ProleWiki:Ask the comrades

From ProleWiki, the proletarian encyclopedia

Have a question about how ProleWiki works? No one knows this community better than the people in it, so ask away! Ask the Comrades is the page you come to when you have a question burning in your brain and the support pages didn't help. It's not for everything, though. Before using this page, check the FAQ to see if your question already has an answer.

Ask the Comrades is for:

  • General questions about the wiki, how it works, and how to do things.
  • Reports of problems with wiki articles, or requests for help with wiki articles.
  • Reports of misbehavior or abuse by other Comrades.

Ask the Comrades is not for:

  • Making bug reports. See [Link to bug report page]
  • Asking for new wiki features. See [Link to wishlist]
  • Chatting with other comrades. See our social media hub and ProleWiki:Hub
  • Proposing new pages. Prolewiki is focused on Marxist theory, political economy, history and current events from a Marxist perspective. If you think ProleWiki needs page x,y, or z, and they are within that scope, add them! If you aren't a trusted editor yet, ask one to create the page for you.