Comrade:Literallywho Ingodsname/sandbox

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Neo-Nazi groups, symbols, figures, dog whistles, et cetera. Some of the content included here may be disturbing


  • 113% - A way of saying "Aryan Circle 100%". 'A' is the first letter in the Roman alphabet and 'C' is the third (hence the extra '13').
  • 12 - A reference to the "AB", as 'A' is the first letter of the Roman alphabet and 'B' is the second.
  • 13 - A reference to the "AC", as 'A' is the first letter of the Roman alphabet and 'C' is the third.
  • 136 - A way of saying "Aryan Circle Forever", as 'A' is the first letter of the Roman alphabet, 'C' is the third, and 'F' is the sixth.
  • 1388 - From "13" and "88". Variant of the traditional "1488". Used by members of the Aryan Circle.
  • 14 - See "Fourteen Words".
  • 1488 - Two acronyms paired together ("14" and "88").
  • 18 - An reference to a different acronym, "AH", as 'A' is the first letter of the Latin alphabet and 'H' is the eighth.
  • 1933 - The year that Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany.
  • 318 - A reference to a different acronym, "C18".
  • 38 - A reference to the Hammerskin Nation, a neo-Nazi group with two Crossed Hammers in its logo. The word 'Crossed' begins with a 'C' (the third letter in the Roman alphabet) and the word 'Hammer' with an 'H' (the eighth letter in the Roman alphabet).
  • 838 - A reference to the Hammerskin Nation, a neo-Nazi group with two Crossed Hammers in its logo. The eighth letter in the Roman alphabet is 'H' and the third letter in the Roman alphabet is 'C'. See "HCH".
  • 88 - A reference to a different acronym, "HH", as 'H' is the eighth letter of the alphabet.
  • AB - An abbreviation of the 'Aryan Brotherhood'.
  • AC - An abbreviation of the 'Aryan Circle', a neo-Nazi, white supremacist prison gang in the United States.
  • AH - The initials of Adolf Hitler.
  • ANP - An abbreviation of the 'American Nazi Party'.
  • AR - An abbreviation of 'Antipodean Resistance'.
  • ARA - An abbreviation of the 'Aryan Republican Army'.
  • ASF - An abbreviation of 'Aryan Strikeforce'.
  • AWB - An abbreviation of the 'Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging' (Afrikaner Resistance Movement), an neo-Nazi, Afrikaner nationalist organisation in South Africa.
  • AWD - An abbreviation of the 'Atomwaffen Division'.
  • AWDD - An abbreviation of 'Atomwaffen Division Deutschland', the German branch of the Atomwaffen Division.
  • AWDE - An abbreviation of 'Atomwaffen Division Europe', a branch of AWD Deutschland for Poles and Ukrainians.
  • AWDR - An abbreviation of 'Atomwaffen Division Russland', the Russian branch of the Atomwaffen Division.
  • AWDSS - An abbreviation of 'Atomwaffen Division Finland Siitoin Squadron', the Finnish branch of the Atomwaffen Division.
  • BBET - An abbreviation of "Bloed, Bodem, Eer en Trouw" (Blood, Soil, Honour and Loyalty).
  • C18 - An abbreviation of 'Combat 18', a neo-Nazi group based in Europe and North America.
  • C88 - An abbreviation of 'Column 88', a neo-Nazi org based in the United Kingdom.
  • CFFC - See "Circle Forever, Forever Circle".
  • CODOH - An abbreviation of 'Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust'.
  • FKD - An abbreviation of the 'Feuerkrieg Division', the Baltic branch of the Atomwaffen Division.
  • GNLS - See "Good Night Left Side".
  • GTKRWN - An abbreviation of "Gas The K*kes, Race War Now".
  • HCH - An abbreviation of "Hail [the] Crossed Hammers". 'Crossed Hammers' refers to the logo of the Hammerskin Nation, a neo-Nazi group.
  • HH - An abbreviation of "Heil Hitler", a greeting used in Nazi Germany.
  • HRP - An abbreviation of 'Historical Review Press'.
  • IHR - An abbreviation of the 'Institute for Historical Review'.
  • JHR - An abbreviation of the 'Journal of Historical Review'.
  • JQ - An abbreviation of the 'Jewish Question'.
  • KKK - An abbreviation of the 'Ku Klux Klan', a primarily white supremacist organisation, although it has some neo-Nazi elements.
  • KKKK - An abbreviation of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan; also used by Kekistani trolls, who incorporate four K's instead of the traditional three K's into their flag.
  • KO51 - An abbreviation of 'Knockout 51', a right-wing German martial arts group. The '51' refers to Eisenach, where the group is based, as license plates in Eisenach begin with 'EA', and 'E' is the fifth letter of the alphabet while 'A' is the first.
  • LSF - An abbreviation of the 'Legion for the Survival of Freedom'.
  • MEHT - An abbreviation of the phrase 'Meine Ehre heißt Treue' (My honour is loyalty). See "My Honour is Loyalty".
  • NLR - An abbreviation of the 'Nazi Lowriders'.
  • NLYS - An abbreviation of the phrase "Never Lose Your Smile".
  • NO - An abbreviation of the 'Northern Order', the Canadian branch of the Atomwaffen Division.
  • NOS - An abbreviation of the 'Nuovo Ordine Sociale', the Italian branch of the Atomwaffen Division.
  • NPI - An abbreviation of the 'National Policy Institute'.
  • NSLF - An abbreviation of the 'National Socialist Liberation Front'.
  • NSM - An abbreviation of the 'National Socialist Movement'.
  • NSN - An abbreviation of the 'National Socialist Network'.
  • NSPA - An abbreviation of the 'National Socialist Party of Australia'.
  • NSWPP - An abbreviation of the 'National Socialist White People's Party'.
  • NYA - An abbreviation of the 'National Youth Alliance'.
  • O9A - An Abbreviation of 'Order of Nine Angles'.
  • ONA - An abbreviation of 'Order of Nine Angles'.
  • ORION - An abbreviation of 'Our Race Is Our Nation'.
  • RWD - An abbreviation of the 'R*pewaffen Division'.
  • RWDS - An abbreviation of "Right Wing Death Squad".
  • SS - An abbreviation of the 'Schutzstaffel', the main paramilitary group of the Nazi Party; alternatively, "Super Straight".
  • TGKSID - An abbreviation of the phrase 'The Goyim Know, Shut It Down'.
  • TND - An abbreviation of the phrase 'Total N***er Death'.
  • TWP - An abbreviation of the 'Traditionalist Worker Party'.
  • VffG - An abbreviation of 'Vierteljahreshefte für freie Geschichtsforschung' (Quarterly Magazine for Free Historical Research)
  • WAR - An abbreviation of the 'White Aryan Resistance', a neo-Nazi organisation in the United States.
  • WPWW - An abbreviation of the phrase "White Pride Worldwide".
  • WTRX - An abbreviation of 'White Rex', the nom-de-guerre of Russian neo-Nazi Denis Yevgenyevich Kapustin
  • WUFENS - An abbreviation of the 'World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists'.
  • WUNS - An abbreviation of the 'World Union of National Socialists'.





