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Postmodernism is an idealist movement associated with neoliberalism that rejects historical truth and science. It sees all ideas as equally viable even if they are not based in material reality[1] and completely rejects the existence of progress.[2] Postmodernists reject any theory that attempts to explain all of human history, including Marxism. Major postmodernist theorists include Jacques Derrida and Michael Foucault.[3]

CIA support

The CIA spent millions of dollars promoting postmodernist groups including museums, theoretical magazines, and cultural fronts.[3]


  1. Connor Harney (2018-12-19). "Teaching assistants’ strike stops rehabilitation of Confederate statue" Liberation News. Archived from the original on 2021-04-21. Retrieved 2022-12-31.
  2. Hamid Alizadeh (2020-08-27). "In Defence of Hegel" Socialist Appeal. Archived from the original on 2022-12-01.
  3. 3.0 3.1 J. Sykes (2022-07-03). "Red Theory: Marxism against postmodernism" Fight Back! News. Archived from the original on 2022-09-26. Retrieved 2023-02-05.