
Discussion page of Comrade:ComradeToonces


Welcome to ProleWiki, comrade. We are glad that you can share what you know about Marxist economics, political economy in Bolivia, and information about People's Republic of China. Feel free to edit what you can complement or correct following your best understanding, always sourced, if possible. Don't worry about disagreements, they are bound to happen, and we deal with it through critique. Ideally, we abide by certain principles, which gives us a direction.

ProleWiki is still in its very early stages, but with more people collectively sharing and using this resource, it can eventually become a self-sustainable resource like There are many ways to contribute with the project, one of them is editing. Your coding skills could be useful as well if you wish to help with that. Financial contributions helps the project to cover its hosting expenses and can ensure the long-term existence of the project.

If you use Discord, we also have a server there which facilitates the communication between editors and some users. I hope that you can contribute with the proletarian cause through ProleWiki in any way you can! Comrades are an international family! 💪️ — Comrade Forte (talk) 04:55, 9 February 2022 (UTC)