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Andrés Manuel López Obrador

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Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Born13 November 1953
Tepetitán, Tabasco, Mexico

Andrés Manuel López Obrador (born 13 November 1953), also known by his initials, AMLO is a Mexican politician who has been serving as the 65th president of Mexico since late 2018. His politics have been described as center-left progressive populist and economic nationalist. He is not a communist, nor a socialist either; and although to leftists on the outside (particularly those observing from the imperial core) his policies might appear to be a 'thorn' on the side to the imperialist global order, he has been extremely accommodating to both the Trump and Biden presidencies, and within Mexico proper, he's but a continuation of the exact same neocolonial hegemony upheld by the party that raised him (the PRI) and not a challenger but a concealer and enabler of the same capitalist political/economic framework that has ravaged Mexico especially since the end of the 20th century.


Since the very start of his presidency he has boasted that his cabinet, fellow party (MORENA) members and overall political associates are unlike the previous administration's extremely corrupt and self-serving officials, yet he brought in to his side and/or stood by some of the most notoriously vicious individuals such as Manuel Bartlett -who stands accused by independent Mexican NGO's of, among other things creating a coal mining cartel in Sonora, receiving millions of pesos from the Guadalajara cartel, establishing a shell company that sold overpriced ventilators to the Mexican institute of social security during the pandemic and failing to declare millions in real estate property-[1][2][3][4][5]as director of the federal electricity commission, Yeidckol Polevnsky -who embezzled almost 400 million pesos via paying said sum in public funds to a Queretan infrastructure company who never actually carried out the projects it was supposed to-[6] as the (now ex) secretary general of MORENA who held the post from 2017-20, Ernestina Godoy, -who served as the attorney general of Mexico City from 2018-24 (until she was deposed of her post by the local congress of Mexico City) and who in said capacity cleared of all charges 4 police officers who brutally raped a 17 year old girl in Azcapotzalco on August 3rd, 2019 due to supposed 'lack of evidence' and, who also under said capacity failed to resolve almost 40% of the annual violent deaths in the city by either not investigating said crimes at all or manipulating data concerning them in order to make it seem like the percentage was much lower-[7][8] presently a federal senator for Mexico City serving MORENA, xico City serving MORENA, Omar G. Harfuch -who served as the secretary of civilian security (i.e., the local police) from late 2019-23 thanks to a long history of working with dangerous and autonomous private security corporations and as such received millions from the Sinaloa cartel during his tenure at one of said private security corp. the previous administration. In the words of renowned Mexican journalist Anabel Hernandez he's an "awfully corrupt cop with and unimaginably dark history"-[9] the president elect's (Claudia Sheinbaum, AMLO's successor and president of Mexico as of October 2024) pick for National Secretary of Security and Civilian Protection, Felix Salgado Macedonio -a literal serial rapist and sexual abuser who's been accused multiple times of said crimes; and whom the president decidedly defended in one of his daily press conferences by responding to accusations against him with "ya chole", a phrase loosely translatable as expressing exhaustion and lack of interest in a topic because of how much its been brought up; as well as soon thereafter simply stating that the accusations against Salgado Macedonio were false and he would've supported his candidacy had it taken place. This not being enough Salgado Macedonio also stands accused of having being bribed by one of Guerrero's most notorious narcos, "La Barbie"-, member of MORENA who represented the state of Guerrero from 2021-24 and actually tried to run for the governorship of said state were it not for the electoral committee's decision to overturn his candidacy for obvious reasons[10], Pedro Salmerón -yet another serial sex offender and harraser who in his capacity as professor at ITAM and UNAM universities respectively, was accused by various individual students and feminist collectives from both colleges for his behaviour. Once again AMLO came to his defense and accused "the opposition" of coming after Salmerón for "political reasons"- the president's then pick for ambassadorship to Panama and who's bid was actually rejected by Panama themselves once again for obvious reasons[11], and many, many more quite unsavoury individuals and political allies who demonstrably show how AMLO has surrounded himself with sycophantic charlatans who're a far cry from the not at all different members of previous president's parties and cabinets.

In 2021, he announced that Mexico's strategic minerals such as lithium will be nationalized.[12][13]

In June 2022, he condemned the U.S. blockade on Cuba and called it a "genocide" and "tremendous violation of human rights."[14]


  1. Bobadilla, Omar (2019-07-28). "Las propiedades que Bartlett ocultó" Mexicanos contra la corrupción. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  2. Mexican energy reform proposal would nationalize lithium production by Murphy Woodhouse on KJZZ
  3. "Manuel Bartlett, político vinculado al narcotráfico y la corrupción" (2022-07). La Nación. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  4. La empresa de Bartlett Jr obtiene contrato de SEDENA sin que haya terminado el proceso en su contra (2021). Mexicanos contra la corrupción. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  5. "Manuel Bartlett, político vinculado al narcotráfico y la corrupción" (2022-07). La Nación. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  6. Angel, Arturo (2020-06-19). "Fiscalía abre investigación contra Yeidckol Polevnsky por presunta corrupción y peculado" Animal Político. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  7. [ "Violencia contra las mujeres Caso joven de Azcapotzalco"] (2019-06). Cátedra UNESCO UNAM Derechos Humanos. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  8. Serena, Georgina (2024-01-08). "El Congreso de Ciudad de México tumba la ratificación de la fiscal Ernestina Godoy" El País. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  9. "'Un desastre para la democracia' imponer a Harfuch en la CDMX: Anabel Hernández" (2023-10-25). Aristegui Noticias. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  10. Arista, Lidia (2021-02-26). "Caso Félix Salgado: cuando la voz de una víctima no basta en México" Expansión Mujeres. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  11. "AMLO volvió a respaldar a Félix Salgado y Pedro Salmerón ante señalamientos por acoso sexual" (2022-01-24). Infobae. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  12. AMLO Is Nationalizing Mexico’s Lithium Supply by Kurt Hackbarth on DSA-adjacent Jacobin Magazine
  13. Mexican energy reform proposal would nationalize lithium production by Murphy Woodhouse on KJZZ
  14. Ben Norton (2022-06-07). "Mexico’s President AMLO condemns US blockade of Cuba as ‘genocide’ and ‘tremendous violation of human rights’" Multipolarista. Archived from the original on 2022-06-11. Retrieved 2022-06-17.