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Andrés Manuel López Obrador

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Andrés Manuel López Obrador
Born13 November 1953
Tepetitán, Tabasco, Mexico
Political partyMORENA

Andrés Manuel López Obrador (born 13 November 1953), also known by his initials, AMLO is a Mexican politician who has been serving as the 65th president of Mexico since late 2018. Although seemingly a progressive, many of AMLO's actual decisions have been decisively reactionary, with him attempting to make himself appear to be against imperialism whilst maintaining capitalist hegemony.

Presidency[edit | edit source]

Political Allies and Cabinet Members[edit | edit source]

Since the very start of his presidency he has boasted that his cabinet, fellow party (MORENA) members and overall political associates are unlike the previous administration's extremely corrupt and self-serving officials, yet he brought in to his side and/or stood by some of the most notoriously vicious individuals in the Mexican political sphere such as:

  • Manuel Bartlett, who stands accused by independent Mexican NGOs of, among other things, creating a coal mining cartel in Sonora, receiving millions of pesos from the Guadalajara cartel, establishing a shell company that sold overpriced ventilators to the Mexican institute of social security during the pandemic and failing to declare millions in real estate property[1][2][3][4] all the while serving as director of the Federal Electricity Commission.
  • Yeidckol Polevnsky, who served as secretary general of MORENA from 2017 to 2020. During that time, they embezzled almost 400 million pesos via paying said sum in public funds to a Queretan infrastructure company who never carried out the projects it was contracted for.[5]
  • Ernestina Godoy, attorney general of Mexico City from 2018-24 (until she was deposed of her post by the local congress of Mexico City) and who in said capacity cleared of all charges 4 police officers who brutally raped a 17 year old girl in Azcapotzalco on August 3rd, 2019 due to supposed 'lack of evidence' and, who also under said capacity, failed to resolve almost 40% of the annual violent deaths in the city by either not investigating said crimes at all or manipulating data concerning them in order to make it seem like the percentage was much lower.[6][7] Presently she's a state senator for Mexico City serving MORENA but incoming President Claudia Sheinbaum has tapped her for the president's judicial counsel.
  • Omar G. Harfuch, who served as the secretary of civilian security (i.e., the local police) from late 2019-23 thanks to a long history of working with dangerous and autonomous private security corporations and as such received millions from the Sinaloa cartel during his tenure at one of said private security corporations the previous administration. In the words of renowned Mexican journalist Anabel Hernandez he's an "awfully corrupt cop with and unimaginably dark history."[8] He is the president elect's (Claudia Sheinbaum, AMLO's successor and president of Mexico as of October 2024) pick for National Secretary of Public Security (essentially making him the country's most important cop). All the previous information is just within the timeframe of his working for MORENA, however, perhaps the most unsavoury parts of his past occurred before this time. First, when he served as the head of the intelligence department for the federal police in Guerrero directly under none other than Genaro García Luna -an infamous politician later revealed to have been an operative of the Sinaloa cartel all along whilst he held the same post Sheinbaum is giving to Harfuch under Felipe Calderón's administration- and, despite claiming he never really knew him, as mentioned before[8] Harfuch has links to the Sinaloa cartel from his time in various private security companies thus making said defense extremely feeble. The second and most heinous piece of his past occurred when in 2012 he collaborated closely (this according to the Mexican authorities themselves) with Jesus Murillo Karam, the state prosecutor who carried out the "investigation" into the infamous Ayotzinapa state crime and who, with the help of Harfuch, came up with the so-called "verdad histórica" (historic truth) regarding what the government did in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero on the night of September 26, 2014[9][10]. Once again quoting Annabel Hernandez, Harfuch holding the aforementioned position is certainly a "disaster for democracy".[8]
  • Felix Salgado Macedonio, a literal serial rapist and sexual abuser who's been accused multiple times of said crimes; and whom the president decidedly defended in one of his daily press conferences by responding to accusations against him with "ya chole", a phrase loosely translatable as expressing exhaustion and lack of interest in a topic because of how much its been brought up; as well as soon thereafter simply stating that the accusations against Salgado Macedonio were false and that he actually would have supported his candidacy had it taken place. This not being enough Salgado Macedonio also stands accused of having being bribed by one of Guerrero's most notorious narcos, "La Barbie". Salgado Macedonio is a member of MORENA who represented the state of Guerrero in the senate from 2021-24 and actually tried to run for the governorship of said state were it not for the electoral committee's decision to overturn his candidacy for obvious reasons.[11] Him being a known rapist notwithstanding, still holds MORENA's senate seat for Guerrero to this day and his daughter, Evelyn Salgado, actually did win the governorship of the state under the same party.
