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Scientific Outlook on Development

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The Scientific Outlook on Development (simplified Chinese: 科学发展观; pinyin: Kēxué Fāzhǎn Guān), sometimes translated to either the scientific development concept, or as the scientific development perspective, is one of the guiding socio-economic principles of the Communist Party of China (CPC), credited to former Chinese leader Hu Jintao and his administration, who was in power from 2002 to 2012, adding once more to Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and advancing the theoretical understandings and praxis of Chinese Marxism forward.

In his speech on July 28, 2003, Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, proposed to "adhere to people-oriented development, establish a comprehensive, coordinated, and sustainable development concept, and promote the overall development of the economy, society, and people ." The scientific concept of development, which requires the promotion of the reform and development of various undertakings, is also a major strategic thought of the Communist Party of China. [1]

The 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China reviewed and unanimously approved the "Constitution of the Communist Party of China (Amendment)" proposed by the 16th Central Committee, and decided that this amendment will take effect from the date of adoption.[2]

Core Content

What is "People Oriented?"

According to the Interpretation of the report of the Seventeenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China: the core of the scientific development concept is people-oriented, the definition of being "People Oriented" is outline in the following 3 points: [3]

First, putting people first is a basic principle of historical materialism.

People-oriented, as a social trend of thought and value concept, has existed since ancient times. Ancient thinkers in China have long put forward that "the people are the foundation of the country, and the foundation of the country is stable" and "there is nothing more precious than people in the world", emphasizing the need to benefit, enrich, nourish and benefit the people.

Modern Western humanism opposes superstition, advocates science, opposes autocracy, advocates freedom, opposes divinity, and publicizes human nature. It has played a certain positive role in opposing feudalism and promoting human liberation. However, humanism departs from specific historical conditions and human sociality, and explains social history with abstract and eternal human nature. In essence, it serves for the bourgeoisie to obtain and maintain its dominant position. While scientifically clarifying the law of the development of human society, Marxism also pointed out the law of the people's creation of history, emphasizing that the people are the creators of history and the decisive force to promote social development; the people are the most active and revolutionary among the productive forces.

Factors have created the material wealth and spiritual wealth of the society, thus establishing the human-oriented thought on the scientific basis of historical materialism for the first time, and becoming an important ideological principle guiding the proletariat to transform the objective world and the subjective world.

Second, putting people first is the concentrated expression of the CPC's fundamental purpose and governing philosophy.

The people-oriented emphasis of the Scientific Outlook on Development is completely consistent with our party's fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly and the essential requirements of establishing the party for the public and governing for the people. consistent. Comrade Hu Jintao pointed out that who to believe, who to rely on, and for whom, whether to always stand on the standpoint of the overwhelming majority of the people, is the watershed to distinguish between materialism and idealism, and it is also a touchstone for judging Marxist parties.

For a Marxist ruling party, it is always the most important thing to insist on building the party for the public, governing for the people, realizing, safeguarding, and developing the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, and giving full play to the enthusiasm of all the people to develop advanced productive forces and advanced culture. important. The Communist Party of China always insists that the interests of the people are above all else. The party has no special interests of its own except the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people.

The entire task and responsibility of the party is to lead the broad masses of the people to realize their fundamental interests. Whether it is the bloody struggle to overthrow the "three big mountains" during the years of war, whether it is the establishment of a socialist system, large-scale socialist construction, or reform and opening up and socialist modernization, in the final analysis, it is to realize, maintain and develop The fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people.

People-oriented people refer to the broadest masses of the people. In contemporary China, workers, farmers, intellectuals and other workers are the main body, including the broad masses of the people from all walks of life. The people-oriented principle is the foundation, the starting point and the foothold of all work. Adhering to the people-oriented principle, we must keep in mind the fundamental purpose of the party, always exercise power for the people, care for the people, and seek benefits for the people, always regard the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as the highest standard in all our work, and insist on respecting the interests of society.

The law of development and the consistency of respecting the historical subject position of the people, the consistency of striving for lofty ideals and seeking the interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, the consistency of completing various tasks of the party and realizing the interests of the people, and earnestly building the party for the public, The requirement of governing for the people has been concretely and deeply implemented in the work of the Party and the state in formulating and implementing principles and policies, in the thoughts and actions of leading cadres at all levels, and in the work of caring for the production and life of the masses.

Third, people-oriented comprehensively answered a series of basic questions of the scientific development concept.

For whom to develop, by whom to develop, and how to distribute the results of development, these are the basic questions that must be answered and resolved by any concept of development. The reason why people-oriented is the core of the scientific outlook on development is because the scientific outlook on development runs through the principles and concepts of people-oriented in answering these basic questions.

