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Eurocommunism was a revisionist Marxist tendency that was popularized by Santiago Carillo, the former general secretary of the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) from 1960 to 1982 in his landmark political work, Eurocommunism and the State. Its supporters claimed that it was a natural continuation of Marxist ideology after the death of fascist regimes in Greece, Italy, and Portugal and the "defeat of U.S. imperialism in Vietnam" and as a rejection of dogmatic currents in Marxist politics.[1]

Eurocommunism rejects the fundamental Marxist principle of class struggle due to its reformist beliefs and attacks socialist countries -- including the Soviet Union and China. Furthermore, Eurocommunists defend western imperialism,[2] reducing it to a form of social democracy.[3]

It can be argued that the Eurocommunist movement is most similar to the democratic socialist movement of this day.

Further reading


  1. Manuel Azcárate (1978). What is Eurocommunism?.
  2. Enver Hoxha (1980). Eurocommunism is anti-communism.
  3. Vijay Prashad (2017). Red Star over the Third World: 'Polycentric Communism' (pp. 117–118). [PDF] New Delhi: LeftWord Books.