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A History of the U.S.S.R.  (Anna Pankratova, Sergei Bakhrushin, Konstantin Bazilevich, A. V. Fokht)

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A History of the U.S.S.R.
AuthorAnna Pankratova, Sergei Bakhrushin, Konstantin Bazilevich, A. V. Fokht
Written in1947
Original languageRussian
PublisherForeign Languages Publishing House
First published1947
SourcePart 1
Part 2
Part 3

Part One (Prehistory to 1700)

Early Times

The Primitive Community System in Our Country

Primeval Human Society

The Matriarchal Clan

The Patriarchal Clan

Earliest States on the Territory of Our Country

Earliest Slaveowning States in the Caucasus and Central Asia

Peoples of the Northern Black Sea Region

Nomads of Asia (from the 3rd century B.C. to the 8th century A.D.)

Early Feudal States in Transcaucasia

Peoples of Central Asia in the Struggle against the Arabs

Khazars and Bulgars on the Volga

The Kiev State

Formation of the Kiev State

The Slavs in the 6th–9th Centuries

Union of Eastern Slavs around Kiev

Introduction of Christianity into Kiev Rus

Disintegration of the Kiev State

Establishment of Feudalism in the Kiev State

Feudal Disunity in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Feudal Principalities in the 12th and 13th Centuries

Intensification of Feudal Disunity

The Galich-Volhynsk Principality in the 12–13th Centuries

The Principality of Rostov-Suzdal

The Land of Novgorod

Transcaucasia and Central Asia in the 11th–12th Centuries

Mongol Conquests in the 13th Century

The Empire of Genghis Khan

The Conquest of Eastern Europe

Transcaucasia and Central Asia under the Rule of the Mongols

The Struggle against German and Swedish Feudal Lords

Seizures by the German Feudal Lords in the Baltic

Struggle of Novgorod and Pskov against the Swedish and German Feudal Lords

The Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Formation of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Social System of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

The Grand Principality of Vladimir

The Principalities of Northeastern Rus

Novgorod and Pskov in the 14th and 15th Centuries

The Rise of Moscow

Strengthening of the Moscow Principality

Beginning of the Struggle against the Tatars

The Feudal Struggle in the First Half of the 15th Century

The Empire of Timur and the Decline of the Golden Horde

The Empire of Timur. The Uzbeks

Peoples of the Volga Region under the Rule of the Tatars

The Crimean Khanate

The Siberian Khanate. The Kazakhs

Creation of the Russian National State

The Reign of Ivan III and Vasili III

Territorial Formation of the Russian State

Liberation from the Tatar Yoke. The Conquests of Ivan III

Russian Social and State Structure at the End of the 15th Century

Expansion of the Russian State and Its Transformation into a Multi-National Realm

The Reign of Ivan IV

The Rule of the Boyars. Reforms of the 1550s

The Wars of Tsar Ivan IV

The Oprichnina

End of the Livonian War

Subjugation of the People of Western Siberia at the End of the 16th Century

Crafts and Trade in Russia in the 16th Century

Life and Culture in the 16th Century

The Peoples of Russia in the 17th Century

The Peasant War and the Struggle against Polish and Swedish Intervention in Russia at the Beginning of the 17th Century

The Russian State before the Peasant War

Attempts of the Polish Gentry to Subjugate the Russian State. False Dimitry I

Peasant Insurrection under the Leadership of Bolotnikov

Polish and Swedish Hostilities in 1608–1610

Struggle of the Russian People against the Polish Invaders

Autocracy in Russia in the 17th Century

Reign of Mikhail Romanov

Foreign Policy after the Peasant War

Feudal Serf Economy

Uprisings in the Cities in the Middle of the 17th Century

Organs of Government of the Russian State

Nikon's Church Reform and the Schism

The Ukraine and Byelorussia in the 17th Century

The Ukraine and Byelorussia under Polish Dominion

The Struggle of the Ukrainian People against Poland

Incorporation of the Ukraine into the Russian State. War with Poland

Popular Uprisings in Russia in the Second Half of the 17th Century

The Moscow Uprising of 1662

The Volga Region in the 17th Century

Popular Uprising under the Leadership of Stepan Razin

Life and Culture in the 17th Century Russia


Moscow, the Capital

The Peoples of Siberia in the 17th Century

Eastern Siberia in the 17th Century

Conquest and Colonization of Eastern Siberia

Transcaucasia and Central Asia in the 16th and 17th Centuries

Transcaucasia in the 16th and 17th Centuries

Central Asia in the 16th and 17th Centuries

Important Dates in the History of the U.S.S.R. (From Ancient Times until the End of the 17th Century)

