Settler colonialism

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Settler conquest of native land in the USA from 1783 to 1893
Zionist conquest of Palestinian land from 1947 to the present

Settler colonialism is a form of colonialism that seeks to eliminate or assimilate the indigenous population instead of exploiting their labor. Examples of settler colonial states are Australia, Canada, the Zionist Entity, New Zealand, and the United States. The ruling class can use settler colonialism to discourage revolution by allowing impoverished proletarians to take indigenous land.[1]


United States

The Shawnee leaders Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa organized a pan-indigenous resistance against settler colonialism in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. In the late 19th century, the Paiute leader Wovoka founded the Ghost Dance movement.[2]


  1. Stephen Gowans (2018). Patriots, Traitors and Empires: The Story of Korea’s Struggle for Freedom: 'Imperialism' (p. 54). [PDF] Montreal: Baraka Books. ISBN 9781771861427 [LG]
  2. Nodrada (2021-05-19). "Decolonization and Communism" Orinoco Tribune. Archived from the original on 2022-06-06. Retrieved 2022-06-17.