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Talk:Stalinism/Archive 1

Discussion page of Stalinism/Archive 1
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"Start talkin' tick tock!"

"This interesting paragraph"[edit source]

Ah yes, when someone says that, I can infer that they think of me as some sort of an inferior idiot, when contrasted to them. Comrade ProletFlag (talk) 17:55, 20 April 2022 (UTC)

Whom and what are you responding to? Comrade Forte (talk) 17:57, 20 April 2022 (UTC)

Comwik's last edit Comrade ProletFlag (talk) 18:00, 20 April 2022 (UTC)
No, I meant "interesting" literally. I liked what you wrote. However there were a couple of rough spots or typos, such as I often make myself. I just fixed them. Comrade Comwik (talk) 18:21, 11 May 2022 (UTC)

Stalinist architecture isnt even called stalinist architecture in eastern europe and russia. It is called Soviet Classicism lmao, so I dont think that example is very good since literally used only by anti-communists then too - Comrade Princess Celestia (talk) 18:06, 20 April 2022 (UTC)

I didn't even know it was called "Soviet Classicism" LMAO, the only descriptor I heard online was Stalinist or Сталинский. Some in Russia DO call it Stalinist architecture, there's a Wikipedia page titled "Сталинская Архитектура" or literally just Stalinist Architecture and there's one on it titled "Сталинский Ампир." Comrade ProletFlag (talk) 17:24, 22 April 2022 (UTC)

I honestly don't currently have the understanding in this particular subject, so I can't really say. But Comwik's paragraph just add in to the confusion of what exactly is Stalinism Comrade Forte (talk) 18:14, 20 April 2022 (UTC)

I think this article could become a very long one if elaborated long enough. The word has a decent history and there are some small political enclaves that use the word as a descriptive one. Maybe I can work on it once I get the motivation to do so. We should also do more research on the history of the word and add more to the article. We should also put one of thse plaquard things on the page for now saying that the article should not be taken uncritcally for the moment. - Comrade Princess Celestia (talk) 18:18, 20 April 2022 (UTC)

Yeah lol, I also meant "Socialist Classicism", my mistake. I only learned the alternate name because I did a short project on North Korean architecture and so by proxy i had to read a bit into the architectural movements of the USSR - Comrade Princess Celestia (talk) 17:27, 22 April 2022 (UTC)

Socialist Classicism on the English Wikipedia literally just redirects to Stalinist Architecture. But, I guess Socialist Classicism would be its technical name. Comrade ProletFlag (talk) 17:29, 22 April 2022 (UTC)

Just chipping in with some anecdotal evidence in case it is helpful to future edits to this article. I have heard various people, self-described as on the "left", that essentially use the term Stalinism/ist to denounce any perceived authoritarian elements on the "left". I spoke with an SWP (British party) activist who described the socialist, but certainly not communist, George Galloway as a Stalinist. The CPGB-ML (another British party) has been described as Stalinist not only by the media (Vice, Express) but also (again anecdotal evidence) by members of other communist organisations - those that the CPGB-ML would describe variously as revisionists and Trotskyites. - Comrade Brit commie (talk) 18:15, 22 April 2022 (UTC)

I also found an article by The National calling George Galloway a Stalinist with the following justification: his politics are "top down, manipulative, bureaucratic, workerist, suspicious of the new feminism, and resolutely pro-Soviet"; having a "Stalin-like cult of personality"; and that his "narrow Stalinism provoked the enmity of not only the UK Labour leadership under Neil Kinnock and former Communist Denis Healey but of John Smith, the liberal rising star of the pro-devolution forces in the Scottish party" (George Kerevan: The Yes movement must be wary of George Galloway). - Comrade Brit commie (talk) 10:39, 24 April 2022 (UTC)

Research[edit source]

I just did a search-engine search for 'Stalinism'. After 4 pages of results in which it is only used pejoratively, this one interesting article on 'High Stalinism' came up. -- -- Comrade Comwik (talk) 18:58, 11 May 2022 (UTC)