Part Two (1700–1900)

The Empire of the Russian Nobility in the 18th Century

Founding of the Russian Empire

The Russian State at the End of the 17th Century

The Regency of Sophia

The Azov Expeditions and Peter's Foreign Travels

The Beginning of the War with Sweden

The Condition of the Peasants under Peter the Great. Popular Uprisings

The End of the War with Sweden; the Wars of Peter the Great in the East

Social and Economic Conditions in Russia and Peter's Economy Policy

Reforms in State Administration

Culture and Education

Peter's Successors (1725–1762)

The Struggle of the Nobles for Power

Elizabeth Petrovna (1741–1761)

Russian Science in the Middle of the 18th Century

The Colonial Policy of Russian Tsarism under Peter I's Successors

Central Asia in the 18th Century

The Noblesse Empire of Catherine II (1762–1796)

Beginning of the Reign of Catherine II

Foreign Policy of Catherine II prior to the Peasant War

Serf Economy in the Second Half of the 18th Century

The Peasant War Led by Pugachev

The Strengthening of the Dictatorship of the Nobles

Russia's Foreign Policy after the Peasant War

The Ukraine in the 18th Century

Education and Culture in the Second Half of the 18th Century

The Decline of Serfdom and the Birth of Capitalism

The Bourgeois Revolution in Europe and Tsarism at the End of the 18th Century

Catherine's Struggle against the Revolution

Paul I (1796–1801)

Tsarism during the Napoleonic Wars

The Domestic and Foreign Policy of Alexander I (up to 1812)

The Patriotic War of 1812

Tsarism at the Helm of European Reaction

The Peoples of Tsarist Russia and the Colonial Policy of Tsarism in the First Quarter of the 19th Century

Tsarist Policy in Poland, the Ukraine, Byelorussia and the Baltic Provinces

Transcaucasia in the First Quarter of the 19th Century

The Peoples of the Volga, Bashkiria and Siberia in the First Quarter of the 19th Century

The Decembrists

The Revolutionary Movement in the First Quarter of the 19th Century

The Uprising of December 14, 1825

The Further Decline of Serfdom

The Mass Movement for National Liberation in the 'Thirties

Conquest of the Caucasus and the Struggle of the Mountaineers for Independence

The Peoples of Central Asia and the Advance of Tsarism in Kazakhstan and Central Asia

Tsarism—The Gendarme of Europe

The Foreign Policy of Nicholas I

The Revolution of 1848 in Europe and Russian Intervention in Hungary

The Crimean War

Tsarism in the Far East

The Formation of Ideological Tendencies and the Social Movement between the 'Thirties and 'Fifties

Science, Literature, and Art in the First Half of the 19th Century

The Cultures of the Peoples of Tsarist Russia in the First Half of the 19th Century

The Development of Capitalism in Tsarist Russia

Bourgeois Reforms of the 'Sixties

Preparation of the Peasant Reform

The Abolition of Serfdom

The Rising of 1863 in Poland

The Peasant Reform in the National Regions

The Development of Capitalism in the 'Sixties and 'Seventies

Capitalism in Agriculture and Industry after the Peasant Reform

Foreign Policy of Tsarism in the 'Sixties and 'Seventies

The Revolutionary Movement of the 'Seventies

Education, Science and Art in the 'Sixties and 'Seventies

The Culture of the Peoples of Tsarist Russia in the 'Sixties and 'Seventies

The Beginning of the Struggle of the Working Class against Tsarism (1883–1900)

Political Reaction

The Beginning of the Struggle for a Marxist Party in Russia. The Morozov Strike

The Growth of Capitalism in Russia at the End of the 19th Century and Its Place in the System of World Imperialism

