Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

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OPEC (dark blue) and OPEC+ (light blue)

The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is an international organization of 13 oil-producing countries. OPEC+ contains 11 additional countries, including the Russian Federation. In October 2022, against the wishes of the USA, OPEC announced it would reduce oil production by 2 million barrels (318 million liters) per day.[1]


Abdullah Tariki of Saudi Arabia and Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso of Venezuela established the Oil Consultative Commission and agreed to hold yearly meetings. After Exxon cut oil prices, the oil-producing countries met in Baghdad in September 1960 and founded OPEC. Its first resolution was to criticize the seven oil corporations and demand them to keep prices stable.[2]


  1. Prabhat Patnaik (2022-10-16). "The OPEC’s Decision to Cut Oil Output" Peoples Democracy. Archived from the original on 2022-10-14. Retrieved 2022-10-16.
  2. Vijay Prashad (2008). The Darker Nations: A People's History of the Third World: 'Caracas' (pp. 183–5). [PDF] The New Press. ISBN 9781595583420 [LG]