Russell Bentley

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Russell "Texas" Bentley is journalist residing in the Donetsk People's Republic, originally from Texas, USA.

Military career

In 2014, Russell came to Donbass and served in VOSTOK Battalion and XAH Spetsnaz Battalion through 2015. He then transitioned into the Information War, as a writer and video reporter, countering Western propaganda about the situation in Ukraine and Donbass.

He currently works as an accredited war correspondent in the DPR, is married and lives in a small house with a big garden, 5 Km from the frontline in the ongoing Donbass War.[1]

Reporting and censorship

Russell's reporting has exposed the imperialist Obama administration's support for the fascist Kiev regime and their massacre of the people of the Lugansk People's Republic.[2] More recently, he's been an important voice exposing the Western bourgeois media lies about the ongoing Russo-Ukraine conflict.[3] for which his YouTube channel was banned.[4]