The Beginning of the Revolutionary Activities of Lenin and Stalin

Education, Science and Art at the End of the 19th Century

Genealogical Table of the Romanov Dynasty

Important Dates in the History of the U.S.S.R. in the 18th and 19th Centuries

Part Three (1900–1946)

The First Bourgeois-Democratic Revolution

The Eve of the Revolution

Russia's Transition to Imperialism

The Beginning of the Mass Political Struggle in Russia

The Struggle to Create a Revolutionary Proletarian Party

Tsarism and the Bourgeoisie on the Eve of the Revolution

The Russo-Japanese War and the First Russian Revolution (1904–1907)

The Russo-Japanese War

January 9, 1905—The Beginning of the Revolution

The Mass Revolutionary Movement in the Summer of 1905

The October General Strike

The National-Liberation Movement of the Peoples of Russia in 1905

The December Armed Insurrection

Retreat of the Revolution

The Stolypin Reaction (1908–1912)

The Third of June Monarchy

Stolypin's Agrarian Reform

The Decline in the Working-Class Movement and Ideological Confusion in the Period of Reaction

The Bolsheviks during the Period of Reaction

The Foreign Policy of the Stolypin Government

The Growth of National and Colonial Oppression during the Period of the Stolypin Reaction

Years of Revolutionary Advance (1912–1914)

The New Upswing of the Revolutionary Movement

The Fourth State Duma

The Second Bourgeois-Democratic Revolution

Tsarist Russia during the First World War (1914–March 1917)

Russia's Part in the War

Brusilov's Breakthrough

Growth of the Revolutionary Crisis

The Revolt of the Peoples in Central Asia in 1916

Education and Culture in Russia before the Revolution (1907–1917)

The February Bourgeois-Democratic Revolution

Overthrow of Tsarism

The Dual Power

The Great October Socialist Revolution

Preparations for the Great October Socialist Revolution

The Beginning of the Crisis of the Provisional Government

The June Crisis

The National-Liberation Movement of the Oppressed Nationalities in Russia after the Overthrow of Tsarism

The July Crisis

The Suppression of General Kornilov's Counter-Revolutionary Revolt

Organization of the Assault

The Victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution

The October Armed Insurrection

The Organization of the Soviet State

The Triumphal March of Soviet Power

Soviet Power Brings Liberation to the Oppressed Nations

The World-Historic Importance of the Great October Socialist Revolution

The Brest-Litovsk Peace. The Struggle for a Respite

The Brest-Litovsk Peace

The Struggle of the Soviet People against the German Occupation Forces in 1918

The Beginning of Socialist Construction

Military Intervention. The Civil War

The Beginning of Military Intervention

The Respite Ends

The Defence of Tsaritsyn

The Entente Armies Attack Soviet Russia

Defeat of the Three Entente Campaigns

The Defeat of Kolchak

The Defeat of Denikin

Socialist Construction during the Civil War

The Defeat of the White Poles and Wrangel

The Civil War in the Border Regions

The Liberation of Kazakhstan and Central Asia

Soviet Power Is Established in Transcaucasia

The Defeat of the Japanese Interventionists

The Bolshevik Party, the Organizer of Victory at the Fronts

The Transition to the Peaceful Work of Economic Restoration

The Struggle to Restore the Country's Economy

The Soviet State's Transition from War to Peaceful Economic Construction

The Economic Restoration of Soviet Russia

The Formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Lenin's Behests

The End of the Period of Restoration in the U.S.S.R.

The Struggle for Socialist Industrialization (1926–1929)

Steering a Course for Industrialization

The Difficulties and Successes of Socialist Industrialization

The First Five-Year Plan

U.S.S.R.—Land of Socialism

The U.S.S.R. in the Period of the Struggle to Collectivize Agriculture (1930–1934)

The Struggle for the Socialist Reorganization of Peasant Farming

The Struggle to Complete the Building of Socialism. The Stalin Constitution

The Second Five-Year Plan for the Building of Socialism

The Great Stalin Constitution

The U.S.S.R. Enters the Phase of Completing the Building of Socialism

The Cultural Revolution in the U.S.S.R.

The Fight for Peace amidst the Conditions of the Second World War

The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet People

Principal Dates in the History of the U.S.S.R.
