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ProleWiki editorial guidelines

From ProleWiki, the proletarian encyclopedia
Revision as of 16:53, 5 June 2024 by Ledlecreeper27 (talk | contribs) (Naming conventions)

We have editorial conventions that help maintain a consistent style throughout the whole wiki. This discusses mainly form, not content.

Don't forget that the best way to learn how we can maintain a consistent style is by looking at how other articles are built. You can suggest changes in the discussion page.

Content pages

ProleWiki currently does not favor any regional variant of English spelling, so do not make edits just to change spellings to a certain country's variants.


  • Use sentence case in the title of our articles except in the case for proper nouns (only the first word of a sentence and proper nouns are capitalized).

    The economic basis of the withering away of the state (do)
    The Economic Basis of the Withering Away of the State (don't)

  • For countries, use the official state's name when titling a page. For example, our page is titled Russian Federation, with Russia redirecting there as the Federation is the most current incarnation of what is called Russia. Likewise, China redirects to the People's Republic of China.
  • For people, use the most common name using the Latin alphabet, but remaining in the original language. See for example Deng Xiaoping (pinyin), Maximilien de Robespierre (not the entire name but the most common one), Hồ Chí Minh (with Vietnamese diacritics), Muammar Gaddafi (common transliteration from the original Arabic). Create redirects as needed to cover all possible spellings you can think of as well as alternate names.
    • Transgender people should use their chosen names for the title and have a redirect from the dead name. The dead name should not be mentioned in the main page.
    • Hungarian and Japanese names should be written in their native order, which puts the family name first and given name second like Chinese and Korean names do. Write Abe Shinzō instead of Shinzō Abe, for example.
    • For monarchs, treat the dynasty name as their last name and add their regnal number in Roman numerals between their first and last name if necessary. For example, Elizabeth II Windsor.
    • Pages about individuals should be sorted based on their surname and then personal name. If this does not match the order in the title page, set the page to sort as surname, personal name In the source editor, add {{DEFAULTSORT:surname, personal name}} to the bottom of the page. In the visual editor, go to options --> categories and add this order under "Sort this page by default as."
  • Be as specific as needed. For instance, the Russian revolution can mean both the 1905 Russian bourgeois revolution or the 1917 Russian socialist revolution. In this case, a title which already disambiguates this difference is recommended.


  1. In the introductory paragraph of an article, use bold for when the subject of the article is first mentioned. This ensures the subject of the article is cited more clearly.
Historical materialism

From ProleWiki, the proletarian encyclopedia

Historical materialism broadly refers to applying the philosophy of dialectical materialism to the study of social life.

Bluelinking and redlinking

I. Bluelinking: Blue links made to other articles should be made only once, when they are first introduced in the article. This is to prevent readers from getting distracted by excessive use of blue links. Blue links can also be repeated inside infoboxes (appearing once in the infobox, and once in the body).

(note how the second mention of Marxist-Leninist is not linked in the example)

ProleWiki is a Marxist–Leninist encyclopedia founded in September 2020 aiming to make information accessible to revolutionaries and those who wish to study revolutionary theory. We stand for the principles of anti-imperialism and we aim to combat the liberal hegemony in Western society by presenting a Marxist-Leninist understanding of political economy.

II. Blue links should also strictly be made in body text, never in headings. This is for readability reasons and coherence.

III. External links should not be used in the main body. If you need to use an external link as reference, then use it as citation. You can also create an "External links" section at the bottom and put external sources there.


  1. Avoid placing a citation after a space

Jeff Bezos is a parasite.[1] (do)
Jeff Bezos is a parasite. [1] (don't)

  1. Avoid placing a citation before punctuation

Without revolutionary theory,[1] there can be no revolutionary movement.[2] (do)
Without revolutionary theory[1], there can be no revolutionary movement[2]. (don't)

Naming conventions

When referring to someone with an abbreviated, generally use their surname; for example, when not using Friedrich Engels's full name, say 'Engels' instead of 'Friedrich.' However, Vietnamese names are an exception and use the second (personal) name. Mongolian names only have a patronymic or matronymic and then personal name with no surname, and Icelandic names have a personal name and then patronymic. In both cases, the personal name should be used.


Use our Citation template for books and scientific articles, and the Web citation template for material usually available online or periodicals, newspapers, etc. These options are available through Visual Editor.

Order of final headings

The end of a page must always follow this order in its headings:

See also [links to other internal pages]

Further reading [links to books or articles]

External links [links to outside pages]



It was decided that when importing library works, we will not remove sections from the source or edit sentences in other ways. However, it was decided that we are allowed to add a foreword of our own as well as footnotes (called annotations) like so:

Library work infobox

  • Books should all contain the Template:Library work infobox (call it with two curly brackets {{ }} ). The infobox should include at least the work's title, author, publication year and the source (either link to PDF or text or "X publisher edition" if taken from paper copy). It will automatically retitle the page according to the first two parameters. Ideally, the infobox should use as many parameters as possible.

Library foreword

  • We can add our own foreword to contextualize the text, explain why the reader should read it, explain that we've added our own footnotes but have not removed anything from the text.
  • Use the Template:Foreword and populate the parameters, it will create the heading itself as well as any necessary styling.
  • Remember that your foreword represents ProleWiki as a whole.

Library annotations

  • Add a "basic" citation (Ctrl+Shift+K), and put it in the ProleWiki group like so: [ProleWiki 1]
  • Preferably add annotations at the end of a paragraph.
  • Use sparingly, only to add corrections or important context.
  • Editors without the trusted role should confirm their footnotes with the trusted editors before saving them on a page.
  • References list should be at the end of the chapter or the end of the text, as a subheading nested under the editor's references, and called "ProleWiki annotations" . Example:

Notes (<-- subheading 1)

*editor's footnotes

ProleWiki annotations (<-- subheading 2)

  1. Note 1

Units of measurement

If a library work contains non-Metric units of measurement, add the Metric equivalent in brackets afterwards. For example:

It should be mentioned that in 1937 the collective farms alone (without the state farms) produced a marketable surplus of over 1,700,000,000 poods [28,000,000 tonnes] of grain, which was at least 400,000,000 poods [6,600,000 tonnes] more than the landlords, kulaks and peasants together marketed in 1913. (History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union)

In this example, the pood is a traditional Slavic unit of weight equal to 16.38 kg.