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1. r/InformedTankie (Reddit), Tankie Bunker (Discord) 2. Marxist-Leninist. Was an anarchist throughout high school, active in the IWW. Became dissatisfied/frustrated with anarchism and settled with the DSA for a while. My time in the DSA was fairly uninspired, but during that time I did quite a lot of studying and learned a lot from comrades. Left DSA due to their electoralism and failure to meaningfully address imperialism and national liberation struggle. Stumbled across FRSO who I've been with since. 3. Yes, I have no objections. 4. China is a socialist central-democracy practicing SWCC, currently in the primary stage of socialism. 5. Stalin is a key figure in the development of scientific socialism; producing works like "Dialectical and Historical Materialism" and "Marxism and the National Question", both of which were foundational for me. 6. Marxists should address gender, sexual orientation, etc. based oppression as a critical part of larger class struggle - while avoiding becoming swept up in identity struggles without class analysis.