  • Alfed Konder (1953–), Statesian author, genealogist, and antisemite.
  • Alisher Mukhitdinov, founder of Iron March.
  • Allan B. Kennady, also known as Samuel Crowell or Ehrlich606.
  • Bradley R. Smith (1930–2016), self-described "Holocaust revisionist" and founder of the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust.
  • Brandon Clint Russell (1995–), founder of the Atomwaffen Division.
  • Christopher Charles Cantwell (1980–), better known as the "Crying Nazi".
  • David Ernest Duke (1950–), Statesian politician and former grand wizard of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
  • David John Cawdell Irving (1938–), British author, historian, and prominent Holocaust denier.
  • David Wulstan Myatt (1950–), leader of the Order of Nine Angles (allegedly) and prominent British neo-Nazi.
  • Dean Irebodd, also known as "DenierBud".
  • Deanna Spingola, author, conspiracy theorist, Holocaust denier, and host of the Spingola Speaks radio show.
  • Dylann Storm Roof (1994–), perpetrator of the Charleston church shooting.
  • Edward William "Teddy" Eberhardt Clark (1995[1]–2018), Statesian neo-Nazi suspected of planning a massacre with his brother Jeffrey. Died from suicide by gunshot in 2018.
  • Friedrich Paul Berg (1943–2019), Statesian engineer and Holocaust denier.
  • George Lincoln Rockwell (1918–1967), founder and leader of both the American Nazi Party and the World Union of National Socialists until his assassination in 1967.
  • Greg Raven, CEO and President of the Legion for the Survival of Freedom.
  • Jeffrey Raphiel "Raph" Clark, Jr., Statesian neo-Nazi suspected of planning a massacre with his brother Edward. Plead guilty to one count of criminal possession of a firearm and was sentenced to time served followed by three years of supervised release.[2]
  • John Clive Ball, Canadian geologist and supposed "air photo expert" who claims that he can disprove the Holocaust by looking at blurry aerial photos of Nazi death camps and massacre sites taken during World War II.
  • Jürgen Graf (1951–), Swiss author, translator, historian, and Holocaust denier.
  • Léon Joseph Marie Ignace Degrelle (1906–1994), Leader of the Rexist Party, SS-Standartenführer, and prominent Belgian neo-Nazi.
  • Matthias "Matt" Koehl Jr. (1935–2014), longest-serving Commander of the American Nazi Party and twice the Leader of the World Union of National Socialists.
  • Michael Joseph Sobran Jr. (1946–2010), Statesian paleoconservative columnist, fellow at the Mises Institute, and Holocaust denier.
  • Pierre Marais (1921–2019), French Holocaust denier convicted for the crime.
  • Richard Bertrand Spencer (1978–), President of the National Policy Institute and prominent figure of the alt-right.
  • Ronald "Ron" Keeva Unz (1961–), Statesian politician, political activist, writer, multi-millionaire, and Holocaust deniers.
  • Santiago Alvarez (likely a pseudonym), author of The Gas Vans: A Critical Investigation (2011).
  • Vasillios George Pistolis, former lance corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps, member of the Atomwaffen Division, and participant in the Unite the Right rally. Pistolis was court martialed, imprisoned, had his pay docked, and was separated from the USMC for his affiliation with extremist groups, his participation in the Unite the Right rally (during which he committed numerous acts of violence), and him lying about it afterwards.
  • Willis Allison Carto (1926–2015), Statesian neo-Nazi and Holocaust denier who founded or helped found the American Free Press, the Foundation to Defend the First Amendment, the Institute for Historical Review, the Liberty Lobby, the National Youth Alliance, and the Populist Party.