First of all, in terms of developing for whom, the Scientific Outlook on Development emphasizes that adhering to development for the people is to realize, maintain and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people as the fundamental starting point and starting point of all policies and tasks of the party and the government. The goal is to adhere to the people's support or disapproval, approval or disapproval, happiness or disapproval, and acceptance or disapproval as the criteria for evaluating all decisions and work, and truly implement the purpose of development to meet the needs of the people, realize the interests of the people, and improve the living standards of the people.

Secondly, in terms of relying on whom to develop, the Scientific Outlook on Development emphasizes insisting on relying on the people for development, that is, to respect the dominant position of the people, give full play to the people's pioneering spirit, closely connect with the masses, always trust the masses, rely on the masses closely, and mobilize the enthusiasm of the people to the fullest initiative, and creativity. To maximize the concentration of the wisdom and strength of the whole society and the whole nation, and mobilize and organize hundreds of millions of people to participate in the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics as widely as possible.

Third, in terms of how to distribute the fruits of development, the Scientific Outlook on Development emphasizes that the fruits of development should be shared by the people, that is, to take the path of common prosperity, and reflect the achievements of reform and development in all aspects of the people's quality of life and health. It is reflected in the continuous improvement of the people's ideological and moral quality and scientific and cultural quality, and in the full protection of the people's economic, political, cultural, social and other rights and interests, so that the fruits of development can benefit the masses of the people.

People Oriented Development

People Oriented Development (Simplified Chinese: 以人为本发展; pinyin: Yǐrénwéiběn de fǎ zhǎn) is the essence and core of the scientific outlook on development. The concept of people-oriented is "to take the interests of the people as the starting point and the foothold of all work, to continuously meet people's various needs and promote the all-round development of people."

It includes 4 specific aspects:[4]

  1. On the basis of economic development, continuously improve the material and cultural living standards and health levels of the people
  2. Respect and protect human rights , including the political, economic and cultural rights of citizens
  3. Continuously improve people's ideological and moral quality, scientific and cultural quality and health quality
  4. Create a social environment where people develop equally and give full play to their intelligence

The basic requirements to achieve People Oriented Development are "Comprehensive, Coordinated and Sustainable"[5] which in turn, are as follows: [6]

  • Adhere to the economic construction as the center:
    • Seize the opportunity to speed up economic development and maintain a steady and rapid economic development momentum
    • We must speed up economic development on the basis of optimizing structure, improving quality and efficiency
  • Adhere to the "five overall plans":
    • Overall planning of urban and rural development
    • Coordinating regional development
    • coordinate economic and social development
    • Coordinating the harmonious development of man and nature
    • Coordinating domestic development and opening up

At the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Hu Jintao added a sixth coordination requirement in his report: "Coordinate the domestic and international situations" [7]

  • Strengthen the dialectical thinking ability to grasp the requirements of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development
    • Correctly understand and handle the relationship between current development and long-term development
    • Correctly understand and handle the relationship between local interests and global interests
    • Correctly understand and deal with the relationship between balance and imbalance in development
    • Correct understanding and handling of the relationship between the government and the market

Socialist Harmonious Society

The Socialist Harmonious Society (Chinese: 和谐社会; pinyin: héxié shèhuì) , is a strategic goal of social development proposed by the Communist Party of China in 2004, which refers to a harmonious social state in which the people work together. On September 19, 2004, at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the concept of “persisting in mobilizing all positive factors in the broadest and most complete way, and continuously improving the ability to build a harmonious socialist society” was formally put forward.[8]

The formulation of a harmonious society aims to point out the common interests accepted by all walks of life for the confused direction of reform. Prior to this, people repeatedly debated between "fairness" and "efficiency". There is no doubt that at the beginning of the reform and opening up, the CPC’s policy was to “prioritize efficiency and give consideration to fairness.” As a result, while achieving construction achievements, social injustice occurred, and the problem has hindered the deepening of reform.

Harmonious society is quite specific to the current Chinese society. The equalization of basic public services including education, medical care, social security and other social hotspots, as well as the system of guaranteeing democratic rights and widening channels for the expression of social conditions and public opinions are the specific contents of the theory of harmonious society.

The 8 Honors and 8 Shames

The 8 Honors and 8 Shames (simplified Chinese: 八荣八耻; pinyin: bā róng bā chǐ) is a set of concepts and guidelines put in place by Hu Jintao, used to measure the work, conduct and attitude of Chinese citizens and CPC members.[9]

The 8 Honors and 8 Shames are as follows:

  1. Love your nation; do it no harm.
  2. Serve the people; never betray them
  3. Follow science; discard superstition
  4. Be diligent; not indolent
  5. Be united and help each other; make no gains at another's expense
  6. Be honest and trustworthy; do not sacrifice ethics for profit
  7. Be disciplined and law-abiding; not chaotic and lawless
  8. Live plainly, work hard; do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.

