patriotic united front

The people’s army is an important force in construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics

Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the Concept of "One Country Two Systems" and the Reunification of China

The introduction of the concept of “One Country Two Systems” and peaceful reunification of China and its basic contents

The return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland under the guidance of scientific concept of “One Country, Two Systems”

The breakthrough in cross-strait relations and the new situation of peaceful development in cross-strait relations

Peaceful Foreign Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics

The Development and changes in the international situation in the new period of Reform and Opening-up and basic characteristics of the international situation

The independent and peaceful foreign diplomatic policy

Unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and promote building a harmonious world

The Concept and Practice of the Core of Leadership of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

The strengthening and improvement of the Party’s leadership

The power of the Party rooted in people and a party for the people

Promote the party’s task to build itself in an all-round way with a spirit of reform and innovation