  • Blood and Soil - A slogan calling for the unification of blood (people of the "correct" racial group) and soil (vast stretches of arable land), i.e., a slogan calling for the removal of indigenous peoples from their land so that the people of the "correct" racial group can settle on and cultivate the land.
  • Circle Forever, Forever Circle - The 'Circle' being referred to is the Aryan Circle, a neo-Nazi prison gang. Anyone who says this is pledging their allegiance to the group for life.
  • Fourteen Words - Two neo-Nazi and White supremacist slogans created by David Eden Lane. The first, more infamous one is "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children", and the second is "because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth."
  • Good Night Left Nut - Most likely a variant of the phrase "Good Night Left Side". On 22 August 2017 at an anti-Trump rally in Phoenix, Arizona, officer Christopher Turiano of the Phoenix Police Department shot a protestor named Joshua Cobin in the groin with non-lethal ammunition after he kicked a tear gas canister towards police. Later in February 2021, the existence and circulation of a coin with the inscription "Good Night Left Nut" on one side and a caricature of Cobin on the other (obviously commemorating the event) was made public.
  • Good Night Left Side - A far-right, neo-Nazi slogan popular in Europe, North America, and Israel which threatens violence against anyone perceived as "left-wing". The slogan is often accompanied by an image of a right-winger brutalising a left-winger and/or left-wing symbols.
  • My Honour is Loyalty - A motto of the Waffen-SS. "Meine Ehre heißt Treue" in the original German.
  • Never Lose Your Smile - A slogan essentially telling neo-Nazis to never lose sight of or hope for Hitler's vision. The 'smile' this phrase is referring to is the "Totenkopf", a skull and crossbones symbol used heavily by the Nazis.
  • Our Folk Is Our Faith - A variant of "Our Race Is Our Nation". They're often used in conjunction with one another.
  • Our Race Is Our Nation - A white supremacist slogan which values racial ties above national ties.
  • Right Wing Death Squad - Originally used to refer to right-wing paramilitary groups in Latin America who targetted and murdered left-wingers, this phrase has since been adopted by the Statesian far-right to refer to themselves.
  • Six Million Cookies - A "joke" used to express scepticism regarding the number of Jews who were murdered in the Holocaust (commonly estimated to be 6 million). Holocaust deniers argue that it was not mathematically possible for the Cookie Monster (the Nazis) to have baked (gassed) six million cookies (Jews) in the span of just four years (1941–1945) given the number of ovens (gas chambers); even though the claim being made is not that six million Jews were gassed, but that six million Jews were murdered.
  • White Power - Self-explanatory.
  • White Pride - Self-explanatory.
  • White Pride Worldwide - Self-explanatory.
  • You Will Not Replace Us - A reference to the white replacement conspiracy theory.


Talk Shows



  • ((())) - See "Triple Parentheses".
  • Echo - See "Triple Parentheses".
  • Triple Brackets - See "Triple Parentheses".
  • Triple Parentheses - Used to highlight that someone or something thought to be Jewish.
