Soviet purges of 1937–1938

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The Soviet purges of 1937–1938, commonly known as Great Terror or Yezhovshchina,[a] was a series of large-scale purges, trials and executions that took place in the Soviet Union in response to increasing bureaucracy, sabotage against the Soviet economy, and infiltration discovered inside the Soviet communist party and the Soviet army.[1][2][3]


  1. “From the reports and the debates on these reports heard at this plenum, it is evident that we are dealing with the following three main facts. First, the wrecking and diversionist-espionage work of agents of foreign countries, among whom a rather active role was played by the Trotskyists, affected more or less all, or nearly all, of our organizations-economic, administrative, and Party. Second, agents of foreign countries, among them the Trotskyites, penetrated not only into lower organizations, but also into certain responsible posts. Third, some of our leading comrades, both at the center and at the periphery, not only failed to discern the face of these wreckers, diversionists, spies, and killers, but proved to be so careless, complacent,and naive that at times they themselves assisted in promoting agents of foreign states to responsible posts.”

    Joseph Stalin (1937). Report to the Plenum of the Central Committee of the RKP(b). [MIA]
  2. “The evidence suggests that the Ezhovshchina [...] was not the result of a petrified bureaucracy's stamping out dissent and annihilating old radical revolutionaries. In fact, it may have been just the opposite. It is not inconsistent with the evidence to argue that the Ezhovshchina was rather a radical, even hysterical, reaction to bureaucracy. The entrenched officeholders were destroyed from above and below in a chaotic wave of voluntarism and revolutionary puritanism.”

    J. Arch Getty (1987). Origins of the Great Purges (p. 206). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9780511572616 [LG]
  3. “The actual purge was decided upon after the revelation of the Tukhachevsky military conspiracy. The discovery of such a plot at the head of the Red Army, a plot that had links with opportunist factions within the Party, provoked a complete panic.”

    Ludo Martens (1996). Another view of Stalin: 'The Great Purge; The 1937–1938 purge' (p. 163). Editions EPO. ISBN 9782872620814 [LG]


  1. Russian: Ежовщина