  • Pedro Salmerón, yet another serial sex offender and harraser who in his capacity as professor at ITAM and UNAM universities respectively, was accused by various individual students and feminist collectives from both colleges for his behaviour. Once again AMLO came to his defense and accused "the opposition" of coming after Salmerón for "political reasons". He was the president's chosen for ambassadorship to Panama and whose bid was actually rejected by Panama themselves once again for obvious reasons.[12]
  • Adán Augusto López, an ex-governor of AMLO's home state (Tabasco) who, according to documents hacked and leaked by the anarchist group 'Guacamaya' from Mexico's very own National Security agency (SEDENA), purposely appointed several state level police officers whom he knew had strong ties to the CJNG (Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación, one of the largest and most powerful criminal organizations not just in Mexico (where its second only to the Sinaloa Cartel) but in the world as well) in order to legitimize his mandate there and stay out of trouble with the cartel. Quite shortly after the leak, AMLO of course came to his defense much in the same vein of Salgado Macedonio's accusations, claiming that Adán Augusto was "an honest man"[13]. He served as AMLO's Secretary of State and after the June 2024 election, he's now MORENA's senator for Tabasco and holds the position akin to majority leader in the US senate.
  • Rosalinda López, Adán Augusto's now defunct sister, who most recently held a seat at the senate for Tabasco (and MORENA) was however between 2020-23 the general administrator of the federal audit for the Mexican equivalent of the IRS, and in said capacity, she received almost half a billion pesos in various contracts through a complex web[10] starting with his husband, MORENA's Chiapas governor Rutilio Escandón, granting hundreds of millions in state funds -state funds which Chiapas, Mexico's poorest state very much needed- to shell companies of the Carballo Zurita sisters. Emilio Carballo Zurita, their brother and head of the family, then siphoned this money to himself and his wife's accounts in order for it to finally end up with mr Zurita's boss's: Rosalinda López[14].
  • Carlos Lomelí, who worked as a representative of the federal government in Jalisco; and is now to take the oath as this state's senator (in both instances for MORENA) was discovered in 2019 to own -either directly or via family members- a complex network of several pharmaceutical shell companies operating in the state selling overpriced drugs to the state's own health sector. Had it not been for the Jalisco justice department conveniently dropping their several cases against him, he would've been charged with influence peddling, bribery, misappropriation of state funds and conflict of interest; however, the investigation against his companies themselves did not stop[15].
  • Martí Batres, now the current mayor of Mexico City under MORENA, is a nefariously corrupt official who became -in-famous in 1999 when in his tenure as a member of the Mexico City local congress he alongside other PRD legislators carried out the distribution of milk to sell to marginalized communities for a cheap price. This milk however was thoroughly contaminated with literal fecal matter and was as a matter fact, not even milk at all[16]. More recently however, whilst ruling over the city as major, it became known in early march 2024 that the water supply in some 9 municipalities within the Benito Juárez delegation was contaminated with noxiously large amounts of oil and/or gasoline. Instead of immediately closing the well which supplied these localities however, Batres chose to wait a week before doing anything about the issue, and in between, disregarded the matter as unimportant and fake clearly risking the lives of hundreds or even thousands of citizens who consumed said water and quite quickly became hospitalized [17].
  • Ana Gabriela Guevara, easily the single most corrupt individual in AMLO's entire personal circle[18] can have so many things said about her that she's deserving of her own section. Nevertheless, we must begin by examining how during her tenure (which despite all the information you're about to read lasted the whole 6 years of AMLO's presidency) as president of the CONADE (essentially the national commission for sports and physical culture) she first and foremost neglected Mexico's athletes to the point where more than a whopping 170 of them sued her (and most won or are in the process thereof) for gross negligence because she deliberately withdrew the economic support with which they sustain themselves and their athletic careers (which among other things allowed them to compete in the Olympics) for various, not only arbitrary but also forbidden under the CONADE's own legal rulebook reasons[19]. A good example of Guevara's despotic behaviour in this circumstance is the reason she gave for the withdrawal of the support specifically for all aquatic athletes: In late 2022 the World Swimming Federation sanctioned the then president of Mexico's National Swimming Federation, one Kiril Todorov, for embezzling more than 15 million pesos from the Federation; and as a result, Guevara argued she couldn't provide the national team any funding because "she'd be breaking the law". This however, was simply false; as she could've easily provided the support directly to them (as opposed to through the Federation) but chose not to because as later a leaked audio from early 2023 confirmed, she was in cahoots with Kiril Todorov and rather wanted the athletes to defend him; and when they very justly refused, she vindictively revoked their means of subsistence as punishment[20].

