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Freedom Road Socialist Organization

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Revision as of 23:10, 12 January 2023 by Elliott (talk | contribs) (I added a section for a brief history of this organization, links to its newspaper and website, and provided a more recent update for the section on their program and demands.)
Freedom Road Socialist Organization

Political orientationMarxism–Leninism

The Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) is a Marxist–Leninist organization in the United States consisting of revolutionaries across the nation. The organization seeks to build a united front against monopoly capitalism.[1]


The FRSO was founded in 1985 when the older Proletarian Unity League and the Revolutionary Workers Headquarters merged to form a new organization.[2] Over the years, a few other organizations would join the FRSO as well.

Despite struggles within the organization and in the whole new communist movement as whole, the FRSO continues to grow and make progress. In a 1999 statement, the organization said they will strive to keep a "commitment to building a revolutionary movement in this country."[3]

In 2010, the FBI launched a campaign against several anti-war activists, including members of FRSO.[4]


The FRSO's current program was adopted at its 9th congress held in 2022.[5]

The program starts by outlining its own history, giving a history of class struggle within the United States, describing monopoly capitalism as the enemy and socialist revolution as the solution, ending with some immediate demands.

Immediate demands of labor

This section of the program demands fair and respectable conditions and wages for the working class and the unemployed.[6]

The FRSO demands an survivable and enjoyable life from one job. Unions must be expanded and any and all anti-labor legislation like the Taft-Hartley Act must be removed. Improved conditions for the working class such as affordable housing, free education, free healthcare & childcare, parental leave, etc. are also demanded.

The FRSO demands an end to discrimination against oppressed nationalities during the hiring practice and on the job, as well as a strong implementation of affirmative action and an end to document checks.

The FRSO demands an end to discrimination against women in the workforce, in hiring practices, promotions. It also demands an end to sexual harassment in the workplace.

The FRSO demands immediate income or a job for all unemployed workers.

Immediate demands of U.S. colonies, indigenous peoples, and oppressed nationalities

This section of the program recognizes the struggles of colonized, indigenous, and oppressed peoples.

U.S. island colonies

The FRSO demands immediate independence for the U.S. colonies of Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa as well as the neocolonies of the Marshall Islands and Palau. It demands removal of U.S. military bases from these areas and a nuclear-free zone in the Pacific. The United States should continue to provide economic aid and social security and allow unrestricted immigration.[7]

Indigenous peoples

The FRSO supports full sovereignty and national development for American indigenous peoples: the Alaskan Natives, the Native Americans, and the Native Hawaiians. It advocates abolishing the Bureau of Indian Affairs, protecting indigenous cultures and languages, as well as upholding past treaties.[7]

Other oppressed nations

The FRSO demands self-determination and full equality for the African diaspora, Chicanos, and Native Hawaiians, including the right to secession.[7]

The FRSO also demands the empowerment of the working masses of the oppressed nations and nationalities.


  1. "What is the Freedom Road Socialist Organization?". Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Archived from the original on 2022-12-04. Retrieved 2023-01-11.
  2. Freedom Road Socialist Organization: 20 Years of Struggle (2005-12-19). Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Archived from the original on 2017-11-26. Retrieved 2023-01-12.
  3. "Public Statement on the Future of FRSO" (1999-06-03). Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Archived from the original on 2022-08-03. Retrieved 2023-01-12.
  4. Maureen Murphy (2010-11-10). "New York meeting builds movement against Grand Jury, FBI repression of anti-war activists" Fight Back! News. Archived from the original on 2021-12-05. Retrieved 2023-01-12.
  5. "Introduction to the Program of Freedom Road Socialist Organization" (2022-06-09). Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Archived from the original on 2022-12-04. Retrieved 2023-01-12.
  6. "Immediate Demands of Labor" (2022-07-12). Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Archived from the original on 2022-12-04. Retrieved 2023-01-12.
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 "Immediate Demands for U.S. Colonies, Indigenous Peoples, and Oppressed Nationalities" (2007-08-03). Freedom Road Socialist Organization. Archived from the original on 2022-05-24. Retrieved 2022-07-31.