Topic on Talk:Psychiatry

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Yes, of course. Once of the Proletarian state is formed, what we do with psychiatry is "turn it" on the bourgeoisie...!


Yep, that's my suggestion on the issue of Psychiatry in socialist states. It will decompose on it's own in time, as it contradicts the core principles of science.

I do not have an interest in engaging in a meaningless and protracted back-and-forth as seen last time,


Meaningless back and forth? You are the one that started the conversation to begin with.

you have already been indefinitely banned from other communities for your misinformation.


It was a bullshit ban. I told an admin the truth: that ADHD cannot be objectively falsified (as required for use of the scientific method), so I logically concluded that ADHD is an unscientific label.

They pejoratively called my posts misinformation and ableism without bothering to tell me how or actually looking into how it's ableism.

Of course, I doubt those people even know what actual, not mainstream, science is.