The Party stressed Hu's list of eight honors and disgraces in the resolutions, saying that these virtues including patriotism, professional dedication and honesty should be further promoted and government, business and social credibility should be enhanced.

Accelerate the transformation of the economic development mode

Accelerate the transformation of the economic development mode (Simplified Chinese: 加快转变经济发展方式; Pinyin: Jiākuài zhuǎnbiàn jīngjì fāzhǎn fāngshì) was designed to promote sustainable and healthy economic development, the CPC must adhere to the theme of scientific development and accelerate the transformation of economic development mode as the main line.

  1. Comprehensively deepening the reform of the economic system is the key to accelerating the transformation of the economic development mode; implementing the innovation-driven development strategy is a major strategic decision to transform the economic development mode;
  2. Promoting the strategic adjustment of the economic structure is the fundamental way to improve the overall quality of the national economy and win the initiative in international economic competition, and it is the main direction of accelerating the transformation of the economic development mode;
  3. Promoting regional coordinated development is a major strategy in China's modernization drive; actively and steadily promoting urbanization is an important measure to optimize the urban and rural economic structure, promote a virtuous cycle of the national economy and coordinate social development;
  4. Promoting the integration of urban and rural development is the fundamental way to solve the three rural issues (Agricultural issues, rural issues, farmer's problems)
  5. Realizing industrialization , informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization is the strategic task of China's socialist modernization drive, and it is also an important driving force for accelerating the formation of a new economic development mode and promoting sustainable and healthy economic development.

Development of Socialist democracy

The Development of Socialist Democracy (Simplified Chinese; 发展社会主义民主政治; Pinyin: Fāzhǎn shèhuì zhǔyì mínzhǔ zhèngzhì) operates under the principle that the more socialism develops, the more democracy develops. The essence and core of socialist democratic politics is that the people are the masters of the country.

  1. To develop socialist democratic politics, we must unswervingly follow the path of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics, and adhere to the organic unity of the party's leadership, the people being the masters of the country, and the rule of law .
  2. To develop socialist democratic politics, the most important thing is to uphold and develop a socialist political system suitable for China's national conditions.
  3. Socialist deliberative democracy is a great creation of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people in the form of socialist democracy. It is the enrichment and development of Marxist democratic theory and fully embodies the authenticity, breadth and inclusiveness of socialist democracy.
  4. Unswervingly advancing the basic strategy of ruling the country by law is an important guarantee for the long-term stability of the country.
  5. Political system reform is the self-improvement and development of the socialist system and an important part of my country's comprehensive reform.

Promoting the Construction of Ecological Civilization

Promoting the Construction of Ecological Civilization (Simplified Chinese: 推进生态文明建设; Pinyin: Tuījìn shēngtài wénmíng jiànshè) is a long-term plan related to the well-being of the people and the future of the nation. The essence of building ecological civilization is to build a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society based on the carrying capacity of resources and the environment, taking the laws of nature as the criterion, and aiming at sustainable development.

The CPC must adhere to the basic national policy of saving resources and protecting the environment, adhere to the policy of giving priority to conservation, protection, and natural restoration, and strive to promote green development, circular development, and low-carbon development, and form a spatial pattern, industrial structure, and environment that conserve resources and protect the environment. The way of production and life style reverses the deterioration of the ecological environment from the source, creates a good production and living environment for the people, and contributes to global ecological security.

Comprehensively improve the scientific level of party building

Comprehensively improve the scientific level of party building (Simplified Chinese: 全面提升党建科学化水平; Pinyin: Quánmiàn tíshēng dǎngjiàn kēxué huà shuǐpíng) is an important magic weapon for the continuous victory of the great cause led by the Communist Party of China. The development of the situation, the development of the cause, and the expectations of the people all require the Communist Party of China to comprehensively promote the new great project of party building in the spirit of reform and innovation, and comprehensively improve the scientific level of party building.

Governance capacity building is a fundamental construction after the Communist Party of China takes power. The ability of the Communist Party of China to govern is that the Communist Party of China proposes and applies correct theories, lines, principles, policies and strategies, leads the formulation and implementation of the Constitution and laws, adopts scientific leadership systems and leadership methods, and mobilizes and organizes the people to manage the country and society according to law. affairs, economic and cultural undertakings, effective governance of the party, the country and the army, and the ability to build a modern socialist country. Maintaining and developing the advanced nature of the Communist Party of China is the fundamental task and eternal task of the self-construction of the Marxist party. The advanced nature of the Communist Party of China is historically specific, both consistent and advancing with the times.
