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MICIMATT is a an extension of the concept of the MIC (Military-Industrial complex), the acronym stands for Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank. The term was coined by Ray McGovern, a former CIA officer turned political activist and critic of US foreign policy.[1][2]

McGovern recommends remembering the acronym by thinking "Micky Mouse" which rhymes with the intended pronunciation of MICIMATT ("Micky Matt")

Additions beyond MIC


The US congress has the power to end our wars, but they choose not to. Interestingly enough, congress has sought to avoid official declarations of war, and rather has leaned into various "authorizations for the use of force" types of legislation, to avoid the public outcry against war.[3][4]


The intelligence apparatus is keen on ensuring that war continues without interruption. Operation Cyclone and Timber Sycamore are examples of the intelligence community directly financing the very "terrorists" the "War on Terror" was targeting.


The corporate media is owned by the very corporations which profit from war, both directly through production, as well as indirectly through economic stimulus as a result of wartime industrial production. The close relationship between the media and the intelligence community can also explain this desire for war.


One example of academia producing support for war is the fact that many New Left trotskyist-types of academics have become neo-conservatives who support US imperial wars.[5]


Military contractors have funded their own pro-war think tanks, such as CACI International.[6][7]
