Tankie Bunker

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Tankie Bunker is a Discord server, among the largest that proclaim a Marxist-Leninist line, with over 2,600 users as of May 2023. Originally created in May 2020, the server's stated intentions are to facilitate a safe space for Marxist-Leninists from all corners of the internet, free from debates and arguments with counterrevolutionary ideologies. As per their rules, only MLs can join the server.

Officially, Tankie Bunker supports all AES, including and especially the People's Republic of China; many users are Chinese and members of the CPC. Maoists, Hoxhaists, patriotic socialists and other revisionist MLs are all prohibited from joining.

A majority of TB users are members of communist parties, as previously stated with the Chinese comrades that are member of the CPC, but at the same time there are many members in the server that are also members of revisionist and opportunists parties, such as the Communist Party of the USA, though the server itself is completely independent and not affiliated with any other group or entity. The server has a strong affinity with the Monthly Review school of thought, with many of the mods recommending Baran and Sweezy's Monopoly Capitalism or Michał Kalecki's work for economic analysis.

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