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Republic of Kenya

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Republic of Kenya
Jamhuri ya Kenya
Flag of Republic of Kenya
Coat of arms of Republic of Kenya
Coat of arms
Location of Republic of Kenya
and largest city
Official languagesEnglish
Dominant mode of productionCapitalism
GovernmentUnitary presidential bourgeois republic
• President
William Ruto
• Total
580,367 km²
• 2021 estimate

Kenya, officially the Republic of Kenya, is a country in Eastern Africa bordered by Tanzania, Uganda, South Sudan, Ethiopia, and Somalia.

History[edit | edit source]

Colonization[edit | edit source]

The British Empire colonized Kenya and confiscated land from the native African population. In 1948, the British confined 250,000 Kenyans to 5,200 km² of land and gave 31,000 km² to British settlers. In 1952, Kenyans rebelled against the British in the Mau Mau uprising. British colonial forces killed 90,000 Africans and imprisoned 160,000 in concentration camps.[1]

Independence[edit | edit source]

Kenya became independent from the United Kingdom in 1963. Less than a month after independence, neocolonial leader Jomo Kenyatta requested support from British troops to put down the Shifta rebellion.[2] Daniel arap Moi ruled Kenya as a one-party state from 1978 to 1992 and in a one-party system from 1992 to 2002.[3]

21st Century[edit | edit source]

In 2010 Kenya sent troops into Somalia with US backing under the pretext of fighting Al-Shabaab, and committed numerous war crimes against the Somalian people. Between 2015 and 2021, Kenya carried out 71 airstrikes in the province of Gedo, and 38 other locations in the region of Jubbaland. Not a single Al-Shabaab member was killed in the attacks on Gedo but the attacks instead caused civilian deaths, displacement, and destruction of infrastructure. In return for taking part in their proxy war, the US sold Kenya $139 million worth of military equipment over three years.[4]

Politics[edit | edit source]

William Ruto is the current president of Kenya and leads the Kenya First coalition, which opposes nepotism and capitalists who inherited their wealth but has no problem with "self-made" capitalists. Social democrat Raila Odinga leads the Resolution for Unity coalition.[5]

Economy[edit | edit source]

Peasants and the rural petty bourgeoisie make up 39% of the Kenyan population, the proletariat makes up 34%, urban petty bourgeoisie makes up 23%, and the bourgeoisie makes up 4%. Most of the bourgeoisie (3.44% of the total population) works for the government.[6]

Demographics[edit | edit source]

Ethnicity[edit | edit source]

Kenya has 42 tribes, and the largest three make up 44.7% of its population. 20 tribes have more than 200,000 members, but there are also small tribes with only 10,000 people. 92% of the population is from Bantu and Nilotic ethnolinguistic groups, 7% are Cushitic (mainly Somali), and 1% are foreigners.[6]

Ethnic groups[6]
Ethnicity Linguistic group Population (2022) Location
Kikuyu Bantu 8,140,000 Central Highlands and Mount Kenya
Luhya Bantu 6,820,000 Western Kenya
Kalenjin Nilotic 6,430,000 Western Highlands and Rift Valley
Luo Nilotic 5,000,000 Around Lake Victoria
Kamba Bantu 4,600,000 Eastern and southeastern Kenya
Somali Cushitic 2,700,000 Northern and northeastern Kenya
Kisii Bantu 2,700,000 Western Kenya
Mijikenda Bantu 2,400,000 Coastal area
Meru Bantu 1,900,000 Northeastern Kenya
Maasai Nilotic 1,100,000 South Rift Valley
Turkana Nilotic 1,100,000 Northwestern Kenya
Other (indigenous) Bantu, Cushitic, Nilotic 3,900,000
Other (non-indigenous) Indo-European, Semitic 200,000

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Courtenay Barnett (2013-07-03). "Reparations: The Case For Settlement" Black Agenda Report. Archived from the original on 2022-01-07. Retrieved 2022-08-20.
  2. Horace G. Campbell (2016-11-23). "Can Kenya lead the African Union?" Black Agenda Report. Archived from the original on 2022-01-06. Retrieved 2022-08-20.
  3. Henry Makori (2016-06-01). "Kenya Needs a People’s Revolution" Black Agenda Report. Archived from the original on 2022-01-07. Retrieved 2022-08-20.
  4. Jamal Abdulahi (2023-07-12). "Kenya Committing Atrocities in Somalia with US Backing" Black Agenda Report. Retrieved 2024-01-02.
  5. Omwami Otieno (2022-09-20). "Ruto and Odinga Rotten to the Core: Revolutionary Alternative Needed in Kenya!" Socialist Revolution. Retrieved 2022-10-02.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 "The Basic National Conditions of Kenya" (2023-02). Itikadi. Archived from the original on 2023-03-31.