ProleWiki talk:Principles/Archive

Discussion page of ProleWiki:Principles/Archive

Map Policy

I would like for this wiki to have a standard policy for maps.

Many maps on Wikipedia use Green/Red for Good/Bad. They also have a problem of using seemingly arbitrary colours in some cases. The main problem with green/red maps is that they are not good for colour-blind people. Another issue is that it is eurocentric. East Asians consider the colour red to be good and have had this association for hundreds if not thousands of years. Another (perhaps too obvious) problem is that we are communists - and we shouldn't be using red as a symbol of inferiority.

My suggestion is this: Red/Blue maps.

Red should represent communism, or countries who align with it. For example in a map about the Belt and Road Initiative, the countries in it should be coloured red since China is one of the 5 countries we recognize as socialist.

Blue should represent capitalism, imperialism, or countries who align with it. A map showing NATO, or OECD, should use blue because they are built around the imperialist nations.

What about the results of a vote (at the UN for example??)? My personal preference would be Red=Yes, Black=No. I understand that this would be too counter-intuitive for most people so I suggest Green=Yes, Black=No.

-Comrade Spookfessor (talk) 08:48, 6 June 2021 (UTC)

How would you color Russia? — Comrade FelipeForte (talk) 21:31, 6 June 2021 (UTC)