Policy[edit | edit source]

In 2021, he announced that Mexico's strategic minerals such as lithium will be nationalized.[21][22]

In June 2022, he condemned the U.S. blockade on Cuba and called it a "genocide" and "tremendous violation of human rights."[23]

Reference[edit | edit source]

  1. Bobadilla, Omar (2019-07-28). "Las propiedades que Bartlett ocultó" Mexicanos contra la corrupción. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  2. "Manuel Bartlett, político vinculado al narcotráfico y la corrupción" (2022-07). La Nación. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  3. La empresa de Bartlett Jr obtiene contrato de SEDENA sin que haya terminado el proceso en su contra (2021). Mexicanos contra la corrupción. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  4. "Manuel Bartlett, político vinculado al narcotráfico y la corrupción" (2022-07). La Nación. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  5. Angel, Arturo (2020-06-19). "Fiscalía abre investigación contra Yeidckol Polevnsky por presunta corrupción y peculado" Animal Político. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  6. "Violencia contra las mujeres. Caso joven de Azcapotzalco" (2019-06). Cátedra UNESCO UNAM Derechos Humanos. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  7. Serena, Georgina (2024-01-08). "El Congreso de Ciudad de México tumba la ratificación de la fiscal Ernestina Godoy" El País. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 "'Un desastre para la democracia' imponer a Harfuch en la CDMX: Anabel Hernández" (2023-10-25). Aristegui Noticias. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  9. Celaya G., Ana Karen (2024-06-05). "Omar García Harfuch: ¿Cuál fue su relación con García Luna?" El Imparcial. Retrieved September 12, 2024.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Roldán, Nayeli (2024-06-04). "Harfuch, Godoy, Beltrones, Murat, Salgado Macedonio y otros personajes polémicos que llegarán al Senado tras elección" Animal Político. Retrieved September 12, 2024.
  11. Arista, Lidia (2021-02-26). "Caso Félix Salgado: cuando la voz de una víctima no basta en México" Expansión Mujeres. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  12. "AMLO volvió a respaldar a Félix Salgado y Pedro Salmerón ante señalamientos por acoso sexual" (2022-01-24). Infobae. Retrieved September 11, 2024.
  13. "“Adán es un hombre honesto”: AMLO rechaza reportes sobre que secretario nombró a mandos policiacos con presunto nexo criminal" (2022-10-17). Retrieved September 12, 2024.
  14. Higareda, Diana (2023-08-08). "Operador de Rosalinda López, número dos del SAT, recibe contratos por 478 mdp del gobierno de Chiapas" Latinus. Retrieved September 12, 2024.
  15. "Función Pública tiene 7 investigaciones contra Carlos Lomelí y sus empresas" (2019-07-15). Animal Político. Retrieved September 12, 2024.
  16. Mejía, Francisco (2023-06-23). "Los pasos de Batres" Crónica. Retrieved September 13, 2024..
  17. Vázquez Herrera, Olivia (2024-04-11). "Tras crisis de agua contaminada en Benito Juárez, recuerdan cuando Martí Batres repartió leche con heces fecales" Infobae. Retrieved September 13, 2024.
  18. Flores Martínez Raul (2024-03-14). "Ana Guevara, la funcionaria más corrupta del sexenio" Excélsior. Retrieved 2024-9-24.
  19. Rojas, Marisol (2024-06-30). "Señalamientos de corrupción, maltrato a deportistas y exigencia de rendición de cuentas corren tras Ana Guevara" El Economista. Retrieved 2024-09-24.
  20. "Abogado exhibe a Ana Guevara, quien argumenta estar “atada de manos” para darle recursos a atletas de disciplinas acuáticas: “Es la farsa más grande”" (2024-07-02). Latinus. Retrieved 2024-09-24.
  21. AMLO Is Nationalizing Mexico’s Lithium Supply by Kurt Hackbarth on DSA-adjacent Jacobin Magazine
  22. Mexican energy reform proposal would nationalize lithium production by Murphy Woodhouse on KJZZ
  23. Ben Norton (2022-06-07). "Mexico’s President AMLO condemns US blockade of Cuba as ‘genocide’ and ‘tremendous violation of human rights’" Multipolarista. Archived from the original on 2022-06-11. Retrieved 2022-06-17.