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Capital, vol. I

  1. Commodities and money
    1. The commodity
    2. The process of exchange
    3. Money or the circulation of commodities
  2. The transformation of money into capital
    1. The general formula for capital
    2. Contradictions in the general formula
    3. The sale and purchase of labour-power
  3. The production of absolute surplus-value
    1. The labour process and the valorization process
    2. Constant capital and variable capital
    3. The rate of surplus-value
    4. The working day
    5. The rate and mass of surplus-value
  4. The production of relative surplus-value
    1. The concept of relative surplus-value
    2. Co-operation
    3. The division of labour and manufacture
    4. Machinery and large-scale industry
  5. The production of absolute and relative surplus-value
    1. Absolute and relative surplus-value
    2. Changes of magnitude in the price of labour-power and in surplus-value
    3. Different formulae for the rate of surplus-value
  6. Wages
    1. The transformation of the value (and respectively the price) of labour-power into wages
    2. Time-wages
    3. Piece-wages
    4. National differences in wages
  7. The process of accumulation of capital
    1. Simple reproduction
    2. The transformation of surplus-value into capital
    3. The general law of capitalist accumulation
  8. So-called primitive accumulation
    1. The secret of primitive accumulation
    2. The expropriation of the agricultural population from the land
    3. Bloody legislation against the expropriated since the end of the fifteenth century. The forcing down of wages by act of parliament
    4. The genesis of the capitalist farmer
    5. Impact of the agricultural revolution on industry. The creation of a home market for industrial capital
    6. The genesis of the industrial capitalist
    7. The historical tendency of capitalist accumulation
    8. The modern theory of colonization